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News and Events tagged: Circular economy
News and events tagged with Circular economy.
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- Additive Manufacturing
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- Agro-food
- Agro-industry
- Agrospace
- Food
- Environment
- Biodiversity
- Bio-economy
- Biorestoration
- Bioremediation
- Biotechnology
- Climate change
- Climate
- Eco-toxicology
- Ecomondo
- Blue Economy
- Circular economy
- Energy efficiency
- Energy
- Forests
- Formation
- Industry
- Air pollution
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- Sea
- Critical raw materials
- Microbiology
- Microplastics
- Microscopy
- Nature-based Solutions
- Notte Europea dei Ricercatori
- New materials
- Open data
- Cultural heritage
- Plastics
- Air quality
- Materials recovery and recycling
- Natural risks
- Health
- Ecosystem services
- Soil
- Technology
- Territory
- Transizione ecologica
26 October 2020
Dal 26 al 30 ottobre la “Virtual EIT RawMaterials Winter School on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment”
14 October 2020
Evento di lancio della rivista on line "Economiacircolare.com"
14 October 2020
L'ENEA partecipa all'evento di lancio della rivista on line "Economiacircolare.com" di cui è coordinatore scientifico
15 October 2020
Virtual Raw Material InfoDay (upcoming calls and funding opportunities) & Virtual Match-making meetings
28 September 2020
La nuova disciplina dell’End of Waste: Aspetti normativi e applicativi
10 September 2020
Webinar "Soluzioni e gestione dei rifiuti da Costruzione e Demolizione" - 18 Settembre 2020
17 July 2020