Titolo | Sputter-deposited cerium vanadium mixed oxide as counter-electrode for electrochromic devices |
Tipo di pubblicazione | Articolo su Rivista peer-reviewed |
Anno di Pubblicazione | 1999 |
Autori | Masetti, E., Varsano F., and Decker F. |
Rivista | Electrochimica Acta |
Volume | 44 |
Paginazione | 3117-3119 |
ISSN | 00134686 |
Parole chiave | Cerium dioxide, Degradation, Electrochemical electrodes, Electrochemistry, Electrochromic device, Electrochromic materials, Electrochromism, Electrooptical devices, Lithium, Mixed oxide, Oxides, Sputter deposition, Thin films, Tungsten compounds, Vanadium oxide |
Abstract | Oxide films deposited by reactive radio frequency sputtering of target made of mixed CeO2 and V2O5 (1:1) powders show an anodic electrochromic character upon lithium insertion. As-deposited films look yellowish and become fully transparent for an inserted charge of 30 mC/cm2 of Li ions. A total charge of 60 mC/cm2 has been reversible cycled in the 1 to 5 V versus Li range in an electrochemical cell without any significant degradation. Following these preliminary results, films of Ce-V mixed oxide made by r.f. sputtering are suitable for working in tandem with tungsten oxide in a practical electrochromic device. |
Note | cited By 21 |
URL | https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0032654625&doi=10.1016%2fS0013-4686%2899%2900028-6&partnerID=40&md5=f620d09ae4887d426acbeabb66c8f2be |
DOI | 10.1016/S0013-4686(99)00028-6 |
Citation Key | Masetti19993117 |