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Filtri: Parola Chiave is Scanning electron microscopy [Clear All Filters]
Characterization of an electro-active biocathode capable of dechlorinating trichloroethene and cis-dichloroethene to ethene,
, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Volume 25, Number 7, p.1796-1802, (2010)
Hydrogen release and microstructure of MgH2 based composite powders containing a relevant amount of LaNi5,
, Acta Physica Polonica A, Volume 117, Number 5, p.841-848, (2010)
The influence of high-temperature sintering on microstructure and mechanical properties of free-standing APS CeO2-Y2O 3-ZrO2 coatings,
, Journal of Materials Science, Volume 45, Number 10, p.2662-2669, (2010)
Metallographic and numerical studies of the role of catalyst particles of MgH2-Mg system,
, Defect and Diffusion Forum, Volume 297-301, p.263-268, (2010)
Metal-modified and vertically aligned carbon nanotube sensors array for landfill gas monitoring applications,
, Nanotechnology, Volume 21, Number 10, (2010)
Microstructural and thermal properties of plasma sprayed mullite coatings,
, Ceramics International, Volume 36, Number 4, p.1389-1395, (2010)
Novel Y2-xPrxRu2O7 (x=0-2) pyrochlore oxides prepared using a soft chemistry route and their electrical properties,
, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Volume 93, Number 7, p.1970-1977, (2010)
PEFC electrodes based on carbon black supporting electrocrystallised nanostructured Pt particles,
, International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, Volume 5, Number 1-2, p.179-193, (2010)
Performance study of nickel covered by lithium cobaltite cathode for molten carbonate fuel cells: A comparison in Li/K and Li/Na carbonate melts,
, Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, Volume 7, Number 2, p.0210081-0210085, (2010)
Processing, microstructure and mechanical properties of air plasma-sprayed ceria-yttria co-stabilized zirconia coatings,
, Strain, Volume 46, Number 5, p.409-418, (2010)
Catalytic effect of ZrCrNi alloy on hydriding properties of MgH2,
, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 34, Number 22, p.9157-9162, (2009)
Characterization of metal-modified and vertically-aligned carbon nanotube films for functionally enhanced gas sensor applications,
, Thin Solid Films, Volume 517, Number 22, p.6211-6216, (2009)
Electro-deposited platinum on activated multiwall carbon nanotubes: Single-cell tests, morphological and electrochemical characterizations,
, EFC 2009 - Piero Lunghi Conference, Proceedings of the 3rd European Fuel Cell Technology and Applications Conference, p.327-328, (2009)
Fracture behaviour of nickel-titanium laser welded joints,
, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Volume 18, Number 5-6, p.569-574, (2009)
Full color control and white emission from conjugated polymer nanofibers,
, Applied Physics Letters, Volume 94, Number 4, (2009)
Microbial reductive dechlorination of trichloroethene to ethene with electrodes serving as electron donors without the external addition of redox mediators,
, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Volume 103, Number 1, p.85-91, (2009)
Microstructural and kinetic investigation of hydrogen sorption reaction of MgH2/Nb2O5 Nanopowders,
, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Volume 24, Number 10-11, p.1058-1063, (2009)
New polymeric composites based on poly(ε-caprolactone) and layered double hydroxides containing antimicrobial species,
, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Volume 1, Number 3, p.668-677, (2009)
On the nucleation step in the Mg-MgH2 phase transformation,
, Scripta Materialia, Volume 61, Number 11, p.1064-1067, (2009)
Performance analysis of new cathode materials for molten carbonate fuel cells,
, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 193, Number 1, p.292-297, (2009)
Scanning electron microscopy of partially de-hydrogenated MgH2 powders,
, Intermetallics, Volume 17, Number 8, p.596-602, (2009)
SWCNT nano-composite optical sensors for VOC and gas trace detection,
, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 138, Number 1, p.351-361, (2009)
Tribological characterization of WC-Co plasma sprayed coatings,
, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Volume 92, Number 5, p.1118-1124, (2009)
Metallographic and numerical characterization of MgH2-Mg system,
, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Volume 1127, Boston, MA, p.38-43, (2008)
Temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity of epoxy/expanded graphite nanosheet composites,
, Scripta Materialia, Volume 58, Number 10, p.846-849, (2008)