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The "one-out, all-out" principle entails the risk of imposing unnecessary restoration costs: A study case in two Mediterranean coastal lakes, Prato, Susanna, La Valle P., De Luca E., Lattanzi L., Migliore Giada, Morgana Josè Giancarlo, Munari C., Nicoletti L., Izzo G., and Mistri M. , Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 80, Number 1-2, p.30-40, (2014)
Physical forcing and physical/biochemical variability of the Mediterranean Sea: A review of unresolved issues and directions for future research, Malanotte-Rizzoli, P., Artale V., Borzelli-Eusebi G.L., Brenner S., Crise A., Gačić M., Kress N., Marullo S., M. d'Alcalà Ribera, Sofianos S., et al. , Ocean Science, Volume 10, Number 3, p.281-322, (2014)
Properties of agricultural aerosol released during wheat harvest threshing, plowing and sowing, Telloli, C., Malaguti Antonella, Mircea Mihaela, Tassinari R., Vaccaro C., and Berico M. , Journal of Environmental Sciences (China), Volume 26, Number 9, p.1903-1912, (2014)
Review of Italian experience on automotive shredder residue characterization and management, Cossu, R., Fiore S., Lai T., Luciano Antonella, Mancini G., Ruffino B., Viotti P., and Zanetti M.C. , Waste Management, Volume 34, Number 10, p.1752-1762, (2014)
The role of urban boundary layer investigated with high-resolution models and ground-based observations in Rome area: A step towards understanding parameterization potentialities, Pichelli, Emanuela, Ferretti R., Cacciani M., Siani A.M., Ciardini Virginia, and Di Iorio Tatiana , Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, Volume 7, Number 1, p.315-332, (2014)
Seasonal occurrence and adaptation of the exotic Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore (Hemiptera: Aphalaridae) in Italy, Laudonia, S., Margiotta M., and Sasso R , Journal of Natural History, Volume 48, Number 11-12, p.675-689, (2014)
Sensitivity of the atmospheric temperature profile to the aerosol absorption in the presence of dust, Go´mez-Amo, J.L., Di Sarra Alcide, and Meloni Daniela , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 98, p.331-336, (2014)
Source apportionment of particulate matter in a large city of southeastern Po Valley (Bologna, Italy), Tositti, L., Brattich E., Masiol M., Baldacci D., Ceccato D., Parmeggiani S., Stracquadanio Milena, and Zappoli S. , Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 21, Number 2, p.872-890, (2014)
Urban resource use and environmental performance indicators. An application of decomposition analysis, Zucaro, Amalia, Ripa M., Mellino S., Ascione M., and Ulgiati S. , Ecological Indicators, Volume 47, p.16-25, (2014)
Use of a reactive transport model to describe reductive dechlorination (RD) as a remediation design tool: Application at a CAH-contaminated site, Viotti, P., Di Palma P.R., Aulenta F., Luciano Antonella, Mancini G., and Papini M.P. , Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 21, Number 2, p.1514-1527, (2014)
Using a new incentive mechanism to improve wastewater sector performance: The case study of Italy, De Gisi, S., Petta Luigi, Farina R., and De Feo G. , Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 132, p.94-106, (2014)
Air pollution and mortality in twenty-five Italian cities: Results of the EpiAir2 Project [Inquinamento atmosferico e mortalità in venticinque città Italiane: Risultati del progetto EpiAir2], Alessandrini, E.R., Faustini A., Chiusolo M., Stafoggia M., Gandini M., Demaria M., Antonelli A., Arena P., Biggeri A., Canova C., et al. , Epidemiologia e Prevenzione, Volume 37, Number 4-5, p.220-229, (2013)
Air pollution and urgent hospital admissions in 25 Italian cities: Results from the EpiAir2 project [Inquinamento atmosferico e ricoveri ospedalieri urgenti in 25 città Italiane: Risultati del progetto EpiAir2], Scarinzi, C., Alessandrini E.R., Chiusolo M., Galassi C., Baldini Massimiliano, Serinelli M., Pandolfi P., Bruni A., Biggeri A., De Togni A., et al. , Epidemiologia e Prevenzione, Volume 37, Number 4-5, p.230-241, (2013)
