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Produzione Scientifica

Found 33 results
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Exposure to PCB and p, p'-DDE in European and Inuit populations: impact on human sperm chromatin integrity., Spanò, M., Toft G, Hagmar L, Eleuteri Patrizia, Rescia M, Rignell-Hydbom A, Tyrkiel E, Zvyezday V, and Bonde J P. , Hum Reprod, 2005 Dec, Volume 20, Issue 12, Number 12, p.3488-99, (2005)
Exposure to PCBs and p,p′-DDE and human sperm chromatin integrity, Rignell-Hydbom, A., Rylander L., Giwercman A., Jönsson B.A.G., Lindh C., Eleuteri Patrizia, Rescia M., Leter Giorgio, Cordelli Eugenia, Spanò M., et al. , Environmental Health Perspectives, Volume 113, Number 2, p.175-179, (2005)
Flow cytometry applications in the evaluation of sperm quality: Semen analysis, sperm function and DNA integrity, Cordelli, Eugenia, Eleuteri Patrizia, Leter Giorgio, Rescia M., and Spanò M. , Contraception, Volume 72, Number 4, p.273-279, (2005)
Long-term effects of lonidamine on mouse testes, Maranghi, F., Mantovani A., Macrì C., Romeo A., Eleuteri Patrizia, Leter Giorgio, Rescia M., Spanò M., and Saso L. , Contraception, Volume 72, Number 4, p.268-272, (2005)
Long-term effects of lonidamine on mouse testes., Maranghi, Francesca, Mantovani Alberto, Macrì Caterina, Romeo Antonella, Eleuteri Patrizia, Leter Giorgio, Rescia Michele, Spanò M., and Saso Luciano , Contraception, 2005 Oct, Volume 72, Issue 4, p.268-72, (2005)
Lonidamine transiently affects spermatogenesis in pubertal CD1 mice., Traina, Maria Elsa, Guarino Maria, Urbani Elisabetta, Saso Luciano, Eleuteri Patrizia, Cordelli Eugenia, Rescia Michele, Leter Giorgio, and Spanò M. , Contraception, 2005 Oct, Volume 72, Issue 4, Number 4, p.262-7, (2005)
Sperm chromatin damage impairs human fertility, Spanò, M., Bonde J.P., Hjøllund H.I., Kolstad H.A., Cordelli Eugenia, and Leter Giorgio , Fertility and Sterility, Volume 73, Number 1, p.43-50, (2000)