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Produzione scientifica

Found 7401 results
Structural and chemical investigation of surface and interface of multilayer optical coatings deposited by DIBS, Alvisi, Marco, Mirenghi L., Tapfer Leander, Rizzo Antonella, Ferrara Maria Cristina, Scaglione S., and Vasanelli L. , Applied Surface Science, Volume 157, Number 1, p.52-60, (2000)
Structural and electrochemical study on Li(Li1/3Ti 5/3)O4 anode material for lithium ion batteries, Panero, S., Reale P., Ronci F., V. Albertini Rossi, and Scrosati B. , Ionics, Volume 6, Number 5-6, p.461-465, (2000)
A study of low-energy ion beam effects on outer plant cell structure for exogenous macromolecule transferring, Vilaithong, T., Yu L.D., Alisi Chiara, Phanchaisri B., Apavatjrut P., and Anuntalabhochai S. , Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 128-129, Number 1, p.133-138, (2000)
Study on the chemical structure of phenyl acetylene radiopolymer, Cataldo, F., Pentimalli Marzia, and Ragni P. , Polymer International, Volume 49, Number 11, p.1343-1347, (2000)
Surface impedance measurements of Nb/(Cu-Mn) artificial multilayers, Palomba, F., Andreone A., Pica G., Salluzzo M., Attanasio C., Di Luccio Tiziana, Maritato L., and Russo R. , Physica B: Condensed Matter, Volume 284-288, Number PART I, p.955-956, (2000)
Surface tension of atmospheric wet aerosol and cloud/fog droplets in relation to their organic carbon content and chemical composition, Facchini, M.C., Decesari S., Mircea Mihaela, Fuzzi S., and Loglio G. , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 34, Number 28, p.4853-4857, (2000)
Susceptibility of some grapevine varieties to Lobesia botrana (Denis et Schiffermüller)(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)., Baldacchino, Ferdinando, Moleas T, and others , GF 2000. Atti, Giornate Fitopatologiche, Perugia, 16-20 aprile, 2000, volume primo, p.441–444, (2000)
Susceptibility of some grapevine varieties to Lobesia botrana (Denis et Schiffermueller)(Lepidoptera-Tortricidae) infestations [Vitis vinifera L.-Apulia], Baldacchino, Ferdinando, and Moleas T , Atti delle Giornate Fitopatologiche (Italy), (2000)
Synthesis and characterization of LiCoyNi(1-y)VO4 lithium insertion materials, Panero, S., Reale P., Bonino F., Scrosati B., Arrabito M., Bodoardo S., Mazza D., and Penazzi N. , Solid State Ionics, Volume 128, Number 1-4, p.43-52, (2000)
Temperature Indepent Differential Absorption Spectroscopy (TIDAS) and Simplified Atmospheric Air Mass Factor (SAMF) techniques for the measurement of total ozone using GOME data, Zehner, C., Casadio S., Di Sarra Alcide, and Putz E. , European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, Number 461, p.2338-2346, (2000)
Theoretical calculations of shallow impurity states in deformed quantum wires with an application to porous silicon, Buonocore, F., Ninno D., and Iadonisi G. , Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Volume 62, Number 16, p.10914-10917, (2000)
Theory for semiconductor nanostructure reactivity to gas environment, Ninno, D., Iadonisi G., Buonocore F., Cantele G., and Di Francia G. , Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 68, Number 1, The Hague, Neth, p.17-21, (2000)
Thoughts on the ecology and evolution of the intertidal biota of the Azores and other Atlantic islands, Hawkins, S.J., Corte-Real H.B.S.M., Pannacciulli Federica, Weber L.C., and Bishop J.D.D. , Hydrobiologia, Volume 440, p.3-17, (2000)
Tomato contains homologues of Arabidopsis cryptochromes 1 and 2, Perrotta, Gaetano, Ninu L., Flamma F., Weller J.L., Kendrick R.E., Nebuloso E., and Giuliano Giovanni , Plant Molecular Biology, Volume 42, Number 5, p.765-773, (2000)
Towards novel flower colors in forsythia by genetic engineering, Rosati, C., Duron M., Cadic A., Rosati C., and Simoneau Ph. , Acta Horticulturae, Volume 508, p.45-48, (2000)
Towards resistant UV mirrors at 200 nm for free electron lasers: Manufacture - characterizations - degradations tests, Gatto, A., Thielsch R., Kaiser N., Hirsch M., Garzella D., Nutarelli D., De Ninno G., Renault E., Couprie M.E., Torchio P., et al. , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 4102, p.261-275, (2000)
Transport and interfacial properties of composite polymer electrolytes, Appetecchi, Giovanni Battista, Croce F., Persi L., Ronci F., and Scrosati B. , Electrochimica Acta, Volume 45, Number 8, Hayama, Jpn, p.1481-1490, (2000)
Two-photon autofluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy of Antarctic fungus: New approach for studying effects of UV-B irradiation, Arcangeli, Caterina, Yu W., Cannistraro S., and Gratton E. , Biopolymers - Biospectroscopy Section, Volume 57, Number 4, p.218-225, (2000)
Ultraviolet-graded coatings for lasers: Surface optical performance, Piegari, A., Perrone M.R., and Protopapa Maria Lucia , Thin Solid Films, Volume 373, Number 1-2, p.155-158, (2000)
Unusually high incidence of malignant pleural mesothelioma in a town of eastern Sicily: An epidemiological and environmental study, Paoletti, L., Batisti D., Bruno C., Di Paola M., Gianfagna A., Mastrantonio Marina, Nesti M., and Comba P. , Archives of Environmental Health, Volume 55, Number 6, p.392-398, (2000)
Upper critical field and irreversibility line in Bi2Sr2CuO6+δ/CaCuO2 superconducting superlattices obtained by MBE, Salvato, M., Attanasio C., Carbone G., Fittipaldi R., Di Luccio Tiziana, Mercaldo L.V., Montella A., Prischepa S.L., and Maritato L. , International Journal of Modern Physics B, Volume 14, Number 25-27, p.2767-2772, (2000)
Variability at different spatial scales of a coralligenous assemblage at Giannutri Island (Tuscan Archipelago, northwest Mediterranean), Ferdeghini, F, Acunto S, Cocito Silvia, and Cinelli F , HYDROBIOLOGIA, Volume 440, p.27-36, (2000)
The vertical distribution of Chthamalus montagui and Chthamalus stellatus (Crustacea, Cirripedia) in two areas of the NW Mediterranean Sea, Pannacciulli, Federica, and Relini G. , Hydrobiologia, Volume 426, Number 1-3, p.105-112, (2000)
Vortex lattice melting in perforated Nb/(Cu-Mn) multilayers, Attanasio, C., Di Luccio Tiziana, Mercaldo L.V., Prischepa S.L., Russo R., Salvato M., Maritato L., and Barbanera S. , Philosophical Magazine B: Physics of Condensed Matter; Statistical Mechanics, Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties, Volume 80, Number 5, Torino, p.875-882, (2000)
Wild relatives of chickpea: Multiple disease resistance and problems to introgression in the cultigen, Stamigna, Catia, Crinò P., and Saccardo F. , Journal of Genetics and Breeding, 2000///, Volume 54, p.213 - 219, (2000)