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Development of Decellularized Oviductal Hydrogels as a Support for Rabbit Embryo Culture, Francés-Herrero, E., De Miguel-Gómez L., López-Martínez S., Campo H., Garcia-Dominguez X., Diretto Gianfranco, Faus A., Vicente J.S., Marco-Jiménez F., and Cervelló I. , Reproductive Sciences, Volume 28, Number 6, p.1644-1658, (2021)
Engineering Metabolism in Nicotiana Species: A Promising Future, Molina-Hidalgo, F.J., Vazquez-Vilar M., D'Andrea L., Demurtas Olivia Costantina, Fraser P., Giuliano Giovanni, Bock R., Orzáez D., and Goossens A. , Trends in Biotechnology, Volume 39, Number 9, p.901-913, (2021)
The expression in plants of an engineered VP2 protein of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus induces formation of structurally heterogeneous particles that protect from a very virulent viral strain, Marusic, Carla, Touzani C.D., Bortolami A., Donini Marcello, Zanardello C., Lico Chiara, Rage E., Fellahi S., Houadfi M.E., Terregino C., et al. , PLoS ONE, Volume 16, Number 2 February, (2021)
Global range expansion history of pepper (Capsicum spp.) revealed by over 10,000 genebank accessions, Tripodi, P., Rabanus-Wallace M.T., Barchi L., Kale S., Esposito S., Acquadro A., Schafleitner R., van Zonneveld M., Prohens J., Díez M.J., et al. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Volume 118, Number 34, (2021)
Highly Contaminated Marine Sediments Can Host Rare Bacterial Taxa Potentially Useful for Bioremediation, Dell’Anno, F., Rastelli E., Tangherlini M., Corinaldesi C., Sansone C., Brunet C., Balzano S., Ianora A., Musco L., Montereali Maria Rita, et al. , Frontiers in Microbiology, Volume 12, (2021)
The interaction of hemin, a porphyrin derivative, with the purified rat brain 2-oxoglutarate carrier, Miniero, D.V., Spagnoletta Anna, Gambacorta N., Scalera V., Pierri C.L., Nicolotti O., and De Palma A. , Biomolecules, Jan-08-2021, Volume 11, Issue 8, Number 8, p.1175, (2021)
Microbial Diversity of Bacteria Involved in Biomineralization Processes in Mine-Impacted Freshwaters, Paganin, P., Alisi Chiara, Dore E., Fancello D., Marras P.A., Medas D., Montereali Maria Rita, Naitza S., Rigonat N., Sprocati A.R., et al. , Frontiers in Microbiology, Volume 12, (2021)
Molecular and cellular characterization of European sea bass CD3ε+ T lymphocytes and their modulation by microalgal feed supplementation, Picchietti, S., Buonocore F., Guerra L., Belardinelli M.C., De Wolf T., Couto A., Fausto A.M., Saraceni P.R., Miccoli A., and Scapigliati G. , Cell and Tissue Research, Volume 384, Number 1, p.149-165, (2021)
Molecular, cellular and functional analysis of trγ chain along the european sea bass dicentrarchus labrax development, Miccoli, A., Guerra L., Pianese V., Saraceni P.R., Buonocore F., Taddei A.R., Couto A., De Wolf T., Fausto A.M., Scapigliati G., et al. , International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Volume 22, Number 7, (2021)
A review on measurements of SARS-CoV-2 genetic material in air in outdoor and indoor environments: Implication for airborne transmission, Dinoi, A., Feltracco M., Chirizzi D., Trabucco S., Conte M., Gregoris E., Barbaro E., La Bella G., Ciccarese G., Belosi F., et al. , Science of the Total Environment, (2021)
A review on microbial products and their perspective application as antimicrobial agents, Rani, A., Saini K.C., Bast F., Varjani S., Mehariya S., Bhatia S.K., Sharma N., and Funk C. , Biomolecules, Volume 11, Number 12, (2021)
Benthic diversity patterns and predictors: A study case with inferences for conservation, Vassallo, P., Paoli C., Aliani S., Cocito Silvia, Morri C., and Bianchi C.N. , Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 150, (2020)
