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Efficient targeted multiallelic mutagenesis in tetraploid potato (Solanum tuberosum) by transient CRISPR-Cas9 expression in protoplasts,
, Plant Cell Reports, Volume 36, Number 1, p.117-128, (2017)
Molecular and biochemical characterization of a potato collection with contrasting tuber carotenoid content,
, PLoS ONE, Volume 12, Number 9, p.e0184143, (2017)
Development of SSR markers and genetic diversity analysis in enset (Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman), an orphan food security crop from Southern Ethiopia,
, BMC Genetics, Volume 16, Number 1, (2015)
The Patched 1 tumor-suppressor gene protects the mouse lens from spontaneous and radiation-induced cataract.,
, Am J Pathol, 2015 Jan, Volume 185, Issue 1, p.85-95, (2015)
The patched 1 tumor-suppressor gene protects the mouse lens from spontaneous and radiation-induced cataract,
, American Journal of Pathology, Volume 185, Number 1, p.85-95, (2015)
Clinical and molecular evidence for c-kit receptor as a therapeutic target in neuroblastic tumors,
, Clinical Cancer Research, Volume 11, Number 1, p.380-389, (2005)
Met proto-oncogene juxtamembrane rare variations in mouse and humans: Differential effects of Arg and Cys alleles on mouse lung tumorigenesis,
, Oncogene, Volume 24, Number 6, p.1084-1090, (2005)
Basal Cell Carcinoma and Its Development: Insights from Radiation-Induced Tumors in Ptch1-Deficient Mice,
, Cancer Research, Volume 64, Number 3, p.934-941, (2004)
Inhibition of both skin and lung tumorigenesis by Car-R mouse-derived cancer modifier loci,
, International Journal of Cancer, Volume 97, Number 5, p.580-583, (2002)
Genetic dissection of blue-light sensing in tomato using mutants deficient in cryptochrome 1 and phytochromes A, B1 and B2,
, Plant Journal, Volume 25, Number 4, p.427-440, (2001)