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Filtri: Parola Chiave is dosimetry [Clear All Filters]
Dosimetry for repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: a translational study from Alzheimer’s disease patients to controlled in vitro investigations,
, Physics in Medicine and Biology, Volume 69, Number 18, (2024)
Murine Skin Dosimetry Under Millimeter Wave Exposure,
, IEEE Journal of Microwaves, p.1-9, (2024)
Out-of-field effects: lessons learned from partial body exposure,
, Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, (2022)
Visible radiophotoluminescence of colour centres in lithium fluoride: From lasers to versatile radiation sensors,
, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 2298, Number 1, (2022)
Size resolved aerosol respiratory doses in a Mediterranean urban area: From PM10 to ultrafine particles,
, Environment International, Volume 141, (2020)
Evidences of plasma membrane-mediated ROS generation upon ELF exposure in neuroblastoma cells supported by a computational multiscale approach,
, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, Volume 1861, Number 8, p.1446-1457, (2019)
Improved neutron activation dosimetry for fusion,
, Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 139, p.109-114, (2019)
Output factor measurement in high dose-per-pulse IORT electron beams,
, Physica Medica, Volume 61, p.94-102, (2019)
Cells and electropulsation microchambers modeling for linear and nonlinear optical microspectroscopy,
, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, Volume 2018-June, p.899-902, (2018)
An in vivo exposure-system for wide-band electric pulses,
, IET Conference Publications, Volume 2018, Number CP741, (2018)
A numerical study for the design of a new DD coil prototype for dynamic wireless charging of electric vehicles,
, IET Conference Publications, Volume 2018, Number CP741, (2018)
Monopole patch antenna for in vivo exposure to nanosecond pulsed electric fields,
, Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, Volume 55, Number 7, p.1073-1083, (2017)
Design of an applicator for nsPEF exposure of newborn mice,
, IFMBE Proceedings, Volume 53, p.228-231, (2016)
A Microdosimetric Study of Electropulsation on Multiple Realistically Shaped Cells: Effect of Neighbours,
, Journal of Membrane Biology, Volume 249, Number 5, p.691-701, (2016)
A Wideband Microwave Exposure Setup for Suspended Cells Cultures: Numerical and Experimental em Characterization,
, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Volume 15, p.278-281, (2016)
Analysis of 210Pb peak values at Mt. Cimone (1998-2011),
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 112, p.136-147, (2015)
A case-study to assess compliance with exposure limit values for workers exposed to multiple frequency electromagnetic sources,
, 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2015, (2015)
Radiological risk from thoron, a case study: The particularly radon-prone area of Bolsena, and the lesson learned,
, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Volume 116, p.381-385, (2015)
Comparison of radioactivity data measured in PM10 aerosol samples at two elevated stations in northern Italy during the Fukushima event,
, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 114, p.105-112, (2012)
Design and realisation of tissue-equivalent dielectric simulators for dosimetric studies on microwave antennas for interstitial ablation,
, Physica Medica, Volume 28, Number 3, p.245-253, (2012)
The Cosmic Silence experiment: On the putative adaptive role of environmental ionizing radiation,
, Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, Volume 48, Number 2, p.189-196, (2009)
Exposure to radiofrequency radiation (900 MHz, GSM signal) does not affect micronucleus frequency and cell proliferation in human peripheral blood lymphocytes: An interlaboratory study,
, Radiation Research, Volume 165, Number 6, p.655-663, (2006)
Effects of 900 MHz electromagnetic fields exposure on cochlear cells' functionality in rats: Evaluation of distortion Product OtoAcoustic Emissions,
, Bioelectromagnetics, Volume 26, Number 7, p.536-547, (2005)
A procedure to develop realistic numerical models of cellular phones for an accurate evaluation of SAR distribution in the human head,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 53, Number 4 I, p.1256-1264, (2005)
A radio-frequency system for in vivo pilot experiments aimed at the studies on biological effects of electromagnetic fields,
, Physics in Medicine and Biology, Volume 50, Number 15, p.3643-3654, (2005)