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Produzione scientifica

Found 7396 results
Particles and health: State of the research, Camatini, M., Gualtieri Maurizio, and Mantecca P. , Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 22, p.1-14, (2010)
PEFC electrodes based on carbon black supporting electrocrystallised nanostructured Pt particles, Paoletti, C., Cemmi A., Serra Emanuele, and Pozio A. , International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, Volume 5, Number 1-2, p.179-193, (2010)
Performance study of nickel covered by lithium cobaltite cathode for molten carbonate fuel cells: A comparison in Li/K and Li/Na carbonate melts, Paoletti, C., Zaza F., Carewska M., R. Presti Lo, and Simonetti E. , Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, Volume 7, Number 2, p.0210081-0210085, (2010)
Phase behavior and thermal properties of ternary ionic liquid?lithium salt (IL?IL?LiX) electrolytes, Zhou, Q., Henderson W.A., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, and Passerini S. , Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Volume 114, Number 13, p.6201-6204, (2010)
Phase evolution and thermophysical properties of plasma sprayed thick zirconia coatings after annealing, Di Girolamo, G., Blasi C., Pagnotta L., and Schioppa M. , Ceramics International, Volume 36, Number 8, p.2273-2280, (2010)
Phase transformation from Mg to MgH2 studied by SEM metallography, Montone, Amelia, Aurora A., Mirabile Gattia Daniele, and Antisari M.V. , Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Volume 1216, Boston, MA, p.166-171, (2010)
Phosphorylation of Ser312 contributes to tumor suppression by p53 in vivo, Slee, E.A., Benassi Barbara, Goldin R., Zhong S., Ratnayaka I., Blandino G., and Lu X. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Volume 107, Number 45, p.19479-19484, (2010)
The plant landscape of the imperial harbour of Rome, Sadori, L., Giardini M., Giraudi C., and Mazzini I. , Journal of Archaeological Science, Volume 37, Number 12, p.3294-3305, (2010)
Plant-derived vaccines and other therapeutics produced in contained systems, Franconi, Rosella, Demurtas Olivia Costantina, and Massa Silvia , Expert Review of Vaccines, Volume 9, Number 8, p.877-892, (2010)
PM10 remote sensing from geostationary SEVIRI and polar-orbiting MODIS sensors over the complex terrain of the European Alpine region, Emili, E., Popp C., Petitta Marcello, Riffler M., Wunderle S., and Zebisch M. , Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 114, Number 11, p.2485-2499, (2010)
Polymerase chain reaction detection of Aspergillus carbonarius in grapes at different time after inoculum, De Rossi, P., Reverberi Massimo, Ricelli Alessandra, Fabbri Anna Adele, and Fanelli Corrado , Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, Volume 2, Number 2, p.66–71, (2010)
Polymerase chain reaction-based assay for the early detection of aflatoxigenic fungi on maize kernels, Del Fiore, Antonella, Reverberi Massimo, De Rossi P., Tolaini Valentina, Fabbri Anna Adele, and Fanelli Corrado , Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, Volume 2, Number 1, p.22–27, (2010)
The potential to narrow uncertainty in projections of stratospheric ozone over the 21st century, Charlton-Perez, A.J., Hawkins E., Eyring V., Cionni Irene, Bodeker G.E., Kinnison D.E., Akiyoshi H., Frith S.M., Garcia R., Gettelman A., et al. , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 10, Number 19, p.9473-9486, (2010)
Precoce rilevamento di Penicillium expansum, produttore di patulina, su pomacee mediante PCR Real Time, Tolaini, Valentina, De Rossi P., Del Fiore Antonella, Reverberi Massimo, Fabbri Anna Adele, and Fanelli Corrado , (2010)
Prenatal exposure to non-ionizing radiation: Effects of WiFi signals on pregnancy outcome, peripheral B-cell compartment and antibody production, Sambucci, M., Laudisi F., Nasta F., Pinto Rosanna, Lodato R., Altavista P., Lovisolo G.A., Marino Carmela, and Pioli Claudio , Radiation Research, Volume 174, Number 6 A, p.732-740, (2010)
Prime osservazioni volte alla caratterizzazione dell’area umida presso la foce del Torrente Arrone, Montalto di Castro (Viterbo)., De Luca, E., Belfiore C., Pace Giandomenico, Barbato F., Abbate M., Morigi M., Cerfolli F., and Nascetti G. , Atti XXXIV (vol. n°1), Parma, p.83–83, (2010)
Probing the eV-Mass range for solar axions with CAST, Aune, S., Barth K., Belov A., Borghi S., Bräuninger H., Cantatore G., Carmona J.M., Cetin S.A., Collar J.I., Dafni T., et al. , IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Knoxville, TN, p.342-346, (2010)
Processing, microstructure and mechanical properties of air plasma-sprayed ceria-yttria co-stabilized zirconia coatings, Alfano, M., Di Girolamo G., Pagnotta L., and Sun D. , Strain, Volume 46, Number 5, p.409-418, (2010)
Progress in understanding factors governing the sodium manganese ferrite thermochemical cycle, Alvani, C., Bellusci M., La Barbera A., Padella F., Seralessandri L., and Varsano F. , Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, Volume 132, Number 3, p.0310011-0310015, (2010)
Progress on the preliminary sequence of the Coffea canephora genome, de Kochko, Aldexandre, Albert Victor, Andrade Alan C., Giuliano Giovanni, Graziosi Giorgio, Henry Robert J., Ming Ray, Nagai Chifumi, Rounsley Steve, and Sankoff David , Plant and Animal Genome XVIII Conference, San Diego, California, USA, (2010)
Protective role of 17 β-estradiol on medulloblastoma development in Patched 1 heterozygous mice, Mancuso, Mariateresa, Leonardi Simona, Ceccarelli Manuela, Pasquali Emanuela, De Stefano Ilaria, Prisco Maria Grazia, Rebessi Simonetta, Tanori Mirella, Scambia Giovanni, Di Majo Vincenzo, et al. , Int J Cancer, 2010 Dec 15, Volume 127, Issue 12, p.2749-57, (2010)
Proteomic analysis of the plant-virus interaction in cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) resistant transgenic tomato, Di Carli, M., Villani Maria Elena, Bianco L., Lombardi R., Perrotta Gaetano, Benvenuto Eugenio, and Donini Marcello , Journal of Proteome Research, Volume 9, Number 11, p.5684-5697, (2010)
Pulsed electrosynthesis of polypyrrole in N-butyl-N-methyl-pyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide ionic liquid for electrochemical sensors, Zane, D., Bianchini C., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, Curulli A., and Passerini S. , ECS Transactions, Volume 25, Number 32, Vienna, p.63-71, (2010)
Quantification of Saharan dust contribution to PM10 concentrations over Italy during 2003-2005, Pederzoli, A., Mircea Mihaela, Finardi S., Di Sarra Alcide, and Zanini Gabriele , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 44, Number 34, p.4181-4190, (2010)
Quanto Biogas si può produrre in Italia, Colonna, Nicola, and Alfano Vincenzo , Informatore Agrario, 06/2010, Volume 11, (2010)