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Controllable release from high-transition temperature magnetoliposomes by low-level magnetic stimulation, Spera, R., Apollonio F., Liberti M., Paffi A., Merla Caterina, Pinto Rosanna, and Petralito S. , Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Volume 131, p.136-140, (2015)
Development of SSR markers and genetic diversity analysis in enset (Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman), an orphan food security crop from Southern Ethiopia, Olango, T.M., Tesfaye B., Pagnotta M.A., Pè M.E., and Catellani Marcello , BMC Genetics, Volume 16, Number 1, (2015)
Dipotassium glycyrrhizate via HMGB1 or AMPK signaling suppresses oxidative stress during intestinal inflammation, Vitali, Roberta, Palone Francesca, Pierdomenico Maria, Negroni Anna, Cucchiara S., Aloi M., Oliva S., and Stronati L. , Biochemical Pharmacology, Volume 97, Number 3, p.292-299, (2015)
A draft genome sequence of an invasive mosquito: An Italian Aedes albopictus, Dritsou, V., Topalis P., Windbichler N., Simoni A., Hall A., Lawson D., Hinsley M., Hughes D., Napolioni V., Crucianelli F., et al. , Pathogens and Global Health, Volume 109, Number 5, p.207-220, (2015)
EDTA Chelating Process for Lead Removal: Evaluation of Approaches by Means of a Reactive Transport Model, Martorelli, E., Antonucci A., Luciano Antonella, Rossi E., Raboni M., Mancini G., and Viotti P. , Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Volume 226, Number 4, (2015)
Fabrication, Physico-Chemical, and Pharmaceutical Characterization of Budesonide-Loaded Electrospun Fibers for Drug Targeting to the Colon, Bruni, G., Maggi L., Tammaro Loredana, Canobbio A., Di Lorenzo R., D'Aniello S., Domenighini C., Berbenni V., Milanese C., and Marini A. , Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 104, Number 11, p.3798-3803, (2015)
A focused Real Time PCR strategy to determine GILZ expression in mouse tissues, Cari, Luigi, Ricci Erika, Gentili Marco, Petrillo Maria Grazia, Ayroldi Emira, Ronchetti Simona, Nocentini Giuseppe, and Riccardi Carlo , Results in Immunology, Volume 5, p.37 – 42, (2015)
Heavy metal modelling study over Italy: Effects of grid resolution, lateral boundary conditions and foreign emissions on air concentrations, Adani, Mario, Mircea Mihaela, D'Isidoro Massimo, Costa M.P., and Silibello C. , Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Volume 226, Number 3, (2015)
Induction and repair of DNA DSB as revealed by H2AX phosphorylation foci in human fibroblasts exposed to low-and high-LET radiation: Relationship with early and delayed reproductive cell death, Antonelli, Francesca, Campa A., Esposito G., Giardullo Paola, Belli M., Dini V., Meschini S., Simone G., Sorrentino E., Gerardi S., et al. , Radiation Research, Volume 183, Number 4, p.417-431, (2015)
Influence of the target tissue size on the shape of ex vivo microwave ablation zones, Cavagnaro, M., Amabile C., Cassarino S., Tosoratti N., Pinto Rosanna, and Lopresto Vanni , International Journal of Hyperthermia, Volume 31, Number 1, p.48-57, (2015)
An integrated approach for monitoring efficiency and investments of activated sludge-based wastewater treatment plants at large spatial scale, De Gisi, S., Sabia Gianpaolo, Casella Patrizia, and Farina R. , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 523, p.201-218, (2015)
L-GILZ binds p53 and MDM2 and suppresses tumor growth through p53 activation in human cancer cells, Ayroldi, E., Petrillo Maria Grazia, Bastianelli A., Marchetti M.C., Ronchetti S., Nocentini G., Ricciotti L., Cannarile L., and Riccardi C. , Cell Death and Differentiation, Volume 22, Number 1, p.118 – 130, (2015)
Life Cycle Assessment of Mixed Municipal Solid Waste: Multi-input versus multi-output perspective, Fiorentino, Gabriella, Ripa M., Protano G., Hornsby C., and Ulgiati S. , Waste Management, Volume 46, p.599-611, (2015)
Log-normality of indoor radon data in the Walloon region of Belgium, Cinelli, Giorgia, and Tondeur F. , Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 143, p.100-109, (2015)
Mass balance and life cycle assessment of the waste electrical and electronic equipment management system implemented in Lombardia Region (Italy), Biganzoli, L., Falbo A., Forte Federica, Grosso M., and Rigamonti L. , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 524-525, p.361-375, (2015)
Materials recovery from waste liquid crystal displays: A focus on indium, Fontana, Danilo, Forte Federica, De Carolis R., and Grosso M. , Waste Management, Volume 45, p.325-333, (2015)
Methodological issues about techniques for the spiking of standard OECD soil with nanoparticles: evidence of different behaviours, Miglietta, M.L., Rametta G., Manzo Sonia, Salluzzo Antonio, Rimauro Juri, and Di Francia G. , Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Volume 17, Number 7, (2015)
Metrics of ozone risk assessment for Southern European forests: Canopy moisture content as a potential plant response indicator, De Marco, Alessandra, Sicard P., Vitale M., Carriero G., Renou C., and Paoletti E. , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 120, p.182-190, (2015)
Microscopic processes ruling the bioavailability of Zn to roots of euphorbia pithyusa L. Pioneer plant, Medas, D., De Giudici G., Casu M.A., Musu E., Gianoncelli A., Iadecola A., Meneghini C., Tamburini E., Sprocati A.R., Turnau K., et al. , Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 49, Number 3, p.1400-1408, (2015)
Modelling wastewater treatment in a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor, Spagni, A., Ferraris M., and Casu S. , Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, Volume 50, Number 3, p.325-331, (2015)
A MSFD complementary approach for the assessment of pressures, knowledge and data gaps in Southern European Seas: The PERSEUS experience, Crise, A., Kaberi H., Ruiz J., Zatsepin A., Arashkevich E., Giani M., Karageorgis A.P., Prieto L., Pantazi M., Gonzalez-Fernandez D., et al. , Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 95, Number 1, p.28-39, (2015)
MUTYH mediates the toxicity of combined DNA 6-thioguanine and UVA radiation, Grasso, F., Ruggieri V., Luca G.D., Leopardi P., Mancuso Mariateresa, Casorelli I., Pichierri P., Karran P., and Bignami M. , Oncotarget, Volume 6, Number 10, p.7481-7492, (2015)
The patched 1 tumor-suppressor gene protects the mouse lens from spontaneous and radiation-induced cataract, De Stefano, Ilaria, Tanno Barbara, Giardullo Paola, Leonardi Simona, Pasquali Emanuela, Antonelli Francesca, Tanori Mirella, Casciati Arianna, Pazzaglia Simonetta, Saran Anna, et al. , American Journal of Pathology, Volume 185, Number 1, p.85-95, (2015)
Polymorphic solidification of Linezolid confined in electrospun PCL fibers for controlled release in topical applications, Tammaro, Loredana, Saturnino C., D'Aniello S., Vigliotta G., and Vittoria V. , International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 490, Number 1-2, p.32-38, (2015)
Potential of compost mixed with tuff and pozzolana in site restoration, Sbaffoni, Silvia, Boni M.R., and Vaccari M. , Waste Management, Volume 39, p.146-157, (2015)