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Produzione scientifica

Found 7393 results
Effects of the Antiozonant Ethylenediurea (EDU) on Fraxinus ornus L.: The role of drought, Salvatori, Elisabetta, Fusaro L., and Manes F. , Forests, Volume 8, Number 9, (2017)
Effetti (e opportunità) della siccità: Bracciano Smart Open Lake, Barberio, Grazia, Stronati E., Ghibelli M., D’Amico D., and La Monica Marco , L’Astrolabio, Issue 116, Number 116, Roma, (2017)
Efficacy of cell free supernatant from Bacillus subtilis ET-1, an Iturin A producer strain, on biocontrol of green and gray mold, Ambrico, Alfredo, and Trupo Mario , Postharvest Biology and Technology, Jan-12-2017, Volume 134, p.5 - 10, (2017)
Efficient targeted multiallelic mutagenesis in tetraploid potato (Solanum tuberosum) by transient CRISPR-Cas9 expression in protoplasts, Andersson, M., Turesson H., Nicolia A., Fält A.-S., Samuelsson M., and Hofvander P. , Plant Cell Reports, Volume 36, Number 1, p.117-128, (2017)
Egypt's coastal vulnerability to sea level rise and storm surge, Torresan, S., Furlan E., Critto A., Michetti Melania, and Marcomini A. , 13th International MEDCOAST Congress on Coastal and Marine Sciences, Engineering, Management and Conservation, MEDCOAST 2017, Volume 2, p.675-686, (2017)
Electrochemical performance of a solvent-free hybrid ceramic-polymer electrolyte based on Li7La3Zr2O12 in P(EO)15LiTFSI, Keller, M., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, Kim G.-T., Sharova V., Schneider M., Schuhmacher J., Roters A., and Passerini S. , Journal of Power Sources, Volume 353, p.287-297, (2017)
Electromagnetic exposure systems for real time CARS imaging, Merla, Caterina, Liberti M., Marracino P., Azan A., Apollonio F., and Mir L.M. , 2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EUCAP 2017, p.412-415, (2017)
Enhanced gas sensing properties of chemiresistors based on ZnO nanorods electrodecorated with Au and Pd nanoparticles, Penza, Michele, Cassano Gennaro, and Alvisi Marco , MRS ADVANCES, Volume 2, Number 18, p.1001-1007, (2017)
Enhanced Tunable Microstrip Attenuator Based on Few Layer Graphene Flakes, Yasir, M., Bistarelli S., Cataldo Antonino, Bozzi M., Perregrini L., and Bellucci S. , IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Volume 27, Number 4, p.332-334, (2017)
Enhancing the recovery of gypsum in limestone-based wet flue gas desulfurization with high energy ball milling process: A feasibility study, De Gisi, S., Molino Antonio, and Notarnicola M. , Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Volume 109, p.117-129, (2017)
Environmental assessment of new technologies: Production of a Quantum Dots-Light Emitting Diode, Scalbi, S., Fantin V., and Antolini F. , Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 142, p.3702-3718, (2017)
Environmental assessment of wheat and maize production in an Italian farmers' cooperative, Fantin, V., Righi S., Rondini I., and Masoni P. , Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 140, p.631-643, (2017)
Environmental Burkholderia cenocepacia Strain Enhances Fitness by Serial Passages during Long-Term Chronic Airways Infection in Mice, Bragonzi, A, Paroni M, Pirone L, Coladarci I, Ascenzioni F, and Bevivino Annamaria , Int J Mol Sci, 2017 Nov 14, Volume 18, Issue 11, (2017)
Epidemiological analysis of ozone and nitrogen impacts on vegetation – Critical evaluation and recommendations, Braun, S., Achermann B., De Marco Alessandra, Pleijel H., Karlsson P.E., Rihm B., Schindler C., and Paoletti E. , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 603-604, p.785-792, (2017)
Estimating the terrestrial gamma dose rate by decomposition of the ambient dose equivalent rate, Bossew, P., Cinelli Giorgia, Hernández-Ceballos M., Cernohlawek N., Gruber V., Dehandschutter B., Menneson F., Bleher M., Stöhlker U., Hellmann I., et al. , Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 166, p.296-308, (2017)
Eumelanin–PEDOT:PSS Complementing En Route to Mammalian-Pigment-Based Electrodes: Design and Fabrication of an ITO-Free Organic Light-Emitting Device, Migliaccio, L., Aprano Salvatore, Iannuzzi L., Maglione Maria Grazia, Tassini Paolo, Minarini Carla, Manini P., and Pezzella A. , Advanced Electronic Materials, Volume 3, Number 5, (2017)
EURODELTA-Trends, a multi-model experiment of air quality hindcast in Europe over 1990-2010, Colette, A., Andersson C., Manders A., Mar K., Mircea Mihaela, Pay M.-T., Raffort V., Tsyro S., Cuvelier C., Adani Mario, et al. , Geoscientific Model Development, Volume 10, (2017)
European annual cosmic-ray dose: Estimation of population exposure, Cinelli, Giorgia, Gruber V., De Felice L., Bossew P., Hernández-Ceballos M.Á., Tollefsen T., Mundigl S., and de Cort M. , Journal of Maps, Volume 13, Number 2, p.812-821, (2017)
Evaluation of seven chemistry transport models in the framework of eurodelta III intercomparison exercise, Mircea, Mihaela, Bessagnet B., Vivanco M.G., Cuvelier C., Pirovano G., Tsyro S., Aksoyoglu S., Manders A., Pay M.-T., Stern R., et al. , HARMO 2017 - 18th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Proceedings, (2017)
Evaluation of the hazelnuts as functional food: molecular effects of long maceration raw kernel extract in HepG2 human hepatocarcinoma cell line, Santi, Chiara, Benassi Barbara, Diretto Gianfranco, Demurtas Olivia Costantina, Pacchierotti Francesca, and Bacchetta Loretta , FFC's 22nd International Conference, (2017)
Evaluation of the treatability of a winery distillery (vinasse) wastewater by UASB, anoxic-aerobic UF-MBR and chemical precipitation/adsorption, Petta, Luigi, De Gisi S., Casella Patrizia, Farina R., and Notarnicola M. , Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 201, p.177-189, (2017)
Evolutionarily distinct carotenoid cleavage dioxygenases are responsible for crocetin production in Buddleja davidii, Ahrazem, O., Diretto Gianfranco, Argandoña J., Rubio-Moraga A., Julve J.M., Orzáez D., Granell A., and Gomez-Gomez L. , Journal of Experimental Botany, Volume 68, Number 16, p.4663-4677, (2017)
Experimental determination of thickness influence on compressive residual strength of impacted carbon/epoxy laminate, Falaschetti, M.P., Scafè Matteo, Tatì Angelo, and Troiani E. , Procedia Structural Integrity, Volume 3, p.237-245, (2017)
Experimental vibration analysis of the Colosseum in Rome as part of structural health study and preservation effort, Bongiovanni, Giovanni, Buffarini Giacomo, Clemente Paolo, Rinaldis D., and Saitta Fernando , SHMII 2017 - 8th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, Proceedings, p.269-278, (2017)
Feasibility of treating emulsified oily and salty wastewaters through coagulation and bio-regenerated GAC filtration, Mancini, Giuseppe, Panzica Michele, Fino Debora, Cappello Simone, Yakimov Michail M., and Luciano Antonella , J Environ Manage, 2017 Dec 01, Volume 203, Issue Pt 2, p.817-824, (2017)