Assistenza tecnica per l'introduzione di tecnologie innovative e strumenti per ridurre il rischio e la vulnerabilità e rafforzare l’adattamento al cambiamento climatico nell’ecosistema marino cubano
Valutazione degli effetti dovuti all’esposizione dei campi magnetici a 50 Hz, con particolare riferimento all’ induzione di eventi cellulari e molecolari coinvolti nell’insorgenza di leucemia linfoblastica acuta (LLA)
Partnership for european research in radiation protection and
detection of ionising radiation: towards a safer use and improved protection
of the environment and human health.
Optimizing Benefit/Risk Ratio in Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Radiotherapy: Identifying Molecular, Cellular and Imaging Signatures of Breast Cancer Heterogeneity to Improve Personalized Therapeutic Strategies for Synergistic Treatment Combinations
Innovative and sustainable processes for the development of Vitamin D nutraceutical from fish waste: extraction, formulation and clinical study for the evaluation of its bioavailability and clinical equivalence
MULTI-faceted CLIMate adaptation ACTions to improve resilience, preparedness and responsiveness of the built environment against multiple hazards at multiple scales
Framework for defining climate mitigation pathways based on understanding and integrated assessment of climate impacts, adaptation strategies and societal transformation
Promoting ESG principles and healthy nutritional habits to increase competitiveness, market diversification and effective communication for consumers in Adriatic-Ionian aquaculture and fishery sectors
Accordo di Collaborazione, ai sensi dell’Art.15 della legge 7 agosto 1990, N. 241 e S.M.I., tra ENEA e MASE, per lo svolgimento di attività internazionali sul tema della qualità dell’aria
Accordo di Collaborazione scientifica con l’Università di Anversa per la determinazione del contenuto di radionuclidi e della geocronologia di 7 carote di sedimento
User-driven Health risk Assessment Services and Innovative ADAPTation options against Threats from Heatwaves, Air Pollution, Wildfire Emission and Pollen