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Asbestos related diseases in Italy: An integrated approach to identify unexpected professional or environmental exposure risks at municipal level

TitoloAsbestos related diseases in Italy: An integrated approach to identify unexpected professional or environmental exposure risks at municipal level
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2008
AutoriMarinaccio, A., Scarselli A., Binazzi A., Altavista P., Belli S., Mastrantonio Marina, Pasetto R., Uccelli Raffaella, and Comba P.
RivistaInternational Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
Parole chiavearticle, Asbestos, asbestosis, cluster analysis, environmental exposure, Female, health hazard, human, Humans, Italy, Long term exposure, major clinical study, male, Malignant mesothelioma, mesothelioma, Mortality, occupational exposure, Pleural Neoplasms, Research Design, Risk assessment, statistical significance

Past intensive use of asbestos has implied severe public health consequences. Spatial distribution of deaths from malignant mesothelioma and of compensated cases for asbestos related diseases in Italy were compared to identify unexpected sources of asbestos exposure. Methods: Mortality for malignant mesothelioma at municipal level and geographical clusters of compensated cases for asbestos related diseases, as proxy of industrial asbestos exposure, were identified in the period 1988-2001. Results: Municipalities with at least four mesothelioma deaths and a statistically significant mortality excess were 148; and 53 out of them had no compensated case for asbestos-related diseases. Finally 22 of these lay outside of any aforementioned cluster, thus suggestive of a possible unrecognized exposure. Conclusions: Availability long-term national figures and the different etiology of asbestos related diseases are the key features of this exercise that was applied to Italy, but can be replicated wherever registration systems of diseases related to long term exposure to asbestos are available. © Springer-Verlag 2007.


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Citation KeyMarinaccio2008993