"Taking a Stance4Health - Personalised Nutrition for Public Health" Stance4Health Final Conference
DRG4FOOD Project it's been invited to participate to the final conference “Taking a Stance4Health – Personalised Nutrition for Public Health”.
DRG4FOOD Project it's been invited to participate to the final conference “Taking a Stance4Health – Personalised Nutrition for Public Health”.
The Horizon Europe project AgroServ will organise its first annual conference on research services on agroecology that will take place from the 5th to the 6th of June 2023 at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (in-person & online).
The 10th FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists will take place in Hamburg, Germany from July 9 -13.th, 2023. This event is dedicated to showcasing the latest developments in microbiology and connect to microbiologists from all over the world.
Si terrà a Molfetta (BA) dal 18 al 21 aprile 2023 l’XI International Symposium on artichoke, cardoon and their wild relatives, organizzato dall’Università di Foggia in collaborazione con ISHS International Society for Horticultural Science.
ENEA partecipa all'evento "SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2023” che si terrà a Praga dal 24 al 27 Aprile 2023.
The European Commission, Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development is organising the 2023 EU AgriResearch Conference on 31 May – 1 June 2023. This year’s edition will give participants the opportunity to engage with scientists, farmers, rural communities, industry, advisors, policymakers, citizens and NGO representatives. It will provide an overview of European research and innovation activities and their achievements in agriculture, forestry and rural development.
The side event “Multi-stakeholder collaboration for more sustainable food systems in the Mediterraneanis aim to showcase food systems transformation processes and pathways in the Mediterranean.
The General Assembly Meeting of ENERO, the European Network of Environmental Research Organisations, will take place from the 13th to the 14th of April in Valencia at ADEIT – FUNDACIÓ UNIVERSITAT-EMPRESA DE VALÈNCIA and at CEAM Foundation (EUPHORE Labs).
Dal 28 al 30 Marzo 2023 ENEA parteciperà all’Assemblea Generale annuale del contratto C3S_520 a Roma presso la sede centrale del CNR.
L'obiettivo del progetto C3S2_520 è la continuazione del sistema di valutazione e controllo di qualità (EQC) implementato nel Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) per la maggior parte dei dataset disponibili nel Climate Data Store , ovvero previsioni stagionali, proiezioni climatiche, rianalisi, osservazioni in situ e satellitari. Il progetto C3S2_520 è guidato da CNR-ISMAR, come contraente principale e coordinatore scientifico.
Il prossimo 30 marzo si svolgerà, online, l’incontro dedicato alla presentazione delle attività di ricerca italiane alla Piattaforma Europea Plants for the Future ETP.