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Pleural cancer mortality and compensated cases of asbestosis in Sardinia Region municipalities (1980-2000) [Mortalità per tumore maligno della pleura e casi indennizzati di asbestosi nei comuni della Sardegna (I 1980-2000).], Marinaccio, A., Altavista P., Binazzi A., Comba P., Mastrantonio Marina, Nesti M., Pasetto R., Scarselli A., Uccelli Raffaella, and Pirastu R. , Epidemiologia e prevenzione., Volume 29, Number 5-6 Suppl, p.57-62, (2005)
Predictions of mortality from pleural mesothelioma in Italy: A model based on asbestos consumption figures supports results from age-period-cohort models, Marinaccio, A., Montanaro F., Mastrantonio Marina, Uccelli Raffaella, Altavista P., Nesti M., Costantini A.S., and Gorini G. , International Journal of Cancer, Volume 115, Number 1, p.142-147, (2005)
Production of an engineered killer peptide in Nicotiana benthamiana by using a Potato virus X expression system, Donini, Marcello, Lico Chiara, Baschieri Selene, Conti S., Magliani W., Polonelli L., and Benvenuto Eugenio , Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Volume 71, Number 10, p.6360-6367, (2005)
A radio-frequency system for in vivo pilot experiments aimed at the studies on biological effects of electromagnetic fields, Ardoino, Lucia, Lopresto Vanni, Mancini S., Marino Carmela, Pinto Rosanna, and Lovisolo G.A. , Physics in Medicine and Biology, Volume 50, Number 15, p.3643-3654, (2005)
Sensitive parameters in predicting exposure contaminants concentration in a risk assessment process, Avagliano, S., Vecchio A., and Belgiorno V. , Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 111, Number 1-3, p.133-148, (2005)
Sequencing batch reactor performance treating PAH contaminated lagoon sediments, Giordano, A., Stante Loredana, Pirozzi F., Cesaro R., and Bortone G. , Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 119, Number 1-3, p.159-166, (2005)
Silencing of endogenous IGFBP-5 by micro RNA interference affects proliferation, apoptosis and differentiation of neuroblastoma cells, Tanno, Barbara, Cesi Vincenzo, Vitali Roberta, Sesti F., Giuffrida M.L., Mancini C., Calabretta B., and Raschellà G. , Cell Death and Differentiation, Volume 12, Number 3, p.213-223, (2005)
Structural organization of poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels obtained by freezing and thawing techniques: A SANS study, Ricciardi, Rosa, Mangiapia G., F. Celso Lo, Paduano L., Triolo R., Auriemma F., De Rosa C., and Lauprêtre F. , Chemistry of Materials, Volume 17, Number 5, p.1183-1189, (2005)
Study of the surface morphology of a cholesteryl tethering system for lipidic bilayers, Blasi, L., Pisignano D., Di Benedetto Francesca, Maruccio G., Ciccarella G., Maffei A., Vasapollo G., Cingolani R., and Rinaldi R. , Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, Volume 1714, Number 2, p.93-102, (2005)
T linearity of in-plane resistivity in Bi 2Sr 2CaCu 2O 8+δ thin films, Oh, S., Di Luccio Tiziana, and Eckstein J.N. , Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Volume 71, Number 5, (2005)
Towards a label-free optical porous silicon DNA sensor, Di Francia, G., La Ferrara V., Manzo Sonia, and Chiavarini Salvatore , Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Volume 21, Number 4, p.661-665, (2005)
Toxicity of tire debris leachates, Gualtieri, Maurizio, Andrioletti M., Vismara C., Milani M., and Camatini M. , Environment International, Volume 31, Number 5, p.723-730, (2005)
1800 MHz in vitro exposure device for experimental studies on the effects of mobile communication systems, Ardoino, Lucia, Lopresto Vanni, Mancini S., Pinto Rosanna, and Lovisolo G.A. , Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Volume 112, Number 3, p.419-428, (2004)
