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Found 53 results
Filtri: Autore is Sicard, P.  [Clear All Filters]
Air pollution and climate change threats to plant ecosystems, Agathokleous, E., De Marco Alessandra, Paoletti E., Querol X., and Sicard P. , Environmental Research, Volume 212, (2022)
Ambient PM2.5 and O3 pollution and health impacts in Iranian megacity, Rashidi, R., Khaniabadi Y.O., Sicard P., De Marco Alessandra, and Anbari K. , Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Volume 37, Number 1, p.175-184, (2022)
Influence of Ozone and Drought on Tree Growth under Field Conditions in a 22 Year Time Series, Eghdami, H., Werner W., De Marco Alessandra, and Sicard P. , Forests, Volume 13, Number 8, (2022)
Legislative and functional aspects of different metrics used for ozone risk assessment to forests, Anav, A., De Marco Alessandra, Collalti A., Emberson L., Feng Z., Lombardozzi D., Sicard P., Verbeke T., Viovy N., Vitale M., et al. , Environmental Pollution, Volume 295, (2022)
Ozone modelling and mapping for risk assessment: An overview of different approaches for human and ecosystems health, De Marco, Alessandra, García-Gómez H., Collalti A., Khaniabadi Y.O., Feng Z., Proietti C., Sicard P., Vitale M., Anav A., and Paoletti E. , Environmental Research, Volume 211, (2022)
Ozone-reducing urban plants: Choose carefully, Sicard, P., Agathokleous E., De Marco Alessandra, and Paoletti E. , Science, Volume 377, Number 6606, p.585, (2022)
Rethinking Subthreshold Effects in Regulatory Chemical Risk Assessments, Agathokleous, E., Barceló D., Aschner M., Azevedo R.A., Bhattacharya P., Costantini D., Cutler G.C., De Marco Alessandra, Docea A.O., Dórea J.G., et al. , Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 56, Number 16, p.11095-11099, (2022)
Spatiotemporal variations of ozone exposure and its risks to vegetation and human health in Cyprus: an analysis across a gradient of altitudes, Agathokleous, S., Saitanis C.J., Savvides C., Sicard P., Agathokleous E., and De Marco Alessandra , Journal of Forestry Research, (2022)
Strategic roadmap to assess forest vulnerability under air pollution and climate change, De Marco, Alessandra, Sicard P., Feng Z., Agathokleous E., Alonso R., Araminienė V., Augustatis A., Badea O., Beasley J.C., Branquinho C., et al. , Global Change Biology, Volume 28, Number 17, p.5062-5085, (2022)