Produzione scientifica
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Filtri: Parola Chiave is Drops [Clear All Filters]
On the mitigation potential of higher urban albedo in a temperate oceanic metropolis,
, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 81, (2022)
Concerning operational aspects in supercritical water gasification of kraft black liquor,
, Renewable Energy, Volume 130, p.891-901, (2019)
Modelling of organic field effect transistors with inkjet printed poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): Poly(styrene sulfonate) electrodes: Study of the annealing effects,
, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Volume 13, Number 7, p.5175-5181, (2013)
Nile damming as plausible cause of extinction and drop in abundance of deep-sea shrimp in the western Mediterranean over broad spatial scales,
, Progress in Oceanography, Volume 91, Number 3, p.286-294, (2011)