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Produzione scientifica

Found 7401 results
A novel SURF1 mutation results in Leigh syndrome with peripheral neuropathy caused by cytochrome c oxidase deficiency, Santoro, L., Carrozzo R., Malandrini A., Piemonte F., Patrono Clarice, Villanova M., Tessa A., Palmeri S., Bertini E., and Santorelli F.M. , Neuromuscular Disorders, Volume 10, Number 6, p.450-453, (2000)
Novel two-pass excimer laser crystallization process to obtain homogeneous large grain polysilicon, Mariucci, L., Carluccio R., Pecora A., Foglietti V., Fortunato G., and Della Sala Dario , Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, Volume 558, San Francisco, CA, USA, p.175-186, (2000)
The nucleoside diphosphate kinase activity of DRnm23 is not required for inhibition of differentiation and induction of apoptosis in 32Dcl3 myeloid precursor cells, Venturelli, D., Cesi Vincenzo, Ransac S., Engelhard A., Perrotti D., and Calabretta B. , Experimental Cell Research, Volume 257, Number 2, p.265-271, (2000)
OXPHOS and mtDNA alterations in a family with spastic paraparesis, Santorelli, F.M., Piemonte F., Carrozzo R., Tessa A., Patrono Clarice, Tozzi G., and Bertini E. , Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, Volume 101, Number 4, p.255-258, (2000)
Patterns of bioconstruction in the cheilostome bryozoan Schizoporella errata: the influence of hydrodynamics and associated biota, Cocito, Silvia, Ferdeghini F, Morri C, and Bianchi CN , MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES, Volume 192, NORDBUNTE 23, D-21385 OLDENDORF LUHE, GERMANY, p.153-161, (2000)
PEO-carbon composite lithium polymer electrolyte, Appetecchi, Giovanni Battista, and Passerini S. , Electrochimica Acta, Volume 45, Number 13, p.2139-2145, (2000)
Poly(ethylene glycol)-based aqueous biphasic systems: Effect of temperature on phase equilibria and on partitioning of 1,10-phenanthroline- copper(II) sulphate complex, Fontana, Danilo, and Ricci G. , Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications, Volume 743, Number 1-2, p.231-234, (2000)
Precipitation scavenging coefficient: Influence of measured aerosol and raindrop size distributions, Mircea, Mihaela, Stefan S., and Fuzzi S. , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 34, Number 29-30, p.5169-5174, (2000)
Preparation and characterization of LiCoO2 and LiMg0.05Co0.95O2 thin films on porous Ni/NiO cathodes for MCFC by complex sol-gel process (CSGP), Lada, W., Deptula A., Sartowska B., Olczak T., Chmielewski A.G., Carewska M., Scaccia S., Simonetti E., Giorgi L., and Moreno A. , Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, Volume 623, San Francisco, CA, p.395-400, (2000)
Process optimization in bioconversion of lignocellulosics into ethanol., Francesco, Zimbardi, Esmeralda Ricci, Egidio Viola, Daniela Cuna, Giovanni Cardinale, and mariangela Cardinale , First World Conference on Biomass for Energy and Industry, 06/2000, Volume II, Sevilla, Spain, p.1525-28, (2000)
Progetto “Parchi in qualità”, Mini, P., and Mastrone Antonietta , (2000)
Radiation biophysics at the Gran Sasso laboratory: Influence of a low background radiation environment on the adaptive response of living cells, Antonelli, Francesca, Belli M., Sapora O., Simone G., Sorrentino E., Tabocchini M.A., Amicarelli F., Ara C., Ceru' M.P., Colafarina S., et al. , Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, Volume 87, Number 1-3, p.508-509, (2000)
Relative humidity sensing by PVA-coated dual resonator SAW oscillator, Penza, Michele, and Cassano Gennaro , Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 68, Number 1, The Hague, Neth, p.300-306, (2000)
Resistive transition and perpendicular critical magnetic field in perforated Nb/CuMn multilayers, Attanasio, C., Barbanera S., Di Luccio Tiziana, Prischepa S.L., Russo R., Salvato M., and Maritato L. , Physica B: Condensed Matter, Volume 284-288, Number PART I, p.618-619, (2000)
Rotational Raman scattering dependence on pump polarization, Diso, D., Perrone M.R., and Protopapa Maria Lucia , Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, Volume 70, Number 4, p.529-536, (2000)
Ruolo della vegetazione spontanea nel mantenimento di insetti ed acari utili nei vigneti dell’Italia centrale, Ponti, Luigi , 2000, Perugia, Italy, p.170, (2000)
Secondary ion mass spectrometry and x-ray analysis of superconducting Nb/Pd multilayers, Gerardi, C., Tagliente M.A., Del Vecchio A., Tapfer Leander, Coccorese C., Attanasio C., Mercaldo L.V., Maritato L., Slaughter J.M., and Falco C.M. , Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 87, Number 2, p.717-723, (2000)
Simulations of biological production in the Rhodes and Ionian basins of the eastern Mediterranean, Napolitano, Ernesto, Oguz T., Malanotte-Rizzoli P., Yilmaz A., and Sansone E. , Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 24, Number 3-4, p.277-298, (2000)
Single shot laser damage in ultraviolet mirrors with a stepwise reflectivity profile, Diso, D., Perrone M.R., Piegari A., Protopapa Maria Lucia, and Scaglione S. , Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, Volume 18, Number 2, p.477-484, (2000)
Size structured populations: Dispersion effects due to stochastic variability of the individual growth rate, Buffoni, G., and Cappelletti Andrea , Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Volume 31, Number 4-5, p.27-34, (2000)
Snow accumulation rates in northern victoria land, Antarctica, By firm-core analysis, Stenni, B., Serra F., Frezzotti M, Maggi V., Traver R., Begagli S., and Udisti R. , Journal of Glaciology, Volume 46, Number 155, p.541-552, (2000)
Solar blind lidar for continuous monitoring of water vapour, Torsello, G., de Tomasi F., Protopapa Maria Lucia, and Perrone M.R. , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 4070, Potenza-Lecce, Italy, p.108-113, (2000)
Somatic organogenesis and embryogenesis in callus cultures of Azadirachta excelsa [Organogenesi ed embriogenesi somatica in colture di callo di Azadirachta excelsa], Monacelli, B., Giagnacovo G., Van der Esch Andrew, and Pasqua G. , Italian Botanist, Volume 32, Number 1-3, p.104-105, (2000)
Sperm chromatin damage impairs human fertility, Spanò, M., Bonde J.P., Hjøllund H.I., Kolstad H.A., Cordelli Eugenia, and Leter Giorgio , Fertility and Sterility, Volume 73, Number 1, p.43-50, (2000)
The Sterile Insect technique in the IPM of Whiteflies in greenhouse, Calvitti, Maurizio, Remotti P.C., and Cirio Ugo , Area-Wide Control of fruit flies and other insect pest- Penang, Malaysia May 28-June 2, 1998, Volume I, Penang, Malaysia, p.185-192, (2000)