Produzione Scientifica
Found 46 results
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Isolation of biocrust cyanobacteria and evaluation of Cu, Pb, and Zn immobilisation potential for soil restoration and sustainable agriculture,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 946, (2024)
Synthesis of nanocrystalline ZnS/TiO2 films for enhanced NO2 gas sensing,
, THIN SOLID FILMS, Volume 709, (2020)
DNA damages and offspring quality in sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus sperms exposed to ZnO nanoparticles,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 651, p.756-765, (2019)
The Impact of Soil-Applied Biochars From Different Vegetal Feedstocks on Durum Wheat Plant Performance and Rhizospheric Bacterial Microbiota in Low Metal-Contaminated Soil,
, Frontiers in Microbiology, Volume 10, (2019)
Removal of Mn and As from drinking water by red mud and pyrolusite,
, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 237, p.526-533, (2019)
Seasonal variation in the biological effects of PM2.5 from greater cairo,
, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Volume 20, Number 20, (2019)
Aluminum-doped zinc oxide coatings on polylactic acid films for antimicrobial food packaging,
, Thin Solid Films, Volume 645, p.187-192, (2018)
Effects of high Zn and Pb concentrations on Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. Ex. Steudel: Photosynthetic performance and metal accumulation capacity under controlled conditions,
, International Journal of Phytoremediation, Volume 18, Number 1, p.16-24, (2016)
Genotoxic and cytotoxic effects of ZnO nanoparticles for Dunaliella tertiolecta and comparison with SiO2 and TiO2 effects at population growth inhibition levels,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 550, p.619-627, (2016)
High performance inverted polymer solar cells with solution processed metal oxides as electron transport layers: A comparative study,
, Thin Solid Films, Volume 617, p.126-132, (2016)
Comparison of various solution processed electron transport layers for high efficiency polymer solar cells,
, IET Conference Publications, Volume 2015, Number CP667, (2015)
High efficiency inverted polymer solar cells with solution-processed ZnO buffer layer,
, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, Volume 73, Number 3, p.550-556, (2015)
Microscopic processes ruling the bioavailability of Zn to roots of euphorbia pithyusa L. Pioneer plant,
, Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 49, Number 3, p.1400-1408, (2015)
The amorphous Zn biomineralization at Naracauli stream, Sardinia: Electron microscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy,
, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 21, Number 11, p.6775-6782, (2014)
On the ASR and ASR thermal residues characterization of full scale treatment plant,
, Waste Management, Volume 34, Number 2, p.448-457, (2014)
Assessing the poplar photochemical response to high zinc concentrations by image processing and statistical approach,
, Photosynthesis Research, 2014, (2014)
Coupled pot and lysimeter experiments assessing plant performance in microbially assisted phytoremediation,
, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 21, Number 11, p.6905-6920, (2014)
Embryotoxicity and spermiotoxicity of nanosized ZnO for Mediterranean sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus,
, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 254-255, Number 1, p.1-7, (2013)
Enhanced methane production from rice straw co-digested with anaerobic sludge from pulp and paper mill treatment process,
, Bioresource Technology, Volume 148, p.135-143, (2013)
Particle size, chemical composition, seasons of the year and urban, rural or remote site origins as determinants of biological effects of particulate matter on pulmonary cells,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 176, p.215-227, (2013)
Toxic effects of ZnO nanoparticles towards marine algae Dunaliella tertiolecta,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 445-446, p.371-376, (2013)
Effects of air pollution on materials and cultural heritage: ICP materials celebrates 25 years of research,
, International Journal of Corrosion, Volume 2012, (2012)
PM10-biogenic fraction drives the seasonal variation of proinflammatory response in A549 cells,
, Environmental Toxicology, Volume 27, Number 2, p.63-73, (2012)
Spatial and temporal heavy metal concentration (Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg, Fe, Mn, Hg) in sediments of the Mar Piccolo in Taranto (Ionian Sea, Italy),
, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Volume 223, Number 2, p.863-875, (2012)
Gas microsensors with metalloporphyrin-functionalized carbon nanotube networked layers,
, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Volume 91 LNEE, Messina, p.105-111, (2011)