EJP Soil SERENA - Alignment of terminology towards sustainable soil management
The way towards climate-smart sustainable soil management in the European Union is in the focus of the project SERENA as a part of the European Joint Programme (EJP) Soil.
The way towards climate-smart sustainable soil management in the European Union is in the focus of the project SERENA as a part of the European Joint Programme (EJP) Soil . In the course of this project and similar attempts, numerous soil-related terms are in use. For most of these terms there are various definitions, which are more or less clear, intuitive and precise. Nevertheless, it is of great importance that a common and homogeneous language is spoken and a common understanding is secured in scientific and political communication about sustainable soil management. The following link https://www.soscisurvey.de/EJP_SERENA12/ will direct you to a survey which is supposed to align the terminology amongst a broad range of soil specialists and interested members of the public. We kindly ask you for around 20 minutes of your valuable time to go through the survey and rate the proposed definitions following your educated opinion.
The survey is open until 15th of August, 2023, it is completely anonymized, no personal data is collected or invisibly stored, your answers will not be transferred to any third parties. Your participation will help us and the European soil community considerably to progress towards an effective and understandable communication.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 30 Giugno 2023