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Filtri: Parola Chiave is Italy [Clear All Filters]
A life cycle approach to Green Public Procurement of building materials and elements: A case study on windows,
, Energy, Volume 36, Number 5, p.2473-2482, (2011)
Mapping particulate matter in alpine regions with satellite and ground-based measurements: An exploratory study for data assimilation,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 45, Number 26, p.4344-4353, (2011)
Meso-scale variability of coastal suprabenthic communities in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (western Mediterranean),
, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Volume 91, Number 3, p.351-360, (2011)
Middle and late Pleistocene glaciations in the Campo Felice Basin (central Apennines, Italy),
, Quaternary Research, Volume 75, Number 1, p.219-230, (2011)
Propolis specimens from different locations of central Italy: Chemical profiling and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) quantitative analysis of the allergenic esters benzyl cinnamate and benzyl salicylate,
, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2011///, Volume 59, p.282 - 288, (2011)
The sediments of the 'Stagno di Maccarese' marsh (Tiber river delta, central italy): A late-Holocene record of natural and human-induced environmental changes,
, Holocene, Volume 21, Number 8, p.1233-1243, (2011)
Shortwave and longwave radiative effects of the intense Saharan dust event of 25-26 March 2010 at Lampedusa (Mediterranean Sea),
, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Volume 116, Number 23, (2011)
Unsustainable use of groundwater resources in agricultural and urban areas: A Persistent Scatterer study of land subsidence at the basin scale,
, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Volume 144, Alicante, p.81-92, (2011)
Water vapor sounding with the far infrared REFIR-PAD spectroradiometer from a high-altitude ground-based station during the ECOWAR campaign,
, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Volume 116, Number 2, (2011)
Chromogenic in situ hybridization to detect EGFR gene copy number in cell blocks from fine-needle aspirates of non small cell lung carcinomas and lung metastases from colo-rectal cancer,
, Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research, Volume 29, Number 1, (2010)
Differences in cytotoxicity versus pro-inflammatory potency of different PM fractions in human epithelial lung cells,
, Toxicology in Vitro, Volume 24, Number 1, p.29-39, (2010)
Dispersal and survival of Aedes albopictus (Diptera Culicidae) Males in Italian Urban Areas and Significance for Sterile Insect Application.,
, Journal of Medical Entomology, 12/2010, Volume 47, Number 6, p.1082-1091, (2010)
Ecotoxicological evaluation of a diesel - Contaminated soil during a micro-scale bioremediation process,
, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Volume 19, Number 8 B, p.1756-1761, (2010)
Geostatistics as a validation tool for setting ozone standards for durum wheat,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 158, Number 2, p.536-542, (2010)
Ground-based observations of solar radiation at three Italian sites, during the eclipse of 29 March, 2006: Signs of the environment impact on incoming global irradiance,
, Atmospheric Research, Volume 96, Number 1, p.131-140, (2010)
Identification of Saharan dust episodes over Italy in 2003-2005,
, HARMO 2010 - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, p.393-397, (2010)
Italian accelerometric archive: Geological, geophysical and geotechnical investigations at strong-motion stations,
, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 8, Number 5, p.1189-1207, (2010)
The landfill reinjection of concentrated leachate: Findings from a monitoring study at an Italian site,
, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 181, Number 1-3, p.962-968, (2010)
Large atmospheric shortwave radiative forcing by Mediterranean aerosols derived from simultaneous ground-based and spaceborne observations and dependence on the aerosol type and single scattering albedo,
, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Volume 115, Number 10, (2010)
Metal distribution in sediments from the Adriatic Sea,
, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Volume 92, Number 6, p.1065-1081, (2010)
The plant landscape of the imperial harbour of Rome,
, Journal of Archaeological Science, Volume 37, Number 12, p.3294-3305, (2010)
Quantification of Saharan dust contribution to PM10 concentrations over Italy during 2003-2005,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 44, Number 34, p.4181-4190, (2010)
Rating of mediterranean photochemical air pollution monitoring sites,
, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Volume 19, Number 9 B, p.1982-1988, (2010)
A review of the Neuropterida of Liguria (North-West Italy),
, Tenth International Symposium on Neuropterology, 12/2010, Piran, Slovenia, (2010)
Risks of water-borne disease outbreaks after extreme events,
, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Volume 92, Number 3, p.593-599, (2010)