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Filtri: Parola Chiave is Risk assessment [Clear All Filters]
Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure on male fertility: A systematic review of experimental studies on non-human mammals and human sperm in vitro,
, Environment International, Volume 185, (2024)
A Systematic Review on the In Vivo Studies on Radiofrequency (100 kHz–300 GHz) Electromagnetic Field Exposure and Co-Carcinogenesis,
, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 21, Number 8, (2024)
A GIS Geomorphologic approach for debris risk assessment: an example in SICILY (ITALY),
, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLVIII-1-W1-2023, Number 1/W1-2023, p.33-43, (2023)
Trends in urban air pollution over the last two decades: A global perspective,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 858, (2023)
Ambient PM2.5 and O3 pollution and health impacts in Iranian megacity,
, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Volume 37, Number 1, p.175-184, (2022)
, 21st International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, HARMO 2022, (2022)
Heavy metal background levels and pollution temporal trend assessment within the marine sediments facing a brownfield area (Gulf of Pozzuoli, Southern Italy),
, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 194, Number 11, (2022)
Heavy metal content and potential ecological risk assessment of sediments from Khnifiss Lagoon National Park (Morocco),
, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Jan-05-2022, Volume 194, Issue 5, Number 5, (2022)
Legislative and functional aspects of different metrics used for ozone risk assessment to forests,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 295, (2022)
Out-of-field effects: lessons learned from partial body exposure,
, Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, (2022)
Ozone modelling and mapping for risk assessment: An overview of different approaches for human and ecosystems health,
, Environmental Research, Volume 211, (2022)
Rethinking Subthreshold Effects in Regulatory Chemical Risk Assessments,
, Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 56, Number 16, p.11095-11099, (2022)
Structural assessment of the pedestrian bridge accessing Civita di Bagnoregio, Italy,
, Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, (2022)
Blueprint for a self-sustained European Centre for service provision in safe and sustainable innovation for nanotechnology,
, NanoImpact, Volume 23, (2021)
Mapping the susceptibility of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage sites in Europe to ambient (outdoor) air pollution,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 754, (2021)
SARS-CoV-2 in water services: Presence and impacts,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 268, (2021)
Hazard evaluation of plastic mixtures from four Italian subalpine great lakes on the basis of laboratory exposures of zebra mussels,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 699, (2020)
High spatial resolution ozone risk-assessment for Asian forests,
, Environmental Research Letters, Volume 15, Number 10, (2020)
Radionuclide concentration and radon exhalation in new mix design of bricks produced reusing NORM by-products: The influence of mineralogy and texture,
, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 260, (2020)
Risk evaluation on concrete strength assessment with NDT technique and conditional coring approach,
, Journal of Building Engineering, Volume 32, (2020)
Alba fucens archaeological site: Multiscale and multidisciplinary approach for risk assessment and conservation,
, ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume 42, Number 2/W11, p.47-53, (2019)
Commentary: EPA's proposed expansion of dose-response analysis is a positive step towards improving its ecological risk assessment,
, Environmental Pollution, p.566-570, (2019)
Economic losses due to ozone impacts on human health, forest productivity and crop yield across China,
, Environment International, Volume 131, (2019)
Predicting the effect of ozone on vegetation via linear non-threshold (LNT), threshold and hormetic dose-response models,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 649, p.61-74, (2019)
Air quality modeling and inhalation health risk assessment for a new generation coal-fired power plant in Central Italy,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 644, p.884-898, (2018)
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