Applying an operating model for the environmental risk assessment in Italian Sites of Community Importance (SCI) of the European Commission Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), Lener, M., Giovannelli V., Arpaia S., Baldacchino Ferdinando, Benedetti A., Burgio G., Canfora L., Dinelli G., Manachini B., Marotti I., et al. , Bulletin of Insectology, Volume 66, Number 2, p.257-267, (2013)
Assessing ozone and nitrogen impact on net primary productivity with a Generalised non-Linear Model, De Marco, Alessandra, Screpanti Augusto, Attorre F., Proietti C., and Vitale M. , Environmental Pollution, Volume 172, p.250-263, (2013)
Beryllium natural background concentration and mobility: A reappraisal examining the case of high Be-bearing pyroclastic rocks, Armiento, Giovanna, Bellatreccia F., Cremisini C., G. Ventura della, Nardi Elisa, and Pacifico R. , Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 185, Number 1, p.559-572, (2013)
Cell cycle alterations induced by urban PM2.5 in bronchial epithelial cells: Characterization of the process and possible mechanisms involved, Longhin, E., Holme J.A., Gutzkow K.B., Arlt V.M., Kucab J.E., Camatini M., and Gualtieri Maurizio , Particle and Fibre Toxicology, Volume 10, Number 1, (2013)
Determination of selected polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans in marine sediments by the application of gas-chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry, Guidotti, M., Protano C., Dominici C., Chiavarini Salvatore, Cimino N., and Vitali M. , Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Volume 90, Number 5, p.525-530, (2013)
Distribution and ecology of red algae in Italian rivers, Ceschin, S., Ricci S., Abati S., Bisceglie S., Minciardi Maria Rita, and Zuccarello V. , Fundamental and Applied Limnology, Volume 183, Number 3, p.223-237, (2013)
Environmental indicators in EpiAir2 project: Air quality data for epidemiological surveillance [Indicatori ambientali nello studio EpiAir2: I dati di qualità dell'aria per la sorveglianza epidemiologica], Gandini, M., Berti G., Cattani G., Faustini A., Scarinzi C., De Donato F., Accetta G., Angiuli L., Caldara S., Carreras G., et al. , Epidemiologia e Prevenzione, Volume 37, Number 4-5, p.209-219, (2013)
Estimate of surface direct radiative forcing of desert dust from atmospheric modulation of the aerosol optical depth, Di Sarra, Alcide, Fuà D., and Meloni Daniela , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 13, Number 11, p.5647-5654, (2013)
Fine carbonaceous aerosol characteristics at a coastal rural site in the Central Mediterranean as given by OCEC online measurements, Malaguti, Antonella, Mircea Mihaela, La Torretta Teresa M. G., Piersanti Antonio, Salvi S., Zanini Gabriele, Telloli C., Salfi F., and Berico M. , Journal of Aerosol Science, Volume 56, p.78-87, (2013)
Nitrogen budget in a lowland coastal area within the Po River Basin (Northern Italy): Multiple evidences of equilibrium between sources and internal sinks, Castaldelli, G., Soana E., Racchetti E., Pierobon E., Mastrocicco M., Tesini E., Fano E.A., and Bartoli M. , Environmental Management, Volume 52, Number 3, p.567-580, (2013)
Particle size, chemical composition, seasons of the year and urban, rural or remote site origins as determinants of biological effects of particulate matter on pulmonary cells, Perrone, M.G., Gualtieri Maurizio, Consonni V., Ferrero L., Sangiorgi G., Longhin E., Ballabio D., Bolzacchini E., and Camatini M. , Environmental Pollution, Volume 176, p.215-227, (2013)
Plant landscape and environmental changes recorded in marginal marine environments: The ancient Roman harbour of Portus (Rome, Italy), Pepe, C., Giardini M., Giraudi C., Masi A., Mazzini I., and Sadori L. , Quaternary International, Volume 303, p.73-81, (2013)