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This section gathers the most relevant Projects of the last 10 years with the participation of Dipartimento Sostenibilità dei Sistemi Produttivi e Territoriali.

378 Projects are currently available, most of which are/were funded by EU Programmes.

For more information about ENEA participation to EU Projects please refer to the official database on

Hai selezionato 65 progetti
Title Funding Framework Programme Date Start End Date Project Manager
Creazione di un HUB italiano a supporto della partecipazione dell’Italia alla Global Soil Partnership ed alla rete di eccellenza europea sulla ricerca sul suolo
Other Programmes MIPAAF Decreto del Dipartimento delle Politiche Europee ed Internazionali e dello Sviluppo Rurale – DISR IV Prot. 35851 del 5/11/2019 Nov 2020 Jan 2025 Annamaria Bevivino
Laboratory Agrifood Sustainability, Quality and Safety
Small MICROplastics bioindicaToRs in the changing ArctiC EnviRonment
National Programmes PRA Programma Ricerca Artico Aug 2021 Jan 2025 Valentina Iannilli
The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Laboratory
Accordo di collaborazione “Atto esecutivo tra CUFAA comando unità forestali, ambientali e agroalimentari, e enea per l’esecuzione di un’azione di monitoraggio in 1 o più siti nei parchi nazionali o aree protette statali del territorio italiano”
Other Programmes Jun 2020 Dec 2024 Ettore Petralia
Atmospheric Pollution Laboratory
METROFOOD-RI Early Phase Implementation
EU Programmes HORIZON Europe Jan 2024 Dec 2024 Claudia Zoani
BIOAG Head Office
PAnels Recycling to create SIlicon VALue chain
EU Programmes EIT Jan 2023 Dec 2024 Maria Lucia Protopapa
Laboratory Functional materials and technologies for sustainable applications
Effects of Changing Albedo and Precipitation on the Arctic Climate
National Programmes PRA Programma Ricerca Artico Jan 2021 Dec 2024 Virginia Ciardini
The Observations and Measurements for Environment and Climate Laboratory
Air pollution removal by urban forests for a better human well-being
EU Programmes LIFE/LIFE+ Sep 2020 Dec 2024 Alessandra De marco
Section Technology transfer to developing countries relating to climate change
Modeling and mapping soil biodiversity patterns and functions across Europe
EU Programmes HORIZON 2020 Dec 2021 Nov 2024 Annamaria Bevivino
Laboratory Agrifood Sustainability, Quality and Safety
Agro-ecological strategies for promoting climate change mItigation and adaptation by enhancing soil ecosystem services and sustainable crop production
EU Programmes HORIZON 2020 Nov 2022 Nov 2024 Annamaria Bevivino
Laboratory Agrifood Sustainability, Quality and Safety
Regeneration of injured spinal cord by electro pulsed bio-hybrid approach
EU Programmes HORIZON 2020 May 2021 Oct 2024 Claudia Consales
Laboratory Health and Environment
Harnessing the value of tomato genetic resources for now and the future
EU Programmes HORIZON 2020 Oct 2021 Sep 2024 Giovanni Giuliano
Advanced CRMs Recycling from spent LFP Batteries
EU Programmes ERANET Aug 2022 Jul 2024 Federica Forte
Laboratory Technologies for the Reuse, Recycling, Recovery and valorisation of Waste and Materials
Structural biology research infrastructures for translational research and discovery
EU Programmes HORIZON 2020 Feb 2022 Jul 2024 Claudia Zoani
MoU FAO and Italian Research Institutions
Memorandum of understandig between FAO and Italian Research Institutions
Other Programmes Jun 2021 Jul 2024
Actuators based on LIght sensitive CompositE
Other Programmes Finanziamento Proof of Concept del fondo Eureka! TT S.r.l. Oct 2022 Jul 2024 Giuseppe Nenna
Laboratory Nanomaterials and devices