Produzione scientifica
Found 7566 results
Is nitrate an oligotrophication factor in the Venice lagoon?,
, Marine Chemistry, Volume 58, Number 3-4, p.245-253, (1997)
Observation of non-covalent interactions between beauvericin and oligonucleotides using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry,
, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, Volume 11, Number 3, p.265-272, (1997)
Optical properties of tropospheric aerosols determined by lidar and spectrophotometric measurements (photochemical activity and solar ultraviolet radiation campaign),
, Applied Optics, Volume 36, Number 27, p.6875-6886, (1997)
Osservazioni bioetologiche sull’Ifantria americana (Hyphantria cunea Drury, Lepidoptera Arctiidae), fitofago esotico emergente in Italia,
, 1997, Perugia, Italy, p.52, (1997)
Paleoseismology of the Fucino Plain (central Italy) [Paleossshologia della piana del fucino (Italia centrale)],
, Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 10, Number 1, p.27-64, (1997)
Pentacyano(pyridine)chromate(III): Synthesis, Characterization, and Photochemistry,
, Inorganic Chemistry, 1997, Volume 36, p.2279 - 2286, (1997)
Perturbation of maize rhizosphere microflora following seed bacterization with Burkholderia cepacia MCI 7,
, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 1997///, Volume 23, p.183 - 193, (1997)
Ploidy analysis of paraffin-embedded breast fibroadenomas with flow cytometry and fluorescence in situ hybridization.,
, Eur J Histochem, 1997, Volume 41 Suppl 2, p.163-4, (1997)
Population dynamics, production, assimilation and respiration of two fresh water mussels: Unio mancus, Zhadin and Anodonta cygnea Lam,
, Journal of Limnology, Volume 56, Number 1, p.113-130, (1997)
A possible new nepovirus isolated from cucumber fruits in Southern Italy,
, Journal of Plant Pathology, Volume 79, Number 3, p.219-222, (1997)
Post-glacial deposits of the peschio di iorio lower valley (pescasseroli, national park of abruzzo, central Italy): Dating and paleoclimatic interpretation [I depositi post-glaciali della bassa valle peschio di iorio (Pescasseroli, Parco Nazionale D'abruz,
, Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 10, Number 2, p.207-211, (1997)
The post-glacial ephemeral lakes of La Meta Massif (National Park of Abruzzo, Central Italy): Description and palaeocli-matic significance [I iaghi effimeri postglaciali del Massiccio de La Meta (Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo, Italia Centrale): Segnalazione e,
, Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 10, Number 1, p.93-100, (1997)
Preparation and photoelectrochemistry of semiconducting WS2 thin films,
, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Volume 101, Number 14, p.2485-2490, (1997)
Process development of amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon solar cells,
, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Volume 48, Number 1-4, p.15-24, (1997)
Production of strain specific antibodies against a synthetic polypeptide corresponding to the N-terminal region of the plum pox potyvirus coat protein,
, Journal of Virological Methods, Volume 69, Number 1-2, p.181-189, (1997)
Progress of the development of innovative antiseismic techniques in Italy - 1. Optimized high damping rubber bearings,
, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP, Volume 357, p.17-25, (1997)
Progress of the development of innovative antiseismic techniques in Italy - 2. Systems formed by shape memory alloy devices,
, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP, Volume 357, p.31-37, (1997)
Regulation of cytokine production in aging: Use of recombinant cytokines to upregulate mitogen-stimulated spleen cells,
, Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, Volume 93, Number 1-3, p.157-169, (1997)
Retrospective analysis of the prognostic significance of DNA ploidy patterns in gastric cancer.,
, European journal of histochemistry : EJH, Volume 41 Suppl 2, p.147-148, (1997)
The role of the rivers in Chernobyl radiocesium delivery, distribution and accumulation in coastal sediments of the Northern Adriatic Sea,
, Studies in Environmental Science, Volume 68, Number C, p.235-240, (1997)
SAW NOx gas sensor using WO3 thin-film sensitive coating,
, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 41, Number 1-3, p.31-36, (1997)
Selective gas detection using uncoated SAW delay lines,
, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 42, Number 2, p.103-107, (1997)
Selective NH3 gas sensor based on Langmuir-Blodgett polypyrrole film,
, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 40, Number 2-3, p.205-209, (1997)
Self-scaling properties of velocity circulation in shear flows,
, Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, Volume 55, Number 3, p.3739 – 3742, (1997)
Semi-quantitative time resolved LIBS measurements,
, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, Volume 65, Number 1, p.101-107, (1997)