Carotenoid biofortification in crop plants: citius, altius, fortius, Zheng, X., Giuliano Giovanni, and Al-Babili S. , Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, Volume 1865, Number 11, (2020)
Color mutations alter the biochemical composition in the san marzano tomato fruit, Dono, G., Rambla J.L., Frusciante Sarah, Granell A., Diretto Gianfranco, and Mazzucato A. , Metabolites, Volume 10, Number 3, (2020)
Complete genome analysis and time scale evolution of very virulent infectious bursal disease viruses isolated from recent outbreaks in Morocco, C. Touzani, Drissi, Fellahi S., O. Fihri Fassi, Gaboun F., Khayi S., Mentag R., Lico Chiara, Baschieri Selene, M. Houadfi El, and Ducatez M. , Infection, Genetics and Evolution, Volume 77, (2020)
CultCube: Experiments in autonomous in-orbit cultivation on-board a 12-Units CubeSat platform, Marzioli, P., Gugliermetti L., Santoni F., Delfini A., Piergentili F., Nardi Luca, Metelli G., Benvenuto Eugenio, Massa Silvia, and Bennici Elisabetta , Life Sciences in Space Research, Volume 25, p.42-52, (2020)
Development and calibration of a model for the potential establishment and impact of Aedes albopictus in Europe, Pasquali, S., Mariani L., Calvitti Maurizio, Moretti Riccardo, Ponti Luigi, Chiari M., Sperandio G., and Gilioli Gianni , Acta Tropica, Volume 202, (2020)
Efficient production of saffron crocins and picrocrocin in Nicotiana benthamiana using a virus-driven system, Martí, M., Diretto Gianfranco, Aragonés V., Frusciante Sarah, Ahrazem O., Gomez-Gomez L., and Daròs J.-A. , Metabolic Engineering, Volume 61, p.238-250, (2020)
Expression of a functional recombinant human glycogen debranching enzyme (hGDE) in N. benthamiana plants and in hairy root cultures, Rodriguez-Hernandez, M., Triggiani Doriana, Ivison F., Demurtas Olivia Costantina, Illiano E., Marino Carmela, Franconi Rosella, and Massa Silvia , Protein and Peptide Letters, Volume 27, Number 2, p.145-157, (2020)
Glucocorticoids mobilize macrophages by transcriptionally up-regulating the exopeptidase DPP4, Diaz-Jimenez, David, Petrillo Maria Grazia, Busada Jonathan T., Hermoso Marcela A., and Cidlowski John A. , Journal of Biological Chemistry, Volume 295, Number 10, p.3213 – 3227, (2020)
Hazard evaluation of plastic mixtures from four Italian subalpine great lakes on the basis of laboratory exposures of zebra mussels, Binelli, A., Pietrelli L., Di Vito S., Coscia L., Sighicelli Maria, Torre C.D., Parenti C.C., and Magni S. , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 699, (2020)
Identification, molecular characterization and functional analysis of interleukin (IL)-2 and IL-2like (IL-2L) cytokines in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.), Buonocore, F., Gerdol M., Pallavicini A., Stocchi V., Randelli E., Belardinelli M.C., Miccoli A., Saraceni P.R., Secombes C.J., Scapigliati G., et al. , Cytokine, Volume 126, (2020)
Isolation and characterization in a soil conditioned with foaming agents of a bacterial consortium able to degrade sodium lauryl ether sulfate, Rolando, Ludovica, Grenni Paola, Rauseo Jasmin, Pescatore Tanita, Patrolecco Luisa, Garbini Gian Luigi, Visca Andrea, and Caracciolo Anna Barra , Frontiers in Microbiology, Volume 11, p.1542, (2020)
Metagenomics in Italy and Europe: Three Actionable Challenges/Prospects in 2020, Laudadio, I., Cesi Vincenzo, and Carissimi C. , OMICS A Journal of Integrative Biology, Volume 24, Number 3, p.122-123, (2020)
Microencapsulated G3C hybridoma cell graft delays the onset of spontaneous diabetes in NOD mice by an expansion of GITR1 Treg cells, Cari, Luigi, Montanucci Pia, Basta Giuseppe, Petrillo Maria Grazia, Ricci Erika, Pescara Teresa, Greco Alessia, Cipriani Sabrina, Shimizu Jun, Migliorati Graziella, et al. , Diabetes, Volume 69, Number 5, p.965 – 980, (2020)