Produzione Scientifica
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The porem bio-activator as a solution for degraded soils: Results of first Italian trial,
, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Volume 20, Number 10, p.1673-1681, (2021)
A portable air quality monitoring unit and a modular, flexible tool for on-field evaluation and calibration of low-cost gas sensors,
, HardwareX, Jan-04-2021, Volume 9, p.e00198, (2021)
Potentials of Winery and Olive Oil Residues for the Production of Rhamnolipids and Other Biosurfactants: A Step Towards Achieving a Circular Economy Model,
, Waste and Biomass Valorization, (2021)
Preliminary study of a closed loop vertical ground source heat pump system for an experimental pilot plant (Rome, Italy),
, Renewable Energy, Volume 176, p.415-422, (2021)
Process superstructure optimization for resin and aromatic monomer production from kraft lignin,
, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 86, p.1453-1458, (2021)
Radiation-induced lens opacities: Epidemiological, clinical and experimental evidence, methodological issues, research gaps and strategy ,
, Environment International, Jan-01-2021, Volume 146, p.106213, (2021)
RAPPORTO DI FILIERA 2021 L'economia circolare nelle filiere industriali: il caso Plastiche,
, ICESP, (2021)
Recovering of Carbon Fiber from PPS and PEKK composites and their valorization by ceramization process of their surface,
, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 86, p.427-432, (2021)
Reductive amination reaction for the functionalization of cellulose nanocrystals,
, Molecules, Volume 26, Number 16, (2021)
Regional industrial symbiosis: A review based on social network analysis,
, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 280, (2021)
Renewable Energy Potential Maps for LESOTHO,
, 6th AIEE Energy Symposium Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security, 12/2021, web conference, (2021)
Resource Audit and Industrial Symbiosis,
, OMC Med Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2021, Ravenna, (2021)
Restoring the soil while preserving functions: a winning approach by exploiting microbial biodiversity,
, Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity, (2021)
Reversing the Humidity Response of MoS2- And WS2-Based Sensors Using Transition-Metal Salts,
, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, (2021)
A review on measurements of SARS-CoV-2 genetic material in air in outdoor and indoor environments: Implication for airborne transmission,
, Science of the Total Environment, (2021)
A review on microbial products and their perspective application as antimicrobial agents,
, Biomolecules, Volume 11, Number 12, (2021)
Risk analysis of a supercritical fluid extraction plant affected by a gas release using a commercial software,
, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 86, p.217-222, (2021)
Risk analysis of a supercritical fluid extraction plant through the phast & safeti software with extraction vessel rupture as scenario,
, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 86, p.253-258, (2021)
The role of dosimetry and biological effects in metastatic castration–resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) patients treated with 223Ra: first in human study,
, Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research, Volume 40, Number 1, (2021)
SARS-CoV-2 in water services: Presence and impacts,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 268, (2021)
Satellite Multi/Hyper Spectral HR Sensors for Mapping the Posidonia oceanica in South Mediterranean Islands,
, Sustainability, Jan-12-2021, Volume 13, Issue 24, Number 24, p.13715, (2021)
Sea Level Rise and Coastal Impacts: Innovation and Improvement of the Local Urban Plan for a Climate-Proof Adaptation Strategy,
, Sustainability, Jan-02-2021, Volume 13, Issue 3, p.1565, (2021)
Sea surface temperature intercomparison in the framework of the copernicus climate change service (C3S),
, Journal of Climate, Volume 34, Number 13, p.5257-5283, (2021)