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210Pb mass accumulation rates in the depositional area of the Magra River (Mediterranean Sea, Italy), Delbono, Ivana, Barsanti Mattia, Schirone Antonio, Conte Fabio, and Delfanti Roberta , Continental Shelf Research, Volume 124, p.35-48, (2016)
An accessory protease inhibitor to increase the yield and quality of a tumour-targeting mAb in nicotiana benthamiana leaves, Jutras, P.V., Marusic Carla, Lonoce C., Deflers C., Goulet M.-C., Benvenuto Eugenio, Michaud D., and Donini Marcello , PLoS ONE, Volume 11, Number 11, (2016)
Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Environments in 2015, Abastante, Francesca, Fulbright Timothy E., Naidoo Robin, Alphey Luke, Galanakis Charis, Nishitani Kimitaka, Amos Richard T., Goonetilleke Ashantha, Norris Gary, M Anderson Robin, et al. , Environments, Volume 3, p.2, (2016)
Active coating for storage of Mozzarella cheese packaged under thermal abuse, Gorrasi, G., Bugatti V., Tammaro Loredana, Vertuccio L., Vigliotta G., and Vittoria V. , Food Control, Volume 64, p.10-16, (2016)
Addressing the Challenge of Scientific Development: The First Steep Steps of a Long Path, Baracca, A., and Franconi Rosella , SpringerBriefs in History of Science and Technology, p.25-37, (2016)
The adverse outcome pathway (AOP) for chemical binding to tubulin in oocytes leading to aneuploid offspring, Marchetti, F., Massarotti A., Yauk C.L., Pacchierotti Francesca, and Russo A. , Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, Volume 57, Number 2, p.87-113, (2016)
Age of the Mt. Ortles ice cores, the Tyrolean Iceman and glaciation of the highest summit of South Tyrol since the Northern Hemisphere Climatic Optimum, Gabrielli, P., Barbante C., Bertagna G., Bertó M., Binder D., Carton A., Carturan L., Cazorzi F., Cozzi G., G. Fontana Dalla, et al. , Cryosphere, Volume 10, Number 6, p.2779-2797, (2016)
Age-related effects of X-ray irradiation on mouse hippocampus, Casciati, Arianna, Dobos K., Antonelli Francesca, Benedek A., Kempf S.J., Bellés M., Balogh A., Tanori Mirella, Heredia L., Atkinson M.J., et al. , Oncotarget, Volume 7, Number 19, p.28040-28058, (2016)
Air quality and climate in the Mediterranean region, Dulac, François, Hamonou Eric, Afif Charbel, Alkama Rezak, Ancona Carla, Annesi-Maesano Isabella, Beekmann Matthias, Benaïssa Fatima, Bergametti Gilles, Boissard Christophe, et al. , The Mediterranean Region under Climate Change, A Scientific Update, Marseille, p.145 - 150, (2016)
Ammonia removal from raw manure digestate by means of a turbulent mixing stripping process, Limoli, A., Langone Michela, and Andreottola G. , Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 176, p.1-10, (2016)
Amniotic epithelial stem cell biocompatibility for electrospun poly(lactide-co-glycolide), poly(ε-caprolactone), poly(lactic acid) scaffolds, Russo, V., Tammaro Loredana, Di Marcantonio L., Sorrentino A., Ancora M., Valbonetti L., Turriani M., Martelli A., Cammà C., and Barboni B. , Materials Science and Engineering C, Volume 69, p.321-329, (2016)
Anaerobic dynamic membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment at ambient temperature, Alibardi, L., Bernava N., Cossu R., and Spagni A. , Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 284, p.130-138, (2016)
Analisi della Carabidofauna in coltura di patata per la selezione di specie indicatrici di stress antropici, Baldacchino, Ferdinando, Urru I, Errico Simona, Magarelli Rosaria Alessandra, Mazzei A, Brandmayr P, and Arpaia S , (2016)
Analysis of fouling development under dynamic membrane filtration operation, Saleem, M., Alibardi L., Cossu R., Lavagnolo M.C., and Spagni A. , Chemical Engineering Journal, (2016)
Analysis of surface circulation structures along a frequently repeated XBT transect crossing the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas, Ciuffardi, Tiziana, Napolitano Ernesto, Iacono Roberto, Reseghetti Franco, Raiteri G., and Bordone A. , Ocean Dynamics, Volume 66, Number 6-7, p.767-783, (2016)
Analysis of the persistent photoresponse of C8BTBT transistors in the near-bandgap spectral region, Miscioscia, Riccardo, Loffredo Fausta, Nenna G., Villani Fulvia, Minarini Carla, Petrosino M., Rubino A., Denti M., and Facchetti A. , Organic Electronics: physics, materials, applications, Volume 30, p.83-91, (2016)
The animal model determines the results of Aeromonas virulence factors, Romero, A., Saraceni P.R., Merino S., Figueras A., Tomás J.M., and Novoa B. , Frontiers in Microbiology, Volume 7, Number OCT, (2016)
Antigen production in plantto tackle infectious diseases flare up: The case of SARS, Demurtas, Olivia Costantina, Massa Silvia, Illiano E., De Martinis D., Chan P.K.S., Di Bonito P., and Franconi Rosella , Frontiers in Plant Science, Volume 7, Number FEB2016, p.54, (2016)
Antioxidant hydroxytyrosol-based polyacrylate with antimicrobial and antiadhesive activity versus Staphylococcus epidermidis, Crisante, F., Taresco V., Donelli G., Vuotto C., Martinelli A., D’Ilario L., Pietrelli L., Francolini I., and Piozzi A. , Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Volume 901, p.25-36, (2016)
Antipsychotic dose mediates the association between polypharmacy and corrected QT interval, Barbui, C., Bighelli I., Carrà G., Castellazzi M., Lucii C., Martinotti G., Nosè M., Ostuzzi G., Acciavatti T., Adamo A., et al. , PLoS ONE, Volume 11, Number 2, (2016)
On the architectural and energy classification of existing buildings: A case study of a district in the city of Palermo, Ferrante, Paola, Gennusa M.L., Peri G., Porretto V., Sanseverino E.R., and Vaccaro V. , EEEIC 2016 - International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, (2016)
Assessing the potential for niche market development to contribute to farmers' livelihoods and agrobiodiversity conservation: Insights from the finger millet case study in Nepal, Pallante, G., Drucker A.G., and Sthapit S. , Ecological Economics, Volume 130, p.92-105, (2016)
Assessing the role of soil water limitation in determining the Phytotoxic Ozone Dose (PODY) thresholds, De Marco, Alessandra, Sicard P., Fares S., Tuovinen J.-P., Anav A., and Paoletti E. , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 147, p.88-97, (2016)
Assessment of air quality microsensors versus reference methods: The EuNetAir joint exercise, Penza, Michele, Dipinto S., Prato Mario, Pfister Valerio, Suriano Domenico, Esposito E., and De Vito S. , ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, Volume 147, p.246-263, (2016)
Assessment of an ensemble of ocean–atmosphere coupled and uncoupled regional climate models to reproduce the climatology of Mediterranean cyclones, Flaounas, E., Kelemen F.D., Wernli H., Gaertner M.A., Reale M., Sanchez-Gomez E., Lionello P., Calmanti Sandro, Podrascanin Z., Somot S., et al. , Climate Dynamics, p.1-18, (2016)