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Produzione scientifica

Found 7393 results
IN792 DS superalloy: Optimization of EB welding and post-welding heat treatments, Barbieri, Giuseppe, Soltani P., Kaciulis S., Montanari R., and Varone A. , Materials Science Forum, Volume 879, p.175-180, (2017)
Industrial Symbiosis Network in Umbria, Italy, Cutaia, Laura, Boncio E., Barberio Grazia, Beltrani Tiziana, La Monica Marco, Mancuso Erika, Massoli A., Sbaffoni Silvia, and Paoni S. , First SUN Conference, October 25th 2017, 2017, Roma, p.24–25, (2017)
Influence of Alkyl Chain Length on Microscopic Configurations of the Anion in the Crystalline Phases of PYR1A-TFSI, Palumbo, O., Trequattrini F., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, and Paolone A. , Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Volume 121, Number 21, p.11129-11135, (2017)
Influence of durum wheat-faba bean intercrop on specific quality traits of organic durum wheat, De Stefanis, E., Sgrulletta D., Pucciarmati Stefano, Ciccoritti R., and Quaranta F. , Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, Volume 33, Number 1, 2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OR14 4RN, OXON, ENGLAND, p.28-39, (2017)
The influence of the synoptic regime on stable water isotopes in precipitation at Dome C, East Antarctica, Schlosser, E., Dittmann A., Stenni B., Powers J.G., Manning K.W., Valt M., Cagnati A., Grigioni P., and Scarchilli Claudio , Cryosphere, Volume 11, Number 5, p.2345-2361, (2017)
Innovative cropping systems for a climate smart agriculture, Leonardo, Ambrosi, Christian Centis, Donato Cillis, Colonna Nicola, Colucci Federica, Matteo De Sanctis, Lorenzo Furlan, Gioia Garavini, Stefano Lo Presti, Francesco Marinello, et al. , p.48, (2017)
INTEGRATED APPROACH TO DEVELOP INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY AND TRAINING OF OPERATORS-Biomedicine & Prevention (2017)-vol. 4-CBRNe safety, Franconi, R, Testa Antonella, Giovanetti Anna, Lopresto V, Pinto Rosanna, Turchi R, Iliano E, Massa Silvia, Patrono Clarice, Palma V, et al. , Special issue (PART 2)-(133)-DOI, Volume 10, p.000000085, (2017)
Integration of multi- omics data for biomarker identification of food safety and quality, Perrotta, Gaetano, Donini Marcello, Demurtas Olivia Costantina, Mengoni A., De Rossi P., Del Fiore Antonella, Di Carli Mariasole, Bianco Linda, Daddiego Loretta, Sulli Maria, et al. , Food Science Book Series 2017. Edition "Science within Food: Up-to-date Advances on Research and Educational Ideas", Volume Editor: A. Méndez-Vilas. , (2017)
Integration of multi-omics data for biomarker identification of food safety and quality, Perrotta, Gaetano, Donini Marcello, Demurtas Olivia Costantina, Mengoni A, De Rossi P, Del Fiore Antonella, Di Carli M, Bianco L, Daddiego L, Sulli Maria, et al. , Science within Food: Up-to-date Advances on Research and Educational Ideas, p.152, (2017)
Integration of new biological and physical retrospective dosimetry methods into EU emergency response plans–joint RENEB and EURADOS inter-laboratory comparisons, Ainsbury, E., Badie C., Barnard S., Manning G., Moquet J., Abend M., Antunes A.C., Barrios L., Bassinet C., Beinke C., et al. , International Journal of Radiation Biology, Volume 93, Number 1, p.99-109, (2017)
Ionic liquid electrolytes for safer lithium batteries I. investigation around optimal formulation, Moreno, M., Simonetti E., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, Carewska M., Montanino M., Kim G.-T., Loeffler N., and Passerini S. , Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 164, Number 1, p.A6026-A6031, (2017)
