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Produzione scientifica

Found 7393 results
Graphene nanoplatelets: Thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity by the flash method, Potenza, M., Cataldo Antonino, Bovesecchi G., Corasaniti S., Coppa P., and Bellucci S. , AIP Advances, Volume 7, Number 7, (2017)
Graphite particles induce ROS formation in cell free systems and human cells, Zerbi, G., Barbon A., Bengalli R., Lucotti A., Catelani T., Tampieri F., Gualtieri Maurizio, D'Arienzo M., Morazzoni F., and Camatini M. , Nanoscale, Volume 9, Number 36, p.13640-13650, (2017)
Gravure printed PEDOT:PSS as anode for flexible ITO-free organic light emitting diodes, Minarini, C., Maglione Maria Grazia, De Girolamo Del Mauro Anna, Sico Giuliano, and Montanino M. , EXPRESS POLYMER LETTERS, Volume 11, (2017)
Green bio-dispersant removal efficacy estimation for controlling biofilms in cooling towers, Di Pippo, Francesca, de Tora Francesca, Di Gregorio Luciana, Buccolini Marco, Capocecera Rossano, Rossetti Simona, and Tandoi Valter , Annals of Microbiology, Volume 67, Number 11, p.779–784, (2017)
Greenhouse gas emissions and non-renewable energy use profiles of bio-based succinic acid from Arundo donax L. lignocellulosic feedstock, Zucaro, Amalia, Forte A., and Fierro A. , Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, Volume 19, Number 8, p.2129-2143, (2017)
Health risk assessment of exposure to the Middle-Eastern Dust storms in the Iranian megacity of Kermanshah, Goudarzi, G., Daryanoosh S.M., Godini H., Hopke P.K., Sicard P., De Marco Alessandra, Rad H.D., Harbizadeh A., Jahedi F., Mohammadi M.J., et al. , Public Health, Volume 148, p.109-116, (2017)
High resolution estimates of the corrosion risk for cultural heritage in Italy, De Marco, Alessandra, Screpanti Augusto, Mircea Mihaela, Piersanti Antonio, Proietti C., and Fornasier M.F. , Environmental Pollution, Volume 226, p.260-267, (2017)
Highly conductive, ionic liquid-based polymer electrolytes, Simonetti, E., Carewska M., Maresca G., De Francesco M., and Appetecchi Giovanni Battista , Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 164, Number 1, p.A6213-A6219, (2017)
A high-resolution modelling study of the Turkish Straits System, Sannino, Gianmaria, Sözer A., and Özsoy E. , Ocean Dynamics, Volume 67, Number 3-4, p.397-432, (2017)
Historic masonry monitoring by motion magnification analysis, Fioriti, Vincenzo, Roselli Ivan, Tatì Angelo, and De Canio Gerardo , WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Volume 223, p.367 - 375, (2017)
Holocene sea ice variability driven by wind and polynya efficiency in the Ross Sea, Mezgec, K., Stenni B., Crosta X., Masson-Delmotte V., Baroni C., Braida M., Ciardini Virginia, Colizza E., Melis R., Salvatore M.C., et al. , Nature Communications, Volume 8, Number 1, (2017)
Hospital admissions in Iran for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases attributed to the Middle Eastern Dust storms, Khaniabadi, Y.O., Fanelli R., De Marco Alessandra, Daryanoosh S.M., Kloog I., Hopke P.K., Conti G.O., Ferrante M., Mohammadi M.J., Babaei A.A., et al. , Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 24, Number 20, p.16860-16868, (2017)
HPV 16 E5 oncoprotein is expressed in early stage carcinogenesis and can be a target of immunotherapy, Paolini, F., Curzio G., Cordeiro M.N., Massa Silvia, Mariani L., Pimpinelli F., de Freitas A.C., Franconi Rosella, and Venuti A. , Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, Volume 13, Number 2, p.291-297, (2017)
