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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7409 results
The on-line integrated mesoscale chemistry model bolchem, Cesari, R., Landi T.C., D'Isidoro Massimo, Mircea Mihaela, Russo Felicita, Malguzzi P., Tampieri F., and Maurizi A. , Atmosphere, Volume 12, Number 2, (2021)
Optical methods to identify end-of-life PV panel structure, Protopapa, Maria Lucia, Burresi Emiliano, Palmisano Martino, Pesce Emanuela, Schioppa M., Capodieci Laura, Penza Michele, Della Sala Dario, Vincenti N., Accili A., et al. , Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Jan-08-2021, Volume 171, p.105634, (2021)
Optimization of gas sensors measurements by dynamic headspace analysis supported by simultaneous direct injection mass spectrometry, Quercia, L., Khomenko I., Capuano R., Tonezzer M., Paolesse R., Martinelli E., Catini A., Biasioli F., and Di Natale C. , Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 347, (2021)
Optimization of lutein extraction from scenedesmus almeriensis using pressurized liquid extraction, Casella, Patrizia, Marino T., Iovine A., Larocca Vincenzo, Balducchi Roberto, Musmarra D., and Molino Antonio , Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 87, p.475-480, (2021)
Opuntia ficus-indica Pruning Waste Recycling: Recovery and Characterization of Mucilage from Cladodes, Procacci, Silvia, Bojórquez-Quintal Emanuel, Platamone Giovambattista, Maccioni Oliviero, Vecchio Vania Lo, Morreale Vincenzo, Alisi Chiara, Balducchi Roberto, and Bacchetta Loretta , Natural Resources, Jan-01-2021, Volume 12, Issue 04, p.91 - 107, (2021)
Out-of-Field Hippocampus from Partial-Body Irradiated Mice Displays Changes in Multi-Omics Profile and Defects in Neurogenesis, Pazzaglia, Simonetta, Tanno Barbara, Antonelli Francesca, Giardullo Paola, Babini G., Subedi Prabal, Azimzadeh Omid, Khan Zohaib N., Oleksenko Kateryna, Metzger Fabian, et al. , International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Jan-04-2021, Volume 22, Issue 8, Number 8, p.4290, (2021)
Overcoming conflicting notions of climate forecasts reliability and skill in the agricultural sector: lessons from the MED-GOLD project, Calmanti, Sandro, Soares Marta Bruno, Dell'Aquila Alessandro, Ponti Luigi, De Felice Matteo, González-Reviriego Nube, Marcos-Matamoros Raül, Terrado Marta, Graça António, Fontes Natacha, et al. , EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, (2021)
Overview of extraction of astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis using CO2 supercritical fluid extraction technology vis-a-vis quality demands, Saini, K.C., Yadav D.S., Mehariya S., Rathore P., Kumar B., Marino T., Leone Gian Paolo, Verma P., Musmarra D., and Molino Antonio , Global Perspectives on Astaxanthin: From Industrial Production to Food, Health, and Pharmaceutical Applications, p.341-354, (2021)
Phenotyping of Different Italian Durum Wheat Varieties in Early Growth Stage With the Addition of Pure or Digestate-Activated Biochars, Latini, A., Fiorani F., Galeffi Patrizia, Cantale C., Bevivino Annamaria, and Jablonowski N.D. , Frontiers in Plant Science, Aug-12-2022, Volume 12, (2021)
PHOTOMETRIC STATION FOR IN-VITRO DIAGNOSTIC ANALYSIS USING ORGANICBASED OPTO-ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND PHOTONIC CRYSTALS, Nenna, G., Maglione Maria Grazia, Morvillo Pasquale, Fasolino Tommaso, De Girolamo Del Mauro Anna, Ricciardi Rosa, Miscioscia Riccardo, Pandolfi G., De Filippo Giovanni, Pascarella Francesco, et al. , International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, p.632, (2021)
Photo-responsivity improvement of photo-mobile polymers actuators based on a novel lcs/azobenzene copolymer and zno nanoparticles network, Sagnelli, D., Calabrese M., Kaczmarczyk O., Rippa M., Vestri A., Marchesano V., Kortsen K., Crucitti V.C., Villani F., Loffredo Fausta, et al. , Nanomaterials, Volume 11, Number 12, (2021)
