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Filtri: Parola Chiave is life cycle assessment [Clear All Filters]
The Contribution of Biogas to the Electricity Supply Chain: An Italian Life Cycle Assessment Database,
, Energies, Volume 17, Number 13, (2024)
A Life Cycle Assessment of a recovery process from End-of-Life Photovoltaic Panels,
, Applied Energy, Volume 290, (2021)
Optical methods to identify end-of-life PV panel structure,
, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Jan-08-2021, Volume 171, p.105634, (2021)
Freight transport in the context of industrial ecology and sustainability: evaluation of uni- and multi-modality scenarios via life cycle assessment,
, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, (2020)
Transforming rooftops into productive urban spaces in the Mediterranean. An LCA comparison of agri-urban production and photovoltaic energy generation,
, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, p.321-336, (2019)
Greenhouse gas emissions and non-renewable energy use profiles of bio-based succinic acid from Arundo donax L. lignocellulosic feedstock,
, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, Volume 19, Number 8, p.2129-2143, (2017)
Potential environmental impact of bioethanol production chain from fiber sorghum to be used in passenger cars,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 598, p.365-376, (2017)
Life Cycle Assessment of second generation bioethanol produced from low-input dedicated crops of Arundo donax L.,
, Bioresource Technology, Volume 219, p.589-599, (2016)
Dealing with LCA modeling for the end of life of mechatronic products,
Life Cycle Assessment of Mixed Municipal Solid Waste: Multi-input versus multi-output perspective,
, Waste Management, Volume 46, p.599-611, (2015)
Mass balance and life cycle assessment of the waste electrical and electronic equipment management system implemented in Lombardia Region (Italy),
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 524-525, p.361-375, (2015)
Combining life cycle assessment and qualitative risk assessment: The case study of alumina nanofluid production,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 496, p.122-131, (2014)
A method for improving reliability and relevance of LCA reviews: The case of life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of tap and bottled water,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 476-477, p.228-241, (2014)
Material, energy and environmental performance of technological and social systems under a Life Cycle Assessment perspective,
, Ecological Modelling, Volume 222, Number 1, p.176-189, (2011)
Strengths or bias in social LCA?,
, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Volume 16, Number 7, p.596-598, (2011)
Life Cycle Assessment of waste management systems in Italian industrial areas: Case study of 1st Macrolotto of Prato,
, Energy, Volume 34, Number 5, p.613-622, (2009)
LCA of integrated MSW management systems: Case study of the Bologna District,
, Waste Management, Volume 27, Number 8, p.1059-1070, (2007)
Application of LCA method to an emergency lamp 626 AUTOTEST BEGHELLI,
, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 4193, p.96-105, (2001)
'Life cycle assessment of an axial air compressor manufactured by the firm FINI COMPRESSORI',
, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 4193, p.106-115, (2001)