Produzione scientifica
Found 7564 results
Roadmap on thermoelectricity,
, Nanotechnology, Volume 34, Number 29, (2023)
Role in Phenylpropanoid Biosynthesis of the Grapevine Plastidic Phosphoenolpyruvate Translocator VviPPT1,
, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, (2023)
On the role of sustainable buildings in achieving the 2030 UN sustainable development goals,
, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Volume 100, (2023)
The role of the informal sector on e-waste management: a case study from Brazil,
, Waste Management and Resource Recycling in the Developing World, p.327-361, (2023)
The Role of Vegetation on Urban Atmosphere of Three European Cities. Part 2: Evaluation of Vegetation Impact on Air Pollutant Concentrations and Depositions,
, Forests, Jan-06-2023, Volume 14, Issue 6, Number 6, p.1255, (2023)
The Role of Vegetation on Urban Atmosphere of Three European Cities—Part 1: Evaluation of Vegetation Impact on Meteorological Conditions,
, Forests, Jan-06-2023, Volume 14, Issue 6, p.1235, (2023)
Safety in Rats of a Novel Nasal Spray Formulation for the Prevention of Airborne Viral Infections,
, Pharmaceutics, Volume 15, Number 2, (2023)
Selected Case Studies on Fastidious Eukaryotic Microorganisms: Issues and Investigation Strategies,
, Diversity, Volume 15, Number 7, (2023)
A shallow-water dunefield in a microtidal, wind-dominated strait (Stintino, NW Sardinia, Italy),
, Geological Society Special Publication, Volume 523, Number 1, p.173-194, (2023)
A simplified methodology for estimating the Carbon Footprint of heat generation by forest woodchips as a support tool for sustainability assessment in decision-making,
, Cleaner Environmental Systems, Volume 9, (2023)
Small Microplastics: A yet Unknown Threat in the Svalbard (Norway) Region,
, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12-2023, Volume 11, Issue 12, p.2330, (2023)
A soil fungus confers plant resistance against a phytophagous insect by disrupting the symbiotic role of its gut microbiota,
, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Jul-03-2023, Volume 120, Issue 10, (2023)
Solid–Electrolyte Interface Formation on Si Nanowires in Li-Ion Batteries: The Impact of Electrolyte Additives,
, Batteries, Volume 9, Number 3, (2023)
Somatic Embryogenesis and Flow Cytometric Assessment of Nuclear Genetic Stability for Sansevieria spp.: An Approach for In Vitro Regeneration of Ornamental Plants,
, Horticulturae, Jan-02-2023, Volume 9, Issue 2, Number 2, p.138, (2023)
Spatial-temporal assessment of air quality in Rome (Italy) based on anemological clustering,
, Atmospheric Pollution Research, Volume 14, Number 2, (2023)
A standardized methodology for the validation of air quality forecast applications (F-MQO): lessons learnt from its application across Europe,
, Geoscientific Model Development, Jan-01-2023, Volume 16, Issue 20, Number 20, p.6029 - 6047, (2023)
Stomatal responses of terrestrial plants to global change,
, Nature communications, Volume 14, Number 1, p.2188, (2023)
Structural and Geochemical Assessment of the Coralline Alga Tethysphytum antarcticum from Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea, Antarctica,
, Minerals, Volume 13, Number 2, (2023)
Structural Characterization of Low-Sr-Doped Hydroxyapatite Obtained by Solid-State Synthesis,
, Crystals, Volume 13, Number 1, (2023)
Study of antibiotic resistance in freshwater ecosystems with low anthropogenic impact,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 857, (2023)
, European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings, p.1094 – 1101, (2023)
Surface ozone risk to human health and vegetation in tropical region: The case of Thailand,
, Environmental Research, Volume 234, (2023)
Surface wave and sea surface dynamics in the Mediterranean Author links open overlay panel,
, Oceanography of the Mediterranean Sea,, (2023)
Sustainability Assessment of Coffee Silverskin Waste Management in the Metropolitan City of Naples (Italy): A Life Cycle Perspective,
, Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 15, Number 23, (2023)
Synthesis of Photoluminescent 2D Self-Assembled Silver Thiolate Nanoclusters for Sensors and Biomolecule Support,
, Inorganic Chemistry, (2023)