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Genetic heterogeneity of inflammatory response and skin tumorigenesis in phenotypically selected mouse lines, Galvan, A., Vorraro F., Cabrera W.H.K., Ribeiro O.G., Pazzaglia Simonetta, Mancuso Mariateresa, Zolin A., Milani S., Saran Anna, Ibañez O.M., et al. , Cancer Letters, Volume 295, Number 1, p.54-58, (2010)
Genomics and Transcriptomics of Saffron: new tools to unravel the mistery behind an attractive spice, Fiore, Alessia, Pizzichini Daniele, Diretto Gianfranco, Scossa Federico, and Spanò Laura , Functional Plant Science and Biotechnology, Volume 4, (2010)
Geochemistry and mineralogy of sediments and authigenic carbonates from the Malta Plateau, Strait of Sicily (Central Mediterranean): Relationships with mud/fluid release from a mud volcano system, Cangemi, M., Di Leonardo R., Bellanca A., Cundy A., Neri R., and Angelone Massimo , Chemical Geology, Volume 276, Number 3-4, p.294-308, (2010)
Geographic provenance of aeolian dust in East Antarctica during Pleistocene glaciations: preliminary results from Talos Dome and comparison with East Antarctic and new Andean ice core data, Delmonte, B., Andersson P.S., Schoberg H., Hansson M., Petit J.R., Delmas R., Gaiero D.M., Maggi V., and Frezzotti M , Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 29, Number 1-2, p.256-264, (2010)
Geostatistics as a validation tool for setting ozone standards for durum wheat, De Marco, Alessandra, Screpanti Augusto, and Paoletti E. , Environmental Pollution, Volume 158, Number 2, p.536-542, (2010)
Ground-based observations of solar radiation at three Italian sites, during the eclipse of 29 March, 2006: Signs of the environment impact on incoming global irradiance, Petkov, B., Tomasi C., Vitale V., Di Sarra Alcide, Bonasoni P., Lanconelli C., Benedetti E., Sferlazzo Damiano Massimo, Diémoz H., Agnesod G., et al. , Atmospheric Research, Volume 96, Number 1, p.131-140, (2010)
Hair follicle characteristics and fibre production in South American camelids, Antonini, Marco , Animal, Volume 4, Number 9, p.1460-1471, (2010)
High energy syngas production by waste tyres steam gasification in a rotary kiln pilot plant. Experimental and numerical investigations, Donatelli, Antonio, Iovane Pierpaolo, and Molino Antonio , Fuel, Volume 89, Number 10, p.2721-2728, (2010)
High resolution numerical modeling of the atmospheric circulation over complex terrain, Catalano, Franco , Collana delle tesi di dottorato in Ingegneria Idraulica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, p.112, (2010)
High-resolution numerical modeling of thermally driven slope winds in a valley with strong capping, Catalano, Franco, and Cenedese A. , Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 49, Number 9, p.1859-1880, (2010)
Host-plant specificity and specialization in eriophyoid mites and their importance for the use of eriophyoid mites as biocontrol agents of weeds, Skoracka, A., Smith L., Oldfield G., Cristofaro M., and Amrine J.W. , Experimental and Applied Acarology, 2010///, Volume 51, p.93 - 113, (2010)
Human papillomavirus vaccines in plants, Giorgi, C., Franconi Rosella, and Rybicki E.P. , Expert Review of Vaccines, Volume 9, Number 8, p.913-924, (2010)
Hydrogen release and microstructure of MgH2 based composite powders containing a relevant amount of LaNi5, Abazović, N., Aurora A., Contini V., Mancini M.R., Montone Amelia, and M. Antisari Vittori , Acta Physica Polonica A, Volume 117, Number 5, p.841-848, (2010)
Hydrogen sorption in magnesium nanoparticles: Size- and surface-related phenomena, Pasquini, L., Callini E., Piscopiello E., Montone Amelia, Jensen T.R., Antisari M.V., and Bonetti E. , Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Volume 1216, Boston, MA, p.88-93, (2010)
Identification and characterization of Bacillus subtilis ET-1. A strain with antifungal activity against fruit rot pathogens, Ambrico, Alfredo, Trupo Mario, and Lopez Loredana , XVI convegno nazionale S.I.Pa.V, Firenze, 12/2010, Volume Journal of Plant Pathology, p.S4.71, (2010)
Identification of F1 hybrids of artichoke by ISSR markers and morphological analysis, Bianco, C.L., Fernández J.A., Migliaro D., Crinò P., and Egea-Gilabert C. , Molecular Breeding, 2010///, p.1 - 14, (2010)
Identification of putative stage-specific grapevine berry biomarkers and omics data integration into networks, Zamboni, A., Di Carli Mariasole, Guzzo F., Stocchero M., Zenoni S., Ferrarini A., Tononi P., Toffali K., Desiderio Angiola, Lilley K.S., et al. , Plant Physiology, 2010, Volume 154, p.1439 - 1459, (2010)
Identification of Saharan dust episodes over Italy in 2003-2005, Pederzoli, A., Mircea Mihaela, Finardi S., Zanini Gabriele, Di Sarra Alcide, and Di Iorio Tatiana , HARMO 2010 - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, p.393-397, (2010)
Il potenziale energetico da biomasse, Colonna, Nicola , Gestione Energia, 02/2010, Volume 2, (2010)
Impact of Grape Berry Resveratrol on the growth of A. carbonarius and on the biosynthesis of ochratoxin A Asperfest 7”, De Rossi, P., Ricelli Alessandra, Reverberi Massimo, Nicoletti I., Del Fiore Antonella, Bello C., De Rossi A., Corradini D., Fabbri Anna Adele, and Fanelli Corrado , Netherlands, 29 marzo-1 aprile, (2010)
Impact of horizontal grid resolution on air quality modeling: A case study over Italy, Mircea, Mihaela, Cappelletti Andrea, Briganti Gino, Vitali Lina, Pace Giandomenico, Marri P., Silibello C., Finardi S., Calori G., and Zanini Gabriele , HARMO 2010 - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, p.166-170, (2010)
Impact of multialtimeter sea level assimilation in the Mediterranean forecasting model, Pujol, M.-I., Dobricic S., Pinardi N., and Adani Mario , Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 27, Number 12, p.2065-2082, (2010)
The impact of nanoparticle aggregation in liquid solution for toxicological and ecotoxicological studies, Miglietta, M.L., Rametta G., Di Francia G., Bruno A., De Lisio C., Leter Giorgio, Mancuso Mariateresa, Pacchierotti Francesca, Buono S., and Manzo Sonia , Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Volume 54 LNEE, Pavia, p.67-70, (2010)
Improvement of DMFC electrode kinetics by using nanohorns catalyst support, Brandão, L., Mirabile Gattia Daniele, Marazzi R., M. Antisari Vittori, Licoccia S., D'Epifanio A., Traversa E., and Mendes A. , Materials Science Forum, Volume 638-642, Berlin, p.1106-1111, (2010)
In vivo characterization of Zirconia Toughened Alumina material: A comparative animal study, Maccauro, G., Cittadini A., Magnani G., Sangiorgi S., Muratori F., Manicone P.F., P. Iommetti Rossi, Marotta D., Chierichini A., Raffaelli L., et al. , International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, Volume 23, Number 3, p.841-846, (2010)