Hyaluronic Acid Nanoporous Microparticles with Long In Vivo Joint Residence Time and Sustained Release, Palmieri, G., Rinaldi Antonio, Campagnolo L., Tortora M., Caso M.F., Mattei M., Notargiacomo A., Rosato N., Bottini M., and Cavalieri F. , Particle and Particle Systems Characterization, Volume 34, Number 6, (2017)
Identification of emission sources from data of PM2.5 chemical speciation measured with automatic monitors: application in a coastal site of the Mediterranean basin, Petralia, Ettore, Berico M., La Torretta Teresa M. G., Malaguti Antonella, Stracquadanio Milena, and Telloli C. , Biodiversity Journal, Volume 8 (1), p.59–64, (2017)
Il ruolo dell'economia, Barberio, Grazia, Brunori Claudia, Cappellaro Francesca, Cutaia Laura, Dominici Loprieno Arianna, Landolfo Pier Giorgio, La Monica Marco, Luciano Antonella, Musmeci Fabio, and Petta Luigi , La sostenibilità ambientale. Un manuale per prendere buone decisioni Aggiornamento 2017, Roma, p.79–93, (2017)
Immune Profile of Obese People and In Vitro Effects of Red Grape Polyphenols on Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells, Magrone, Thea, Jirillo Emilio, Spagnoletta Anna, Magrone Manrico, Russo Matteo Antonio, Fontana Sergio, Laforgia Flavia, Donvito Ilaria, Campanella Angelo, Silvestris Franco, et al. , Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, Jan-01-2017, Volume 2017, p.1 - 11, (2017)
Impact of agricultural land management on soil bacterial community: A case study in the Mediterranean area., Bevivino, Annamaria, and Dalmastri Claudia , Soil biological communities and ecosystem resilience, Springer Series "Sustainability in Plant and Crop Protection, Number Springer, Cham, p.77-95, (2017)
The impact of Mount Etna sulfur emissions on the atmospheric composition and aerosol properties in the central Mediterranean: A statistical analysis over the period 2000–2013 based on observations and Lagrangian modelling, Sellitto, P., Zanetel C., Di Sarra Alcide, Salerno G., Tapparo A., Meloni Daniela, Pace Giandomenico, Caltabiano T., Briole P., and Legras B. , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 148, p.77-88, (2017)
Impact of zinc oxide nanoparticles on an in vitro model of the human air-blood barrier, Bengalli, R., Gualtieri Maurizio, Capasso L., Urani C., and Camatini M. , Toxicology Letters, Volume 279, p.22-32, (2017)
Impacts of climate change on European hydrology at 1.5, 2 and 3 degrees mean global warming above preindustrial level, Donnelly, C., Greuell W., Andersson J., Gerten D., Pisacane Giovanna, Roudier P., and Ludwig F. , Climatic Change, p.1-14, (2017)
The importance of Metrofood Ri for/in the development of the agrofood sector in the South Eastern European (SEE) partner countries, Kyriakoudi, A., Kouzounis D., Zoani Claudia, Zappa Giovanna, and Tsimidou M.Z. , 3rd IMEKOFOODS Conference: Metrology Promoting Harmonization and Standardization in Food and Nutrition, p.200-203, (2017)
Improving the efficiency targeting of Malawi's farm input subsidy programme: Big pain, small gain?, Asfaw, S., Cattaneo A., Pallante G., and Palma A. , Food Policy, Volume 73, p.104-118, (2017)
In Vitro Effects of Nickel on Healthy Non-Allergic Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells. The Role of Red Grape Polyphenols, Magrone, Thea, Salvatore Rosaria, Spagnoletta Anna, Magrone Manrico, Russo Matteo Antonio, and Jirillo Emilio , Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders - Drug Targets, Nov-09-2017, Volume 17, Issue 2, (2017)
In vitro Effects of Polyphenols on the Peripheral Immune Responses in Nickel-sensitized Patients, Magrone, Thea, Romita Paolo, Verni Pietro, Salvatore Rosaria, Spagnoletta Anna, Magrone Manrico, Russo Matteo A., Jirillo Emilio, and Foti Caterina , Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders - Drug Targets, Apr-11-2018, Volume 17, Issue 4, (2017)