Produzione scientifica
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Filtri: Parola Chiave is Twentieth century [Clear All Filters]
Sea salt sodium record from Talos Dome (East Antarctica) as a potential proxy of the Antarctic past sea ice extent,
, Chemosphere, Volume 177, p.266-274, (2017)
Benchmarking Northern Hemisphere midlatitude atmospheric synoptic variability in centennial reanalysis and numerical simulations,
, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 43, Number 10, p.5442-5449, (2016)
Global assessment of heat wave magnitudes from 1901 to 2010 and implications for the river discharge of the Alps,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 571, p.1330-1339, (2016)
Strengthening of the hydrological cycle in future scenarios: Atmospheric energy and water balance perspective,
, Earth System Dynamics, Volume 3, Number 2, p.199-212, (2012)