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Landslide hazard assessment project in the Messina municipality area (Sicily, Italy)

TitoloLandslide hazard assessment project in the Messina municipality area (Sicily, Italy)
Tipo di pubblicazionePresentazione a Congresso
Anno di Pubblicazione2013
AutoriPuglisi, Claudio, Campolo D., Falconi Luca, Leoni G., and Lumaca S.
Conference NameLandslide Science and Practice: Risk Assessment, Management and Mitigation
Conference LocationRome
Parole chiavegeographic information systems, Geomorphological analysis, hazard assessment, Hazards, Intensity, Landslide hazard assessment, Landslide susceptibility, Landslides, Messina municipality, Rain, Risk assessment, Run outs, Triggering threshold

In the last 4 years Messina Municipality has been hit by rainfall events that triggered a great number of debris flows. Due to 2009 event ENEA started landslide hazard researches in the south of the Municipality. Messina territory (210 km2) is located at the NE culmination of Peloritani Range, formed by seven metamorphic Units covered by late orogenic terrigenous formations and by Plio-Pleistocene deposits. Steep slopes lead to high erosion rates, that increased in last years because of intense rainfall. The first step of the hazard assessment method is an inventory of landslides, followed by the detection of landslide parameters. Through GIS analysis of this parameters landslide susceptibility is assessed. Geomorphological analysis allows evaluating the runout and energy of the future events. Rainfalls data analysis allows definition of triggering threshold for the area. These parameters will be tested in a test site field for the measurement of soil saturation. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013.

Citation KeyPuglisi2013363