Absence of Genotoxicity in Human Blood Cells Exposed to 50 Hz Magnetic Fields as Assessed by Comet Assay, Chromosome Aberration, Micronucleus, and Sister Chromatid Exchange Analyses, Stronati, L., Testa Antonella, Villani Paola, Marino Carmela, Lovisolo G.A., Conti D., Fresegna A.M., and Cordelli Eugenia , Bioelectromagnetics, Volume 25, Number 1, p.41-48, (2004)
Analytical formulas for the below-cloud scavenging coefficient of an irreversibily soluble gas: A quantitative eveluation for HNO3, Mircea, Mihaela, Stefan S., Facchini M.C., and Fuzzi S. , International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Volume 21, Number 6, p.547-565, (2004)
Basal Cell Carcinoma and Its Development: Insights from Radiation-Induced Tumors in Ptch1-Deficient Mice, Mancuso, Mariateresa, Pazzaglia Simonetta, Tanori Mirella, Hahn H., Merola P., Rebessi S., Atkinson M.J., Di Majo V., Covelli V., and Saran Anna , Cancer Research, Volume 64, Number 3, p.934-941, (2004)
Biogenically driven organic contribution to marine aerosol, O'Dowd, C.D., Facchini M.C., Cavalli F., Ceburnis D., Mircea Mihaela, Decesari S., Fuzzi S., Young J.Y., and Putaud J.-P. , Nature, Volume 431, Number 7009, p.676-680, (2004)
Cardiopulmonary bypass in man: Role of the intestine in a self-limiting inflammatory response with demonstrable bacterial translocation, Rossi, M., Sganga G., Mazzone M., Valenza V., Guarneri S., Portale G., Carbone L., Gatta L., Pioli Claudio, Sanguinetti M., et al. , Annals of Thoracic Surgery, Volume 77, Number 2, p.612-618, (2004)
Cause-specific mortality in an area of Campania with numerous waste disposal sites [Mortalità per causa in un'area della Campania con numerose discariche di rifiuti.], Altavista, P., Belli S., Bianchi F., Binazzi A., Comba P., Del Giudice R., Fazzo L., Felli A., Mastrantonio Marina, Menegozzo M., et al. , Epidemiologia e prevenzione, Volume 28, Number 6, p.311-321, (2004)
Cell death in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Interplay between neuronal and glial cells, Ferri, A., Nencini M., Casciati Arianna, Cozzolino M., Angelini D.F., Longone P., Spalloni A., Rotilio G., and Carrì M.T. , FASEB Journal, Volume 18, Number 11, p.1261-1263, (2004)
Characterization of the complex locus of bean encoding polygalacturonase- inhibiting proteins reveals subfunctionalization for defense against fungi and insects, D’Ovidio, R., Raiola A., Capodicasa Cristina, Devoto A., Pontiggia D., Roberti S., Galletti R., Conti E., O’Sullivan D., and De Lorenzo G. , Plant Physiology, 2004, Volume 135, p.2424 - 2435, (2004)
Chemometric characterization of Italian wines by thin-film multisensors array and artificial neural networks, Penza, Michele, and Cassano Gennaro , Food Chemistry, Volume 86, Number 2, p.283-296, (2004)
Chitosan membrane: Tool for chromium (III) recovery from aqueous solutions, Pietrelli, L., and Xingrong L. , Annali di Chimica, Volume 94, Number 5-6, p.389-398, (2004)
DNA fragmentation induced by Fe ions in human cells: Shielding influence on spatially correlated damage, Antonelli, Francesca, Belli M., Campa A., Chatterjee A., Dini V., Esposito G., Rydberg B., Simone G., and Tabocchini M.A. , Advances in Space Research, Volume 34, Number 6, p.1353-1357, (2004)
The Effect of Zeaxanthin As the only Xanthophyll on the Structure and Function of the Photosynthetic Apparatus in Arabidopsis thaliana, Havaux, M., Dall'Osto L., Cuiné S., Giuliano Giovanni, and Bassi R. , Journal of Biological Chemistry, Volume 279, Number 14, p.13878-13888, (2004)