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News and Events tagged: Environment
News and events tagged with Environment.
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- Additive Manufacturing
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- Agrivoltaico
- Agro-food
- Agro-industry
- Agrospace
- Food
- Environment
- Biodiversity
- Bio-economy
- Biorestoration
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- Climate change
- Climate
- Eco-toxicology
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- Circular economy
- Energy efficiency
- Energy
- Forests
- Formation
- Industry
- Air pollution
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- Sea
- Critical raw materials
- Microbiology
- Microplastics
- Microscopy
- Nature-based Solutions
- Notte Europea dei Ricercatori
- New materials
- Open data
- Cultural heritage
- Plastics
- Air quality
- Materials recovery and recycling
- Natural risks
- Health
- Ecosystem services
- Soil
- Technology
- Territory
- Transizione ecologica
27 May 2021
Al via gli incontri di sensibilizzazione con le amministrazioni comunali per il progetto NETWAP
20 May 2021
Nasce in Liguria la prima “Smart Bay” italiana promossa da ENEA per lo studio del cambiamento climatico
18 May 2021
Il laboratorio CLIM partecipa all’Assemblea Generale del Copernicus Climate Change Service.
18 May 2021