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Filtri: Parola Chiave is Italy [Clear All Filters]
The Holocene record of environmental changes in the 'Stagno di Maccarese' marsh (Tiber river delta, central Italy),
, Holocene, Volume 22, Number 12, p.1461-1471, (2012)
Landslide HotSpot Mapping by means of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry,
, Environmental Earth Sciences, Volume 67, Number 4, p.1155-1172, (2012)
Long-term risk in a recently active volcanic system: Evaluation of doses and indoor radiological risk in the quaternary Vulsini Volcanic District (Central Italy),
, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Volume 247-248, p.26-36, (2012)
Mass balance of emerging organic micropollutants in a small wastewater treatment plant,
, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Volume 164, New Forest, p.345-356, (2012)
Nudging technique for scale bridging in air quality/climate atmospheric composition modelling,
, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 12, Number 8, p.3677-3685, (2012)
PM10-biogenic fraction drives the seasonal variation of proinflammatory response in A549 cells,
, Environmental Toxicology, Volume 27, Number 2, p.63-73, (2012)
Seasonal variability of tropospheric aerosols in Rome,
, Atmospheric Research, Volume 118, p.205-214, (2012)
Spatial and temporal heavy metal concentration (Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg, Fe, Mn, Hg) in sediments of the Mar Piccolo in Taranto (Ionian Sea, Italy),
, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Volume 223, Number 2, p.863-875, (2012)
Urban ecosystem services: Tree diversity and stability of tropospheric ozone removal,
, Ecological Applications, Volume 22, Number 1, p.349-360, (2012)
Visual lateralization in wild striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) in response to stimuli with different degrees of familiarity,
, PLoS ONE, 2012, Volume 7, (2012)
[Air pollution: the environmental factor with the highest health burden]. [Inquinamento atmosferico: il fattore ambientale con il più elevato impatto sulla salute.],
, Epidemiologia e prevenzione, Volume 35, Number 5-6 Suppl 2, p.115-117, (2011)
Awards for the sustainable management of coastal tourism destinations: The example of the blue flag program,
, Journal of Coastal Research, Number SPEC. ISSUE 61, p.378-381, (2011)
Conclusive remarks. Reliability and comparability of chlorophyll fluorescence data from several field teams,
, Environmental and Experimental Botany, Volume 73, Number 1, p.116-119, (2011)
Distribution of rare earth elements in marine sediments from the Strait of Sicily (western Mediterranean Sea): Evidence of phosphogypsum waste contamination,
, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 62, Number 1, p.182-191, (2011)
Emergy-based complexity measures in natural and social systems,
, Ecological Indicators, Volume 11, Number 5, p.1185-1190, (2011)
First national intercomparison of solar ultraviolet radiometers in Italy,
, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, Volume 4, Number 8, p.1689-1703, (2011)
Food partitioning and diet temporal variation in two coexisting sparids, Pagellus erythrinus and Pagellus acarne,
, Journal of Fish Biology, Volume 78, Number 3, p.869-900, (2011)
High geochemical background of potentially harmful elements in soils and sediments: Implications for the remediation of contaminated sites,
, Chemistry and Ecology, Volume 27, Number SUPPL. 1, p.131-141, (2011)
The holocene climatic evolution of mediterranean Italy: A review of the continental geological data,
, Holocene, Volume 21, Number 1, p.105-115, (2011)
Innovative non-animal testing strategies for reproductive toxicology: The contribution of Italian partners within the EU project ReProTect,
, Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Volume 47, Number 4, p.429-444, (2011)
An integrated geochemical and mineralogical approach for the evaluation of arsenic mobility in mining soils,
, Journal of Soils and Sediments, Volume 11, Number 1, p.37-52, (2011)
The June 2007 Saharan dust event in the central Mediterranean: Observations and radiative effects in marine, urban, and sub-urban environments,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 45, Number 30, p.5385-5393, (2011)
Large aerosol effects on ozone photolysis in the Mediterranean,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 45, Number 24, p.3937-3943, (2011)
Late Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Roman harbour of Portus, Italy,
, Journal of Paleolimnology, Volume 46, Number 2, p.243-256, (2011)