Excellent results for the "2nd International Short School on Smart Materials for Opto-Electronic Applications"
The results of the "2nd International Short School on Smart Materials for Opto-Electronic Applications" organized by ENEA in collaboration with CNR.
As anticipated HERE, the "2nd International Short School on Smart Materials for Opto-Electronic Applications, organized by ENEA in collaboration with CNR, was held on 12 and 13 September 2022.
The school took place in a hybrid format: partly in presence at the Congress Center of the Grand Hotel San Michele in Cetraro, partly online.
The speakers released 26 lectures, on 6 different topics:
- Piezo-electric materials
- Photo-active materials
- Nano-fabrication by top-down and bottom-up approaches: electron beam lithography and colloidal lithography
- Advanced printing technologies and additive manufacturing
- Characterization techniques and their implementation in Smart Materials and devices
- Application of Smart Materials
A heartfelt thanks goes to Prof. Luigi Nicolais, President of Materias, who opened the School with an exciting plenary session, to all the speakers with a grateful mention for the invited speakers who increased the thematic and the international profile of the school: Veronica Ambrogi, Gaetano Assanto, Massimo De Vittorio, Leszek Fras, Wolfgang Fritzche, Marina Grenzer, Malgosia Kaczmarek, Jan Lagerwall, Katarzyna Matczyszyn, Alberto Naldoni, Giusy Scalia, Timothy White and Hao Zeng.
Among the 68 participants, Elena De Vita and Sidrish Zahra, students at the University of Naples “Parthenope”, were awarded for the best presentation of research activities. We wish them great success in their business.
Thanks also to the sponsors ThermoFisher Scientific and Acal Bfi for their invaluable contribution to the success of the initiative.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 11 October 2022