The FAIRMODE Plenary meeting 2023 will be held in Rome
Tipo di evento | Meeting Internazionali |
Partecipazione | Evento in presenza |
Inizio | 02/03/2023 - 13:00 |
Fine | 03/03/2023 - 13:00 |
Luogo |
Roma, Italia Dettagli
Personale di riferimento |
The annual plenary meeting of FAIRMODE (Forum for AIR quality MODEling of the European Commission), an activity led by the Joint Research Center (JRC), will be held in Rome on 2 and 3 March 2023, with the organizational support of ENEA.
FAIRMODE was created in 2007 to facilitate the exchange of experiences and results in the context of the application of the air quality directives and to promote the use of models for air quality assessment and management in a harmonized way between Member States of the European Union. The forum includes experts appointed by the Member States (National Contact Point) and the access of the scientific community and air quality administrators is open.
The Atmospheric Pollution Laboratory (INAT) of ENEA has represented the Ministry of the Environment (now the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security) in FAIRMODE since the beginning of its activities, with Mihaela Mircea as National Contact Point. ENEA actively contributes to the activity of the forum, with Antonio Piersanti co-chair of CT3 – Quality indicators for model forecast, and with participation in international comparison exercises between models and methodologies (source apportionment, spatial representativeness of monitoring stations, European Composite Map, microscale models) applied to air quality management and to the creation of guidelines, manuals and tools (source apportionment, model validation, DELTA tool assessment). Furthermore, ENEA contributed to the Fairmode document of recommendations for the revisione of the Air Quality Directive, proposed by the European Commission on 26 October and is currently under negotiation between the Member States and the European Parliament.
Programs, presentations and minutes of Fairmode meetings since 2008 are available here. sono disponibili programmi, presentazioni e minute delle riunioni di Fairmode dal 2008. In the recent technical meeting in Oslo (18-20/10/2022), ENEA presented the validation of the MINNI forecasting model on Europe in CT3, the SOM methodology of selection of the representative days in CT4, the sensitivity simulations of MINNI to the emission variations on the Po Valley in progress in CT9.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 20 Dicembre 2022