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Suitability of lysosomal membrane stability in Eisenia fetida as biomarker of soil copper contamination,
, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Volume 74, Number 4, p.984-988, (2011)
TGFβ-induced c-Myb affects the expression of EMT-associated genes and promotes invasion of ER+ breast cancer cells,
, Cell Cycle, Volume 10, Number 23, p.4149-4161, (2011)
Is the toxic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata harmful to Mediterranean benthic invertebrates? Evidences from ecotoxicological tests with the polychaete Dinophilus gyrociliatus,
, Marine Environmental Research, Volume 72, Number 4, p.230-233, (2011)
The transcriptome of the reference potato genome solanum tuberosum group Phureja clone DM1-3 516R44,
, PLoS ONE, Volume 6, Number 10, (2011)
Alternative splicing of the cyclin D1 proto-oncogene is regulated by the RNA-binding protein Sam68,
, Cancer Research, Volume 70, Number 1, p.229-239, (2010)
Bioelectrochemical reduction of CO2 to CH4 via direct and indirect extracellular electron transfer by a hydrogenophilic methanogenic culture,
, Bioresource Technology, Volume 101, Number 9, p.3085-3090, (2010)
Cadmium, lead and their mixtures with copper: Paracentrotus lividus embryotoxicity assessment, prediction, and offspring quality evaluation,
, Ecotoxicology, Volume 19, Number 7, p.1209-1223, (2010)
Catecholamine plasma levels following immune stimulation with rabies vaccine in dogs selected for their paw preferences,
, Neuroscience Letters, 2010, Volume 476, p.142 - 145, (2010)
Chromogenic in situ hybridization to detect EGFR gene copy number in cell blocks from fine-needle aspirates of non small cell lung carcinomas and lung metastases from colo-rectal cancer,
, Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research, Volume 29, Number 1, (2010)
Comparative acute lung inflammation induced by atmospheric PM and size-fractionated tire particles,
, Toxicology Letters, Volume 198, Number 2, p.244-254, (2010)
Differences in cytotoxicity versus pro-inflammatory potency of different PM fractions in human epithelial lung cells,
, Toxicology in Vitro, Volume 24, Number 1, p.29-39, (2010)
A disposable Laccase-Tyrosinase based biosensor for amperometric detection of phenolic compounds in must and wine,
, Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, Volume 64, Number 3-4, p.189-194, (2010)
Efficient Agrobacterium-based transient expression system for the production of biopharmaceuticals in plants,
, Bioengineered Bugs, Volume 1, Number 3, p.221-224, (2010)
Evaluation of a modified comet assay to detect DNA damage in mammalian sperm exposed in vitro to different mutagenic compounds,
, Reproductive Toxicology, Volume 30, Number 1, p.44-49, (2010)
Expression of slug is regulated by c-Myb and is required for invasion and bone marrow homing of cancer cells of different origin,
, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Volume 285, Number 38, p.29434-29445, (2010)
Genetic heterogeneity of inflammatory response and skin tumorigenesis in phenotypically selected mouse lines,
, Cancer Letters, Volume 295, Number 1, p.54-58, (2010)
Geostatistics as a validation tool for setting ozone standards for durum wheat,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 158, Number 2, p.536-542, (2010)
Increased Foxp3+ regulatory T cells in poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 deficiency,
, Journal of Immunology, Volume 184, Number 7, p.3470-3477, (2010)
Interaction between glutathione-S-transferase polymorphisms, smoking habit, and HPV infection in cervical cancer risk,
, Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, Volume 136, Number 7, p.1101-1109, (2010)
Laboratory investigation of DNAPL migration in porous media,
, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 176, Number 1-3, p.1006-1017, (2010)
Lentinula edodes enhances the biocontrol activity of Cryptococcus laurentii against Penicillium expansum contamination and patulin production in apple fruits,
, International Journal of Food Microbiology, Volume 138, Number 3, p.243-249, (2010)
Microsatellite instability in radiation-induced murine tumours; Influence of tumour type and radiation quality,
, International Journal of Radiation Biology, Volume 86, Number 7, p.555-568, (2010)
Prenatal exposure to non-ionizing radiation: Effects of WiFi signals on pregnancy outcome, peripheral B-cell compartment and antibody production,
, Radiation Research, Volume 174, Number 6 A, p.732-740, (2010)
Proteomic analysis of the plant-virus interaction in cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) resistant transgenic tomato,
, Journal of Proteome Research, Volume 9, Number 11, p.5684-5697, (2010)
Responses of antioxidant systems after exposition to rare earths and their role in chilling stress in common duckweed (Lemna minor L.): A defensive weapon or a boomerang?,
, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Volume 58, Number 1, p.42-52, (2010)