Produzione scientifica
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Filtri: Autore is Caria, M.C. [Clear All Filters]
Traditional land uses enhanced plant biodiversity in a Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral system,
, Plant Biosystems, Volume 150, Number 2, p.201-207, (2016)
Isolated cork oak trees affect soil properties and biodiversity in a Mediterranean wooded grassland,
, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, Volume 202, p.203-216, (2015)
Effects of long-term management practices on grassland plant assemblages in Mediterranean cork oak silvo-pastoral systems,
, Plant Ecology, Volume 214, Number 4, p.621-631, (2013)
Effects of plant community composition and flowering phenology on honeybee foraging in Mediterranean sylvo-pastoral systems,
, Applied Vegetation Science, Volume 16, Number 4, p.689-697, (2013)