Iron within the erionite cavity and its potential role in inducing its toxicity: Evidence of Fe (III) segregation as extra-framework cation, Pacella, A., Fantauzzi M., Atzei D., Cremisini C., Nardi Elisa, Montereali Maria Rita, Rossi A., and Ballirano P. , Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, Volume 237, p.168-179, (2017)
The Italian Fixed-point Observatory Network for marine environmental monitoring - IFON, Ravaioli, M., Bergami C., Riminucci F., Aracri S., Aliani S., Bastianini M., Bergamasco A., Bommarito C., Borghini M., Bozzano R., et al. , IMEKO TC19 Workshop on Metrology for the Sea, MetroSea 2017: Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters, (2017)
Joint analysis of deposition fluxes and atmospheric concentrations of inorganic nitrogen and sulphur compounds predicted by six chemistry transport models in the frame of the EURODELTAIII project, Vivanco, M.G., Bessagnet B., Cuvelier C., Theobald M.R., Tsyro S., Pirovano G., Aulinger A., Bieser J., Calori G., Ciarelli G., et al. , Atmospheric Environment, FEB, Volume 151, p.152-175, (2017)
L’impresa della porta accanto, La Monica, Marco, Cutaia Laura, and Franco S. , L’Astrolabio, Issue 115, Number 115, Roma, (2017)
La Prima Piattaforma Italiana per la Simbiosi Industriale, Cutaia, Laura, Barberio Grazia, La Monica Marco, Luciano Antonella, Mancuso Erika, Sbaffoni Silvia, and Scagliarino C. , L’Astrolabio, Issue 114, Number 114, Roma, (2017)
Leptin induction following irradiation is a conserved feature in mammalian epithelial cells and tissues, Licursi, V., M. Guidi Cestelli, Del Vecchio G., Mannironi C., Presutti C., Amendola R., and Negri R. , International Journal of Radiation Biology, Volume 93, Number 9, p.947-957, (2017)
Linking spatial distribution and feeding behavior of Atlantic horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) in the Strait of Sicily (Central Mediterranean Sea), Rumolo, P., Basilone G., Fanelli E., Barra M., Calabrò M., Genovese S., Gherardi S., Ferreri R., Mazzola S., and Bonanno A. , Journal of Sea Research, Volume 121, p.47-58, (2017)
Longitudinal metagenomic analysis of the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis to uncover microbial signatures of lung disease progression , , J Cystic Fibrosis, Volume 16, S1, (2017)
Long-Term Monitoring of Dolphin Biosonar Activity in Deep Pelagic Waters of the Mediterranean Sea, Francesco, Caruso, Alonge G., Bellia Giorgio, De Domenico Emilio, Grammauta Rosario, Larosa Giuseppina, Mazzola Salvatore, Riccobene Giorgio, Pavan Gianni, Papale Elena, et al. , Scientific Reports, Jan-12-2017, Volume 7, Issue 1, (2017)
Low clonal propagation in Atlantic and Mediterranean populations of the red gorgonian Paramuricea clavata (Octocorallia)., Pilczynska, J, Boavida J., Cocito Silvia, Lombardi C., Peirano Andrea, and Queiroga H. , SCIENTIA MARINA, Volume 81, Issue 1, (2017)
Low pH conditions impair module capacity to regenerate in a calcified colonial invertebrate, the bryozoan Cryptosula pallasiana, Lombardi, Chiara, Taylor P.D., Cocito Silvia, Bertolini C., and Calosi P. , Marine Environmental Research, Volume 125, p.110-117, (2017)
Lupinus albus L. denominato "Tennis", Stamigna, Catia, and Chiaretti Domenico , Number 2017/3253, (2017)
Macro-moths as possible assessment endpoints for non-target effects of Bt-maize pollen: A faunistic study in three Italian protected areas, Masetti, A., Arpaia S., Ghesini S., Magagnoli S., Baldacchino Ferdinando, Magarelli Rosaria Alessandra, Neri U., Lener M., Rastelli V., Staiano G., et al. , Bulletin of Insectology, Volume 70, Number 2, p.307-314, (2017)
Mapping uranium concentration in soil: Belgian experience towards a European map, Cinelli, Giorgia, Tondeur F., Dehandschutter B., Bossew P., Tollefsen T., and de Cort M. , Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 166, p.220-234, (2017)