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XXIV Convegno Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Scienza e Tecnologia delle Macromolecole - Bando per sei premi per studenti, borsisti e dottorandi

Pubblicato sul sito dell’AIM – Associazione Italiana di Scienza e Tecnologia delle Macromolecole il bando per l’attribuzione di premi pari a sei quote di iscrizione, per studenti, borsisti e dottorandi.

Call for abstracts - 2nd International Agrobiodiversity Congress

The call for abstracts for the 2nd International Agrobiodiversity Congress – Agrobiodiversity for food system transformation, is now open. The Congress, scheduled for 15 to 18 November 2021, will focus on the role that agrobiodiversity can play in positively changing our food systems. The deadline for abstract submission is 7 July, 2021 at 12:00 (CET).

METROFOOD-RI 1st and 2nd Calls for Access are open now

In the frame of its Preparatory Phase Project (GA 871083 -, METROFOOD-RI opens two calls for subsiding access to its research facilities, allowing users to execute part of their research project. Projects that are well aligned with the aims of METROFOOD-RI and meet technical, scientific and ethical requirements will receive subsidised services (free-of-charge access to the facilities*).

Bandi PRIMA 2020: proroga della scadenza per la presentazione delle domande

In considerazione dell’emergenza sanitaria che sta impedendo il regolare svolgimento delle attività lavorative nel nostro Paese e in gran parte dei Paesi euro-mediterranei, la Fondazione PRIMA (Partnership on Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area) ha deciso di prorogare le scadenze per la presentazione delle domande progettuali rispettivamente al 6 maggio per la Sezione 1 e al 13 maggio per la Sezione 2.

New call for EIP-AGRI Focus Group experts now open!

The topics to be covered by the two new Focus Groups are:

Non-chemical weed management in arable cropping systems

Pests and diseases of the olive tree*

If you have practical experience on any of these topics and would like to share this with 19 other experts to identify promising and inspiring ideas for innovation, please apply by 10 September 2018 23:59 hrs CET (Brussels time).

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