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Musarmins: Three single-chain ribosome-inactivating protein isoforms from bulbs of Muscari armeniacum L. and Miller,
, International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 2003, Volume 35, p.61 - 78, (2003)
A rhizospheric Burkholderia cepacia complex population: Genotypic and phenotypic diversity of Burkholderia cenocepacia and Burkholderia ambifaria,
, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Volume 46, Number 2, p.179-187, (2003)
SCCA2-like serpins mediate genetic predisposition to skin tumors,
, Cancer Research, Volume 63, Number 8, p.1871-1875, (2003)
β-carotene regulates NF-κB DNA-binding activity by a redox mechanism in human leukemia and colon adenocarcinoma cells,
, Journal of Nutrition, Volume 133, Number 2, p.381-388, (2003)
Cyclic adenosine 5′-monophosphate and calcium induce CD152 (CTLA-4) up-regulation in resting CD4+ T lymphocytes,
, Journal of Immunology, Volume 169, Number 11, p.6231-6235, (2002)
Cyclin D1-dependent regulation of B-myb activity in early stages of neuroblastoma differentiation,
, Cell Death and Differentiation, Volume 9, Number 11, p.1232-1239, (2002)
Cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen-4 inhibits integrin-mediated stimulation,
, Immunology, Volume 107, Number 2, p.209-216, (2002)
Development and calibration of a mathematical model for the simulation of the biofiltration process,
, Advances in Environmental Research, Volume 7, Number 1, p.11-33, (2002)
Expression of insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 5 in neuroblastoma cells is regulated at the transcriptional level by c-Myb and b-Myb via direct and indirect mechanisms,
, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Volume 277, Number 26, p.23172-23180, (2002)
The genetic control of chemically and radiation-induced skin tumorigenesis: A study with carcinogenesis-susceptible and carcinogenesis-resistant mice,
, Radiation Research, Volume 158, Number 1, p.78-83, (2002)
High incidence of medulloblastoma following X-ray-irradiation of newborn Ptc1 heterozygous mice,
, Oncogene, Volume 21, Number 49, p.7580-7584, (2002)
hnRNP A1 nucleocytoplasmic shuttling activity is required for normal myelopoiesis and BCR/ABL leukemogenesis,
, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Volume 22, Number 7, p.2255-2266, (2002)
Influence of a low background radiation environment on biochemical and biological responses in V79 cells,
, Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, Volume 41, Number 3, p.217-224, (2002)
Oxidative modulation of nuclear factor-κB in human cells expressing mutant fALS-typical superoxide dismutases,
, Journal of Neurochemistry, Volume 83, Number 5, p.1019-1029, (2002)
Plant-derived human papillomavirus 16 E7 oncoprotein induces immune response and specific tumor protection,
, Cancer Research, Volume 62, Number 13, p.3654-3658, (2002)
Platinum levels in natural and urban soils from Rome and Latium (Italy): Significance for pollution by automobile catalytic converter,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 293, Number 1-3, p.47-57, (2002)
Water soluble organic compounds formed by oxidation of soot,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 36, Number 11, p.1827-1832, (2002)
Analysis of heavy metals in atmospheric particulates in relation to their bioaccumulation in explanted Pseudevernia furfuracea Thalli,
, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 69, Number 3, p.205-220, (2001)
Anti-CTLA-4 human scFv antibodies prevent T-cell activation in transplantation,
, Transplantation Proceedings, Volume 33, Number 1-2, p.285-287, (2001)
Caspase cleavage enhances the apoptosis-inducing effects of BAD,
, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Volume 21, Number 9, p.3025-3036, (2001)
Change in soil's metal carrying capacity as a result of urban sludge addition,
, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Volume 132, Number 1-2, p.141-151, (2001)
Chemical features and seasonal variation of fine aerosol water-soluble organic compounds in the Po Valley, Italy,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 35, Number 21, p.3691-3699, (2001)
Chimeric plant virus particles as immunogens for inducing murine and human immune responses against human immunodeficiency virus type 1,
, Journal of Virology, Volume 75, Number 18, p.8434-8439, (2001)
Oxidative inactivation of calcineurin by Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase G93A, a mutant typical of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,
, Journal of Neurochemistry, Volume 79, Number 3, p.531-538, (2001)
Selection of denitrifying phosphorus accumulating organisms in activated sludge,
, Environmental Technology, Volume 22, Number 12, p.1429-1437, (2001)