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Filtri: Parola Chiave is carbon [Clear All Filters]
Light remodels lipid biosynthesis in Nannochloropsis gaditana by modulating carbon partitioning between organelles,
, Plant Physiology, Volume 171, Number 4, p.2468-2482, (2016)
Particle deposition in a peri-urban Mediterranean forest,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 218, p.1278-1286, (2016)
A review of anaerobic side-stream reactor for excess sludge reduction: Configurations, mechanisms, and efficiency,
, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 46, Number 4, p.382-405, (2016)
Spatial variations in feeding habits and trophic levels of two small pelagic fish species in the central Mediterranean Sea,
, Marine Environmental Research, Volume 115, p.65-77, (2016)
Stoichiometric evaluation of partial nitritation, anammox and denitrification processes in a sequencing batch reactor and interpretation of online monitoring parameters,
, Chemosphere, Volume 164, p.488-498, (2016)
Broadband dielectric spectroscopy of composites filled with various carbon materials,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 63, Number 6, p.2024-2031, (2015)
Field calibration of a cluster of low-cost available sensors for air quality monitoring. Part A: Ozone and nitrogen dioxide,
, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 215, p.249-257, (2015)
Hydrogen storage properties of Pd-doped thermally oxidized single wall carbon nanohorns,
, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 645, Number S1, p.S485-S489, (2015)
Induction and repair of DNA DSB as revealed by H2AX phosphorylation foci in human fibroblasts exposed to low-and high-LET radiation: Relationship with early and delayed reproductive cell death,
, Radiation Research, Volume 183, Number 4, p.417-431, (2015)
Relationships between stability, maturity, water-extractable organic matter of municipal sewage sludge composts and soil functionality,
, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 22, Number 17, p.13393-13403, (2015)
Semantics-based services for a low carbon society: An application onemissions trading system data and scenarios management,
, Environmental Modelling and Software, Volume 64, p.124-142, (2015)
Bioethanol production from steam-pretreated corn stover through an isomerase mediated process,
, NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY, Volume 31, Number 2, p.185-195, (2014)
Characterization of biomasses in the southern Italy regions for their use in thermal processes,
, Applied Energy, Volume 131, p.180-188, (2014)
Heat-resistant unfired phosphate ceramics with carbon nanotubes for electromagnetic application,
, Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, Volume 211, Number 11, p.2580-2585, (2014)
Hydrogen production by water splitting on manganese ferrite-sodium carbonate mixture: Feasibility tests in a packed bed solar reactor-receiver,
, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 39, Number 36, p.20920-20929, (2014)
Modelling dispersion of smoke from wildfires in a Mediterranean area,
, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Volume 55, Number 1-4, p.219-229, (2014)
Epoxy composites filled with high surface area-carbon fillers: Optimization of electromagnetic shielding, electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties,
, Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 114, Number 16, (2013)
Fine carbonaceous aerosol characteristics at a coastal rural site in the Central Mediterranean as given by OCEC online measurements,
, Journal of Aerosol Science, Volume 56, p.78-87, (2013)
H15-95: Uncertainty factors in modelling dispersion of smoke from wild fires in a mediterranean area,
, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, HARMO 2013, p.362-367, (2013)
Particle size, chemical composition, seasons of the year and urban, rural or remote site origins as determinants of biological effects of particulate matter on pulmonary cells,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 176, p.215-227, (2013)
Steam gasification of waste tyre: Influence of process temperature on yield and product composition,
, Waste Management, Volume 33, Number 3, p.672-678, (2013)
Decolourisation of textile wastewater in a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor,
, Bioresource Technology, Volume 117, p.180-185, (2012)
In-situ X-ray diffraction study of the Li-alloying electrochemical process in a tin-carbon nanocomposite electrode,
, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, Volume 4, Number 2, p.132-135, (2012)
PM10-biogenic fraction drives the seasonal variation of proinflammatory response in A549 cells,
, Environmental Toxicology, Volume 27, Number 2, p.63-73, (2012)
Spatial and temporal heavy metal concentration (Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg, Fe, Mn, Hg) in sediments of the Mar Piccolo in Taranto (Ionian Sea, Italy),
, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Volume 223, Number 2, p.863-875, (2012)