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Produzione scientifica

Found 7396 results
A summer climate regime over Europe modulated by the North Atlantic Oscillation, Wang, G., Dolman A.J., and Alessandri Andrea , Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Volume 15, Number 1, p.57-64, (2011)
Synergic use of EO, NWP and ground based data for the characterisation of water vapour field, Pierdicca, N., Rocca F., Rommen B., Basili P., Bonafoni S., Carlesimo G., Cimini N., Ciotti P., Ferretti R., Marzano F.S., et al. , Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EUCAP 2011, p.3247 – 3250, (2011)
Synergic use of EO, NWP and ground based measurements for the mitigation of vapour artefacts in SAR interferometry, Pierdicca, N., Rocca F., Basili P., Bonafoni S., Carlesimo G., Cimini D., Ciotti P., Ferretti R., Marzano F.S., Mattioli V., et al. , International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), p.2566 – 2569, (2011)
Synthesis and characterization of PMMA/silylated MMTs, De Maria, A., Aurora A., Montone Amelia, Tapfer Leander, Pesce Emanuela, Balboni R., Schwarz M., and Borriello Carmela , Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Volume 13, Number 11, p.6049-6058, (2011)
TALDICE-1 age scale of the Talos Dome deep ice core, East Antarctica, Buiron, D., Chappellaz J., Stenni B., Frezzotti M, Baumgartner M., Capron E., Landais A., Lemieux-Dudon B., Masson-Delmotte V., Montagnat M., et al. , Climate of the Past, Volume 7, Number 1, p.1-16, (2011)
A temporal analysis on the dynamics of deep-sea macrofauna: Influence of environmental variability off Catalonia coasts (western Mediterranean), Mamouridis, V., Cartes J.E., Parra S., Fanelli E., and Salinas J.I. Saiz , Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, Volume 58, Number 4, p.323-337, (2011)
Textile wastewater treatment in a bench-scale anaerobic-biofilm anoxic-aerobic membrane bioreactor combined with nanofiltration, Grilli, Selene, Piscitelli D., Mattioli D., Casu S., and Spagni A. , Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, Volume 46, Number 13, p.1512-1518, (2011)
TGFβ-induced c-Myb affects the expression of EMT-associated genes and promotes invasion of ER+ breast cancer cells, Cesi, Vincenzo, Casciati A., Sesti F., Tanno Barbara, Calabretta B., and Raschellà G. , Cell Cycle, Volume 10, Number 23, p.4149-4161, (2011)
Thermally sprayed coatings for high-temperature applications, Di Girolamo, G., and Pagnotta L. , Recent Patents on Materials Science, Volume 4, Number 3, p.173-190, (2011)
Thermoelectric properties of carbon nanotubes layers, Penza, Michele, Rossi R., Alvisi Marco, Valerini D., Serra Emanuele, Martinelli E., Di Natale C., and D'Amico A. , Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Volume 91 LNEE, Messina, p.73-79, (2011)
Is the toxic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata harmful to Mediterranean benthic invertebrates? Evidences from ecotoxicological tests with the polychaete Dinophilus gyrociliatus, Simonini, R., Orlandi M., and Abbate M. , Marine Environmental Research, Volume 72, Number 4, p.230-233, (2011)
Traffic-induced vibrations in historical buildings, Bongiovanni, Giovanni, Clemente Paolo, Rinaldis D., and Saitta Fernando , Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2011, p.812-819, (2011)
The transcriptome of the reference potato genome solanum tuberosum group Phureja clone DM1-3 516R44, Massa, A.N., Childs K.L., Lin H., Bryan G.J., Giuliano Giovanni, and Buell C.R. , PLoS ONE, Volume 6, Number 10, (2011)
Treatment of propolis specimens from Central Italy to yield a product with a lower charge of allergenic species, Aliboni, A., D’Andrea A., and Massanisso P. , Separation and Purification Technology, 2011, Volume 82, p.71 - 75, (2011)
Tropical cyclone count forecasting using a dynamical seasonal prediction system: Sensitivity to improved ocean initialization, Alessandri, Andrea, Borrelli A., Gualdi S., Scoccimarro E., and Masina S. , Journal of Climate, Volume 24, Number 12, p.2963-2982, (2011)
Two-dimensional differential in gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) analysis of grape berry proteome during postharvest withering, Di Carli, Mariasole, Zamboni A., Pè M.E., Pezzotti M., Lilley K.S., Benvenuto Eugenio, and Desiderio Angiola , Journal of Proteome Research, 2011, Volume 10, p.429 - 446, (2011)
The two-layer skirted Island, Pedlosky, J., Iacono Roberto, Napolitano Ernesto, and Spall M.A. , Journal of Marine Research, Volume 69, Number 2-3, p.347-382, (2011)
Two-phase thermophilic anaerobic digestion process for biohythane production treating biowaste: Preliminary results, Cavinato, C., Bolzonella D., Fatone F., Giuliano Antonio, and Pavan P. , Water Science and Technology, Volume 64, Number 3, p.715-721, (2011)
Uncertainty analysis of thermal conductivity measurements in materials for energy-efficient buildings, Laghi, L., Pennecchi F., and Raiteri G. , International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering, Volume 2, Number 2, p.141-151, (2011)
Unsustainable use of groundwater resources in agricultural and urban areas: A Persistent Scatterer study of land subsidence at the basin scale, Righini, Gaia, Raspini F., Moretti S., and Cigna F. , WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Volume 144, Alicante, p.81-92, (2011)
Use of single wall carbon nanohorns in polymeric electrolyte fuel cells, Brandão, L., Passeira C., Mirabile Gattia Daniele, and Mendes A. , Journal of Materials Science, Volume 46, Number 22, p.7198-7205, (2011)
USO DELLA TECNOLOGIA HPTLC PER IDENTIFICARE LE CATTERISTICHE DI UN NEEM CAKE CON ATTIVITA’ INSETTICIDA, Mariani, Susanna, Vitali Fabio, Nicoletti M., and Coccioletti Tiziana , congresso S.I.F., 06/2011, Roma, (2011)
Valorizzazione della biodiversità vegetale in un comprensorio a vocazione agro-ambientale: la Santolina etrusca, Letardi, Agostino, D’Auria Felicia Diodata, and Bacchetta Loretta , 1° Congresso della Rete Italiana per la Ricerca in Agricoltura Biologica, Catania, (2011)
Vibrations of inclined cables under skew wind, Impollonia, N., Ricciardi G., and Saitta Fernando , International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Jan-09-2011, Volume 46, Issue 7, Number 7, p.907-918, (2011)
Volumetric assessment of cerebral asymmetries in dogs, Siniscalchi, M., Franchini D., Pepe A.M., Sasso Raffaella, Dimatteo Salvatore, Vallortigara G., and Quaranta A. , Laterality, 2011, Volume 16, p.528 - 536, (2011)