Plant growth, yields and fruit quality of processing tomato (Solanum lycopersicon l.) as affected by the combination of biodegradable mulching and digestate, Morra, L., Cozzolino E., Salluzzo Antonio, Modestia F., Bilotto M., Baiano S., and Del Piano L. , Agronomy, Volume 11, Number 1, (2021)
The porem bio-activator as a solution for degraded soils: Results of first Italian trial, Strafella, A., Salernitano E., Bezzi Federica, Delise T., Leoni Enrico, Magnani G., Dall'Ara A., Folini T., Dradi D., Fontana F., et al. , Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Volume 20, Number 10, p.1673-1681, (2021)
A portable air quality monitoring unit and a modular, flexible tool for on-field evaluation and calibration of low-cost gas sensors, Suriano, Domenico , HardwareX, Jan-04-2021, Volume 9, p.e00198, (2021)
Potentials of Winery and Olive Oil Residues for the Production of Rhamnolipids and Other Biosurfactants: A Step Towards Achieving a Circular Economy Model, Chebbi, A., Franzetti A., F. Castro Duarte, Tovar F.H. Gomez, Tazzari M., Sbaffoni Silvia, and Vaccari M. , Waste and Biomass Valorization, (2021)
Preliminary study of a closed loop vertical ground source heat pump system for an experimental pilot plant (Rome, Italy), Violante, A.C., Proposito Marco, Donato F., Guidi G., and Falconi Luca , Renewable Energy, Volume 176, p.415-422, (2021)
Process superstructure optimization for resin and aromatic monomer production from kraft lignin, Galanopoulos, C., Giuliano Antonio, Koutinas A., de Bari I., and Barletta D. , Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 86, p.1453-1458, (2021)
Proposta di selezione delle filiere da sviluppare per la Banca Dati italiana LCA, Scalbi, S., Buttol P., Rinaldi C., Fantin Valentina, Dominici Loprieno Arianna, and Cutaia Laura , (2021)
Proteina del Glutine Detossificata per la Formulazione di Alimenti a Fini Medici Speciali, Baschieri, Selene, Donini Marcello, Lico Chiara, Marusic Carla, and Massa Silvia , (2021)
Radiation-induced lens opacities: Epidemiological, clinical and experimental evidence, methodological issues, research gaps and strategy , Ainsbury, Elizabeth A., Dalke Claudia, Hamada Nobuyuki, Benadjaoud Mohamed Amine, Chumak Vadim, Ginjaume Merce, Kok Judith L., Mancuso Mariateresa, Sabatier Laure, Struelens Lara, et al. , Environment International, Jan-01-2021, Volume 146, p.106213, (2021)
RAPPORTO DI FILIERA 2021 L'economia circolare nelle filiere industriali: il caso Plastiche, Preka, Rovena, Fiorentino Gabriella, Cuna Daniela, Miceli V., Puzone Massimo, and Tuffi Riccardo , ICESP, (2021)
Recovering of Carbon Fiber from PPS and PEKK composites and their valorization by ceramization process of their surface, Borriello, Carmela, Iovane Pierpaolo, Portofino Sabrina, Rametta G., Tammaro Loredana, and Galvagno Sergio , Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 86, p.427-432, (2021)
Reductive amination reaction for the functionalization of cellulose nanocrystals, Omar, O.H., Giannelli R., Colaprico E., Capodieci Laura, Babudri F., and Operamolla A. , Molecules, Volume 26, Number 16, (2021)
Regional industrial symbiosis: A review based on social network analysis, Vahidzadeh, R., Bertanza G., Sbaffoni Silvia, and Vaccari M. , Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 280, (2021)
Renewable Energy Potential Maps for LESOTHO, D'Isidoro, Massimo, Vitali Lina, Pasanisi F., Righini Gaia, Mahahabisa Mabafokeng, Letuma Mosuoe, Raliselo Muso, and Seitlheko Mokhethi , 6th AIEE Energy Symposium Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security, 12/2021, web conference, (2021)