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CTCN/Ocean Accounts webinar

Participants will learn about the basic principles of environmental-economic accounting and how they have been applied to integrating data on the ocean. The benefit will be linking to a new community of practice on ocean accounting.

Integrating information on the ocean has been a challenge, because it has been fragmented across disciplines, agencies and ideologies. The Ocean Accounts Framework is based on existing statistical standards, the System of National Accounts (SNA), used to measure national economies and the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) used to measure environment-economy linkages. This presents a coherent measurement framework that links economics, ecology and sociology. Many of the information requirements and analytical objectives of the Ocean Accounts Framework are consistent with those of climate change and disaster risk analysis.

Participants will learn about the basic principles of environmental-economic accounting and how they have been applied to integrating data on the ocean. The benefit will be linking to a new community of practice on ocean accounting.

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