Produzione scientifica
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Ultimo aggiornamento: 7 Gennaio 2025.
- Wild or Reared? Cassiopea andromeda Jellyfish as a Potential Biofactory. Marine Drugs. 23(1), 19. (2025).
- Genome Insights into Beneficial Microbial Strains Composing SIMBA Microbial Consortia Applied as Biofertilizers for Maize, Wheat and Tomato. Microorganisms. 12, (2024).
- Studies on Morphological Evolution of Gravure-Printed ZnO Thin Films Induced by Low-Temperature Vapor Post-Treatment. Nanomaterials. 14, (2024).
- Life Cycle Analysis and species-specific net CO2 assimilation model to assess when a new urban forest becomes a carbon sink in a Mediterranean city. Science of the Total Environment. 959, (2025).
- Circadian- and Light-Driven Rhythmicity of Interconnected Gene Networks in Olive Tree. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 26(1), 361. (2025).
Found 7494 results
Determination of copper, nickel, zinc, cobalt and manganese in seawater by chelation ion chromatography,
, Journal of Chromatography, 1993///, Volume 640, p.365 - 369, (1993)
Developments of seismic isolation implementation in Italy,
, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP, Volume 256 pt 2, p.171-186, (1993)
Diffusivity and Solubility of Hydrogen Isotopes in the Martensitic Steel Din 1.4914 (Manet) After Thermal Exposure At 900 K*,
, Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie, Volume 181, p.151-157, (1993)
The effect of light on the translational and transcriptional activities in the early phases of germination in phacella tanacetifolia seeds.,
, Giornale Botanico Italiano, Volume 127, Number 5, p.977, (1993)
Effect of multiple deformations on the amorphization of Ni-Zr diffusion couples,
, Philosophical Magazine B: Physics of Condensed Matter; Statistical Mechanics, Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties, Volume 68, Number 6, p.891-895, (1993)
Effect of recombinant il‐3 on lymphocyte populations in irradiated mice,
, STEM CELLS, Volume 11, Number 2 S, p.93-97, (1993)
Effect of subculture duration on some metabolic and physiological parameters in actinidia deliciosa calluses.,
, Giornale Botanico Italiano, Volume 127, Number 5, p.933, (1993)
Effect of successive transfers on osmotic substrate on some metabolic and physiological parameters in actinidia deliciosa calluses.,
, Giornale Botanico Italiano, Volume 127, Number 5, p.971, (1993)
Experimental and theoretical investigation of the order-disorder transformation in Ni3Al,
, Journal of Materials Research, Volume 8, Number 10, p.2504-2509, (1993)
On the fast amorphous phase growth in plastically deformed metallic couples,
, Scripta Metallurgica et Materiala, Volume 28, Number 7, p.821-826, (1993)
Flow cytometric and cytogenetic analyses in human spontaneous abortions,
, Human Genetics, Volume 91, Number 5, p.409-415, (1993)
Flow karyotyping and sorting of Vicia faba chromosomes,
, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 1993///, Volume 85, p.665 - 672, (1993)
Further results on cerium fluoride crystals,
, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, Volume 332, Number 3, p.373-394, (1993)
Glaciological study in Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica inferred from remote sensing analysis,
, Annals of Glaciology, Volume 17, p.63-71, (1993)
I limicoli svernanti nella fascia costiera del Lazio,
, Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia, Volume 63, p.86-91, (1993)
Immunogenetic factors in the incidence of experimental tumors [FATTORI IMMUNOGENETICI NELLA INSORGENZA DI TUMORI SPERIMENTALI],
, Annali Italiani di Medicina Interna, Volume 8, Number 2, p.104-107, (1993)
In vivo studies on chemically induced aneuploidy in mouse somatic and germinal cells,
, Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, Volume 287, Number 1, p.119-130, (1993)
Interactions between rhizosphere microorganisms under iron limitation,
, Archives of Microbiology, 1993///, Volume 160, p.68 - 73, (1993)
Interphase cytogenetics and flow cytometry analyses of renal tumours,
, Anticancer Research, Volume 13, Issue 6A, (1993)
Laser-driven synthesis of nanocrystalline alumina powders from gas-phase precursors,
, Applied Physics Letters, 1993///, Volume 63, p.1345 - 1347, (1993)
L'avifauna acquatica del Lago di Traiano (Lazio): Ciclo annuale e conteggi invernali (1987-1992),
, Riv. Ital. Orn, Volume 63, p.82-85, (1993)
Localization of seed protein genes on flow-sorted field bean chromosomes,
, Chromosome Research, 1993///, Volume 1, p.107 - 115, (1993)
Melatonin increases antigen presentation and amplifies specific and non specific signals for T-cell proliferation,
, International Journal of Immunopharmacology, Volume 15, Number 4, p.463-468, (1993)