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Produzione scientifica

Found 7401 results
PEO-LiN(SO 2CF 2CF 3) 2 Polymer Electrolytes: I. XRD, DSC, and Ionic Conductivity Characterization, Appetecchi, Giovanni Battista, Henderson W., Villano P., Berrettoni M., and Passerini S. , Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 148, Number 10, p.A1171-A1178, (2001)
Plant metabolic engineering: Requirements for success, Dharmapuri, S., and Giuliano Giovanni , British Food Journal, Volume 103, Number 11, p.764-769, (2001)
Plutonium in soil from Dolon near the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, Gastberger, M., Hubmer A., Steinhäusler F., Lettner H., Spanò M., Stronati L., and Testa Antonella , Radiochimica Acta, Volume 89, Number 6, p.371-375, (2001)
Predicting the consequences of anthropogenic disturbance: Large-scale effects of loss of canopy algae on rocky shores, Benedetti-Cecchi, L., Pannacciulli Federica, Bulleri F., Moschella P.S., Airoldi L., Relini G., and Cinelli F. , Marine Ecology Progress Series, Volume 214, p.137-150, (2001)
Presureless sintering and properties of αSiC-B4C composite, Magnani, G., Beltrami G., Minoccari G.L., and Pilotti L. , Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 21, Number 5, p.633-638, (2001)
Processo idrometallurgico per il recupero di metalli da batterie esauste per telefonia mobile, Pietrelli, L., Bellomo B., Montereali Maria Rita, and Ricci S. , Proceedings of the 3rd Congress and International Exhibition on the Added Value and Recycling of Industrial Waste, p.270-275, (2001)
Produzione Industriale Di Sieroproteine, Lattosio Ed Un’Acquaultrapura Dal Siero Di Caseificazione., Pizzichini, Daniele, Ruscio Francesco, and Montani Rosalba , 2001, IT, (2001)
Prognostic significance of DNA Di-tetraploidy in neuroblastoma, Amendola, R., Martinez R., Negroni Anna, Venturelli D., Tanno Barbara, Calabretta B., and Raschellà Giuseppe , Medical and Pediatric Oncology, Volume 36, Number 1, p.83-92, (2001)
Radiation, ozone and aerosol measurements at Lampedusa during the PAUR-II campaign, Di Sarra, Alcide, Cacciani. M., Campanelli M., Chamard P., Cornwall C., DeLuisi J., De Silvestri Lorenzo, Di Iorio Tatiana, Disterhoft P., Fiocco G., et al. , IRS2000: Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation, Proceedings of the International Radiation Symposium, St. Petersburg, Russia 24-29 July 2000, p.1360, (2001)
Rapid isolation, characterization, and glycan analysis of Cup a 1, the major allergen of Arizona cypress (Cupressus arizonica) pollen, Alisi, Chiara, Afferni C., Iacovacci P., Barletta B., Tinghino R., Butteroni C., Puggioni E.M.R., Wilson I.B.H., Federico R., Schininà M.E., et al. , Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Volume 56, Number 10, p.978-984, (2001)
Refined, in-situ EDXD structural analysis of the Li[Li1/3Ti5/3]O4 electrode under lithium insertion-extraction, Panero, S., Reale P., Ronci F., Scrosati B., Perfetti P., and V. Albertini Rossi , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Volume 3, Number 5, p.845-847, (2001)
The resistive anomaly and upward curvature of the perpendicular upper critical field in non-homogeneous superconductors, Attanasio, C., Barbanera S., Di Luccio Tiziana, Prischepa S.L., Russo R., Salvato M., and Maritato L. , Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Volume 13, Number 13, p.3215-3221, (2001)
Respiratory chain defects in hereditary spastic paraplegias, Piemonte, F., Casali C., Carrozzo R., Schägger H., Patrono Clarice, Tessa A., Tozzi G., Cricchi F., Di Capua M., Siciliano G., et al. , Neuromuscular Disorders, Volume 11, Number 6-7, p.565-569, (2001)
Rifted(?) crust at the East Antarctic Craton margin: Gravity and magnetic interpretation along a traverse across the Wilkes Subglacial Basin region, Ferraccioli, F., Coren F., Bozzo E., Zanolla C., Gandolfi S., Tabacco I., and Frezzotti M , Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 192, Number 3, p.407-421, (2001)
Road as waste repository: Technical and environmental aspects, D'Andrea, A., Balzamo S., Carini M., and Pietrelli L. , RMRC Proceedings, (2001)
Roads as waste repository: Technical and environmental aspects, D'Andrea, A., Carini M., Balzamo S., and Pietrelli L. , Proceedings of the International Conference "Beneficial Use of Recycled Materials in Transportation Applications", (2001)
Saharan dust profiles measured by lidar at Lampedusa, Di Sarra, Alcide, Di Iorio Tatiana, Cacciani M., Fiocco G., and Fuà D. , Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Volume 106, Number D10, p.10335-10347, (2001)
Satellite image map: Northern Foothills and Inexpressible Island area (Victoria Land, Antarctica), Frezzotti, M, Salvatore M.C., Vittuari L., Grigioni P., and De Silvestri Lorenzo , Terra Antartica Reports, Volume 6, p.8, (2001)
Satellite observations of upper-ocean currents in Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica, van Woert, M.L., Meier W.N., Zou C.-Z., Archer A., Pellegrini A., Grigioni P., and Bertoia C. , Annals of Glaciology, Volume 33, p.407-412, (2001)
SAW chemical sensing using poly-ynes and organometallic polymer films, Penza, Michele, Cassano Gennaro, Sergi A., C. Sterzo Lo, and Russo M.V , Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 81, Number 1, p.88-98, (2001)
The sedimentary filling of small depressions on Central Apennine till deposits: A contribution to the understanding of the post-glacial environmental variations [I sedimenti d! riempimento di piccole conche sulle morene dell'appennino centrale: Un contrib, Giraudi, C. , Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 14, Number 2, p.131-136, (2001)
Selection of denitrifying phosphorus accumulating organisms in activated sludge, Spagni, A., Stante Loredana, and Bortone G. , Environmental Technology, Volume 22, Number 12, p.1429-1437, (2001)
Self-assembly of photoluminescent silicon films: Influence of doping on the physical properties, Di Francia, G., La Ferrara V., Morvillo Pasquale, Lettieri S., and Maddalena P. , Applied Physics Letters, Volume 79, Number 14, p.2202-2204, (2001)
A semi-synthetic repertoire of intrinsically stable antibody fragments derived from a single-framework scaffold, Desiderio, Angiola, Franconi Rosella, Lopez M., Villani Maria Elena, Viti F., Chiaraluce R., Consalvi V., Neri D., and Benvenuto Eugenio , Journal of Molecular Biology, Volume 310, Number 3, p.603-615, (2001)
Sex-related variations of serum immunoglobulins during reproduction in gilthead sea bream and evidence for a transfer from the female to the eggs, Picchitti, S., Scapigliati G., Fanelli M., Barbato F., Canese Stefano, Mastrolla L., Mazzini M., and Abelli L. , Journal of Fish Biology, 2001///, Volume 59, p.1503 - 1511, (2001)