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Filtri: Parola Chiave is Italy  [Clear All Filters]
Neuropterida of the Abruzzo National Park, Italy, Letardi, Agostino, and Migliaccio E. , Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 2002///, Volume 48, p.149 - 154, (2002)
New data on the Holocenic sea-level rise in NW Sicily (Central Mediterranean Sea), Antonioli, F., Cremona Giuseppe, Immordino Francesco, Puglisi Claudio, Romagnoli C., Silenzi S., Valpreda E., and Verrubbi Vladimiro , Global and Planetary Change, Volume 34, Number 1-2, p.121-140, (2002)
New paleoseismological data from the Gran Sasso d'Italia area (central Apennines), Galli, P., Galadini F., Moro M., and Giraudi C. , Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 29, Number 7, p.38-1 - 38-4, (2002)
Platinum levels in natural and urban soils from Rome and Latium (Italy): Significance for pollution by automobile catalytic converter, Cinti, D., Angelone Massimo, Masi U., and Cremisini C. , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 293, Number 1-3, p.47-57, (2002)
A web page on Italian Neuropterida, Letardi, Agostino , Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 2002///, Volume 48, p.155 - 158, (2002)
What is the real name of the Italian Ascalaphid?, Pantaleoni, R.A., and Letardi Agostino , Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 2002///, Volume 48, p.253 - 264, (2002)
Analysis of heavy metals in atmospheric particulates in relation to their bioaccumulation in explanted Pseudevernia furfuracea Thalli, Bari, A., Rosso A., Minciardi Maria Rita, Troiani F., and Piervittori R. , Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 69, Number 3, p.205-220, (2001)
The Aquasave Project: An innovative water saving system in a residential building, Italy, Failla, B., Spadoni M., Stante Loredana, Cimatti E., and Bortone G. , IAHS-AISH Publication, Number 272, p.121-126, (2001)
Biological nutrient removal in a full-scale SBR treating piggery wastewater: Results and modelling, Tilche, A., Bortone G., Malaspina F., Piccinni S., and Stante Loredana , Water Science and Technology, Volume 43, Number 3, p.363-371, (2001)
Breakdown rates and macroinvertebrate colonisation of alder (Alnus glutinosa) leaves in an acid lake (Lake Orta, N Italy), before, during and after a liming intervention, Salmoiraghi, G., Gumiero B., Pasteris A., Prato Susanna, Bonacina C., and Bonomi G. , Journal of Limnology, Volume 60, Number 1, p.127-133, (2001)
Chemical features and seasonal variation of fine aerosol water-soluble organic compounds in the Po Valley, Italy, Decesari, S., Facchini M.C., Matta E., Lettini F., Mircea Mihaela, Fuzzi S., Tagliavini E., and Putaud J.-P. , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 35, Number 21, p.3691-3699, (2001)
The epicuticular wax of Laurus nobilis leaves as a passive sampler of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air, Marsili, M., Stracquadanio Milena, Trombini C., and Vassura I. , Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Volume 10, Number 1, p.26-30, (2001)