The final training of the international project "RENEWABLE ENERGY POTENTIAL MAPS FOR LESOTHO" funded by Italian Ministry of Environment Land and Sea was successfully concluded
From the 24th to the 28th of February 2020, four ENEA researchers successfully carried out in Maseru, capital city of Lesotho, a training course for 30 operators/technicians on duty at local institutions and a workshop for 25 stake-holders. The topic was focussed on the use of renewable energy potential maps and the GIS/WebGIS database developed during the project "Renewable energy potential maps for Lesotho" funded by Italian Ministry of Environment Land and Sea.
During the project energy potential maps from renewable sources were produced, giving Lesotho experts an essential tool for renewable energy exploitation planning, contributing to the compliance with Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Agreement.
From the 24th to the 28th of February 2020, four ENEA researchers successfully carried out in Maseru, capital city of Lesotho, a training course for 30 operators/technicians on duty at local institutions and a workshop for 25 stake-holders. The topic was focussed on the use of renewable energy potential maps and the GIS/WebGIS database developed during the project "Renewable energy potential maps for Lesotho" funded by Italian Ministry of Environment Land and Sea.
During the project energy potential maps from renewable sources were produced, giving Lesotho experts an essential tool for renewable energy exploitation planning, contributing to the compliance with Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Agreement.
Throughout the training, the methodologies used to obtain the photovoltaic power potential map, the wind power density map and the hydrological map were fully described. Moreover, the processed GIS (Geographic Information System) database was explained and practical exercises were carried out as well as the investigation of the WEBGIS tool, specifically implemented to use and manage all the data.
All the final products of the project, deeply investigated during the training, were officially delivered to the Ministry of Energy and Meteorology of Lesotho.
The 15 ENEA researchers who contributed to the project belong to the Division Models and Technologies for Risks reduction (SSPT-MET), al the Atmospheric Pollution Laboratory (SSPT-MET-INAT), al Technologies Laboratory for the Dynamics of Structures and the Prevention of seismic and hydrogeological risk (SSPT-MET-DISPREV) e al High Performance Computing Laboratory (DTE-ICT-HPC).
Massimo D’Isidoro, massimo.disidoro@enea.it
Gaia Righini, gaia.righini@enea.it