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Alternative splicing of the cyclin D1 proto-oncogene is regulated by the RNA-binding protein Sam68, Paronetto, M.P., Cappellari M., Busà R., Pedrotti S., Vitali Roberta, Comstock C., Hyslop T., Knudsen K.E., and Sette C. , Cancer Research, Volume 70, Number 1, p.229-239, (2010)
Bioelectrochemical reduction of CO2 to CH4 via direct and indirect extracellular electron transfer by a hydrogenophilic methanogenic culture, Villano, M., Aulenta F., Ciucci C., Ferri T., Giuliano Antonio, and Majone M. , Bioresource Technology, Volume 101, Number 9, p.3085-3090, (2010)
Cadmium, lead and their mixtures with copper: Paracentrotus lividus embryotoxicity assessment, prediction, and offspring quality evaluation, Manzo, Sonia, Buono S., and Cremisini C. , Ecotoxicology, Volume 19, Number 7, p.1209-1223, (2010)
Catecholamine plasma levels following immune stimulation with rabies vaccine in dogs selected for their paw preferences, Siniscalchi, M., Sasso Raffaella, Pepe A.M., Dimatteo Salvatore, Vallortigara G., and Quaranta A. , Neuroscience Letters, 2010, Volume 476, p.142 - 145, (2010)
Chromogenic in situ hybridization to detect EGFR gene copy number in cell blocks from fine-needle aspirates of non small cell lung carcinomas and lung metastases from colo-rectal cancer, Simone, G., Mangia A., Malfettone A., Rubini V., Siciliano M., Di Benedetto A., Terrenato I., Novelli Flavia, and Mottolese M. , Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research, Volume 29, Number 1, (2010)
Comparative acute lung inflammation induced by atmospheric PM and size-fractionated tire particles, Mantecca, P., Farina F., Moschini E., Gallinotti D., Gualtieri Maurizio, Rohr A., Sancini G., Palestini P., and Camatini M. , Toxicology Letters, Volume 198, Number 2, p.244-254, (2010)
Differences in cytotoxicity versus pro-inflammatory potency of different PM fractions in human epithelial lung cells, Gualtieri, Maurizio, Øvrevik J., Holme J.A., Perrone M.G., Bolzacchini E., Schwarze P.E., and Camatini M. , Toxicology in Vitro, Volume 24, Number 1, p.29-39, (2010)
A disposable Laccase-Tyrosinase based biosensor for amperometric detection of phenolic compounds in must and wine, Montereali, Maria Rita, Seta L.D., Vastarella W, and Pilloton R. , Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, Volume 64, Number 3-4, p.189-194, (2010)
Efficient Agrobacterium-based transient expression system for the production of biopharmaceuticals in plants, Circelli, P., Donini Marcello, Villani Maria Elena, Benvenuto Eugenio, and Marusic Carla , Bioengineered Bugs, Volume 1, Number 3, p.221-224, (2010)
Evaluation of a modified comet assay to detect DNA damage in mammalian sperm exposed in vitro to different mutagenic compounds, Villani, Paola, Spanò M., Pacchierotti Francesca, Weimer M., and Cordelli Eugenia , Reproductive Toxicology, Volume 30, Number 1, p.44-49, (2010)
Expression of slug is regulated by c-Myb and is required for invasion and bone marrow homing of cancer cells of different origin, Tanno, Barbara, Sesti F., Cesi Vincenzo, Bossi G., Ferrari-Amorotti G., Bussolari R., Tirindelli D., Calabretta B., and Raschellà G. , Journal of Biological Chemistry, Volume 285, Number 38, p.29434-29445, (2010)
Genetic heterogeneity of inflammatory response and skin tumorigenesis in phenotypically selected mouse lines, Galvan, A., Vorraro F., Cabrera W.H.K., Ribeiro O.G., Pazzaglia Simonetta, Mancuso Mariateresa, Zolin A., Milani S., Saran Anna, Ibañez O.M., et al. , Cancer Letters, Volume 295, Number 1, p.54-58, (2010)
Geostatistics as a validation tool for setting ozone standards for durum wheat, De Marco, Alessandra, Screpanti Augusto, and Paoletti E. , Environmental Pollution, Volume 158, Number 2, p.536-542, (2010)
Increased Foxp3+ regulatory T cells in poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 deficiency, Nasta, F., Laudisi F., Sambucci M., Rosado M.M., and Pioli Claudio , Journal of Immunology, Volume 184, Number 7, p.3470-3477, (2010)
Interaction between glutathione-S-transferase polymorphisms, smoking habit, and HPV infection in cervical cancer risk, Palma, S., Novelli Flavia, Padua L., Venuti A., Prignano G., Mariani L., Cozzi R., Tirindelli D., and Testa Antonella , Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, Volume 136, Number 7, p.1101-1109, (2010)
Laboratory investigation of DNAPL migration in porous media, Luciano, Antonella, Viotti P., and Papini M.P. , Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 176, Number 1-3, p.1006-1017, (2010)
Lentinula edodes enhances the biocontrol activity of Cryptococcus laurentii against Penicillium expansum contamination and patulin production in apple fruits, Tolaini, Valentina, Zjalic S., Reverberi M., Fanelli C., Fabbri A.A., Del Fiore Antonella, De Rossi P., and Ricelli A. , International Journal of Food Microbiology, Volume 138, Number 3, p.243-249, (2010)
Microsatellite instability in radiation-induced murine tumours; Influence of tumour type and radiation quality, Haines, J., Bacher J., Coster M., Huiskamp R., Meijne E., Mancuso Mariateresa, Pazzaglia Simonetta, and Bouffler S. , International Journal of Radiation Biology, Volume 86, Number 7, p.555-568, (2010)
Prenatal exposure to non-ionizing radiation: Effects of WiFi signals on pregnancy outcome, peripheral B-cell compartment and antibody production, Sambucci, M., Laudisi F., Nasta F., Pinto Rosanna, Lodato R., Altavista P., Lovisolo G.A., Marino Carmela, and Pioli Claudio , Radiation Research, Volume 174, Number 6 A, p.732-740, (2010)
Proteomic analysis of the plant-virus interaction in cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) resistant transgenic tomato, Di Carli, M., Villani Maria Elena, Bianco L., Lombardi R., Perrotta Gaetano, Benvenuto Eugenio, and Donini Marcello , Journal of Proteome Research, Volume 9, Number 11, p.5684-5697, (2010)
Responses of antioxidant systems after exposition to rare earths and their role in chilling stress in common duckweed (Lemna minor L.): A defensive weapon or a boomerang?, Ippolito, M.P., Fasciano C., d'Aquino Luigi, Morgana M., and Tommasi F. , Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Volume 58, Number 1, p.42-52, (2010)